Précédent Suivant


p. 457-474

Texte intégral

Aaron 54, 59, 81

Abba Maris 296–299

Abbasid Caliphate 87, 375, 406

Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan (Umayyad Caliph) 238

Abel 391–392, 396, 399, 401

Abraha 230, 232–234, 242, 247

Abraham 224, 246, 390

Abu Isa al-Isfahani 147

Abundantius 302–303

academy xvi, 90, 99, 101, 127, 130, 139–143, 146, 341, 349, 415–417, 421, 423–424, 426

Acts of the Apostles 223, 295

Acts 05\

34 294

Acts 10\

02 223

22 223

Acts 13\

16 223

26 223

46 223

50 223

Acts 16\ 14 223

Acts 17\

04 223

17 223

Acts 18\ 07 223

Acts 23\ 6–8 160

Acts of Thomas 345

Actus Silvestri 436

Adam 54, 389–393, 396, 398–400, 408

Adar 386

Aegean Sea 292, 326

Agag 386

Agapius of Manbij 398

aggadah 39, 78–79, 122, 127, 346, 417

Agobard 361

Agrigent 371

Ahasuerus 50

Ahimaʿaz ben Paltiel Megillat Ahimaʿaz 317, 436

Aksum 168–169, 188, 195, 232, 234, 247–248

Alahan 178

Alexander, Philip 83, 104–105

alluf 147

Alma 22

Alon, Gedaliah 34, 69

Amalek 48–49, 385–386, 388, 404

Amalfi 326

am ha-aretz 71, 74, 124–125, 346–347

Amidah (Eighteen Benedictions, Tefillah) 112, 422, 424

Amittay ben Shefatyah (paytan) 315

Amoraim 89–90, 123–124, 127, 342, 344

Amorites 390

Amram b. Sheshna 142

Amulo 361

Anan ben David 145–150 Book of Commandments 145, 147

Andalus, al- 329

Andrew of Crete 43

angel of death 416

Anisfeld, Rachel A. 112, 342

Annas 276–287

Anonymous Valesianus 14.81–82 370

Antigonus of Sokho 153, 158

Antioch 218, 222

Aphrahat 122–123, 344–345, 437 Demonstrations 122, 344

Aphrodisias 223

Apocalypse of Abraham 398

Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius 400

Apocalypse of the Strangers 398

apocalyptic 72, 86, 90, 108, 442

apocrypha 383

apostuli 306–307, 310

Arabia 165–167, 170–173, 175, 204, 209, 213, 216, 220, 222, 231, 234, 245–247

Arabic 154, 169–171, 173, 193, 198, 203–204, 209, 225, 362, 372

Arab-Muslim Tradition on South Arabia 166, 168–169, 172–173, 214, 231, 246

Aragon 329

Aramaic 39, 49, 77, 108, 110, 132–133, 135, 178, 183, 193, 199, 203–204, 206–207, 213, 332, 361–362, 365– 366, 375, 385, 435, 441

archisynagogue 126, 283–284, 293, 306

Archontics 394

Arculf 390

Arians, Arianism 171, 186, 280

Ark of the Covenant 388–390

Arles 329, 370

Armenia 187, 400

Ascension 363–364

Ashkelon 22

Ashkenaz xvi, 323–325, 329–330, 332–333

Asia Minor 223, 326

Atzeret 346

Audians 397–400

Augustine 282, 286, 437 Confessions 6.14 282

Austria 331

Avot de-Rabbi Nathan 153–154

Avot R. Nat. A 01 393

Avot R. Nat. A 36 346

Avot R. Nat. B 10 153

Avot R. Nat. B 33 79

Az be-En Kol (Avodah piyyut) 41

Babylonia xvi, xvii, 23, 34, 71, 90, 121–123, 125–128, 131, 135, 139, 149, 333, 343, 345, 366, 413, 422

Balkans 305, 326

baraita 344

Baraita de-Niddah 140

Baram 22

Barcelona 329

Bar Hebraeus 363, 398

Bar Kokhba Revolt 79, 220

Barsauma of Nisibis 363

Bati ben Tovi 125

Beer, Moshe 123, 127–128

Beeston, A. F. L. 230–231, 246–247

Benjamin al-Nahawandi 160–161

Benjamin (biblical patriarch) 50

Benjamin of Tudela 328

Benjamin the Doctor 124

Ben Sira 40

Bet Alpha 20, 22

Bet Midrash 73, 126, 134, 365, 417

Bet Shean 7–8, 22–23

Bet Shearim 204

Bible 24, 85, 133, 150, 154, 160–161, 169, 211, 222, 346, 365, 384, 390, 413, 415, 417, 421, 433

binitarianism 73, 77–78, 92, 111, 209

Binyamin of Caesarea 300

Bischoff, Bernhard 285–286

Black Sea 326, 330–331

Blau, Ludwig 78

Blessings Scroll (1QSb) 81

Boethus 153–154

Boethusians 154–155

Bogomils 395, 400, 402

Bohak, Gideon 72, 441

Bohemia 330

Book of Questions 398

Book of Strangers 398

Book of the Himyarites 170, 227

Boustan, Ra‘anan 88, 90–107, 349–350

Boyarin, Daniel 73, 77, 92, 111

Bradbury, Scott 284

Breviarius of Jerusalem 390

Brindisi 314, 436

Brodsky, David 344

Brown, Peter 30, 286

Brusciano 292, 296–297

Bulgaria 400

Burgundy 329

Byzantium 188, 229, 235, 310, 325– 328, 330–331, 375

Caesarea 300–301

Caesarea Maritima 301

Cain 391–397, 399–402

Cainites 394

Cairo Genizah 143–144, 157, 361–362, 372, 374, 439

calendar 36, 80–83, 363

Calomena 400

Cameron, Averil 368

Campania 295–296, 299

Canones Gelasio ascripti 275

Caria 223

Carolingian period 325, 329

Carthage 286

Cassiodorus 371 Historia Tripartita 9.37 371

Cassuto, Umberto 315

Catalonia 326, 329

Cathars 395, 400

catholicos 128, 130, 227

Catholics, Catholicism 280, 331

Caucasian Iberia 187

Cave of Treasures 382, 388, 390–391, 400–401

Cav. Tr. 23 389

Cav. Tr. 29\ 3–8 390

Cav. Tr. 50\ 20–21 389

Cav. Tr. 53\ 06 389

Caves Sect 156, 160–161

Chalcedonian Christianity 229

Champagne 329

Christ 49, 54, 196, 221, 232, 235, 367, 386, 389–390, 396

Christian Palestinian Aramaic 194, 203, 375

Christology 233

Chronicles (First Book of)

1 Chron. 01 20, 416

1 Chron. 21 390

Chronicles (Second Book of)

2 Chron. 3\

1 390

Chronicon Paschale 1.640 363

circumcision 122, 278, 360, 364, 367

Clement (First Epistle of)

1 Clement 3\


7 395

Clementine Romance (Homilies and Recognitions) 438

Clement of Alexandria 437

Clermont-Ferrand 370

Cohen, Shaye 34, 67–68, 109, 291–292, 298, 339

Collatio Legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum 284, 287

Cologne 325, 331

common Judaism 76, 91, 109, 112

commune Israel 178, 181–182, 200– 201, 231, 242, 250

complex common Judaism 76, 106

complex Judaism 76

Constantine 216, 276–278, 285

Constantinople 287, 440

Constantius II 171, 186, 216–218, 221, 278

Creator 160, 395–397, 400

Crimea 331

Cyprus 292

Dabbura 86

Damascus Document 157–158

CD III.19-IV.6 158

CD V.7–11 157

Daniel 20, 57

Daniel al-Qumisi 145, 160

Daniel (Book of) 57

Dan. 7 57

Dan. 7\

6 57

Dan, Joseph 349

Danube 330–331

David 54, 390

Dead Sea 204

De Altercatione Synagogae et Ecclesiae Dialogus 275

Deines, Roland 76

de Lange, Nicholas 439

demonology 132–133, 135

derekh eretz 425


Deut. 04\

15 414

24 414

Deut. 12\ 17 383

Deut. 14\ 29 418

Deut. 28\ 06 20

Deut. 30\ 12 82

Deut. 33\ 5 51–52

deuterosis 85, 439

devil 392–396, 402

Diaspora 20, 28, 67–68, 200, 284, 292, 294, 298, 324, 332, 439

Didache 437

Didascalia Apostolorum 437

didascalus 276–277, 279, 281, 284

Differences in Customs (Hilluf Minhagim/ Hilluqim) 23

Di Segni, Riccardo 360–361

doctor legis 284, 295

Doctrina Jacobi 438

Dome of the Rock 238

Donner, Fred 238–239

Dura 122, 126

Easter 363, 387


Eccl. 9\

7 423

Edessa 122

Edict of Milan 216

Edict of Serdica 216

Edom 386, 388

Egypt 154–155, 160, 169, 292, 305, 403

Eisenstein, J.D. 440

Eldad the Danite 140

Eliezer ha-Qappar 86

Elijah 384, 415

Elior, Rachel 80–84, 91–95, 98, 102, 104–107

Elman, Yaakov 124

En Gedi 20

England 326

Enoch 80–82

Enoch (Book of) 81, 161

1 Enoch 60\

5 194

Enochic Judaism 35

Ephesus 326

Ephraim of Bonn 42

Ephrem the Syrian 194, 437

Epicurean 209

Epiphanius of Salamis 85, 394, 398

Panarion 40.5–6 394

Panarion 70 398

epiqorsim 149, 209

Epistola Anne ad Senecam 285, 287

Esau 52, 386

Essenes xv, 205

Esther 384, 387–388

Esther (Book of) 50, 384–387

Est. 01\

07 303

Est. 03\

01 49, 386

07 386

12 387

Est. 04\

16 387–388

17 387–388

Est. 05\

01 387

04 387

08 387

14 384

Est. 07\ 09 384–385, 387

Est. 10\ 03 315

Ethiopia 170, 187, 231

Ethiopian Synaxarion 214

Eusebius of Caesarea 437

Euthymius Zigabenus 400–401 Dogmatic Panoply 400

Eutychius of Constantinople 387

Sermo de Paschate et de Sacrosancta

Eucharistia 4 387

Eve 392–393, 396–402, 408

evil inclination 416

Exaltation of the Cross 364–365

exilarch, exilarchate 122–123, 127– 131, 145, 352

Exile (Babylonian) 212, 352, 418

Exodus 403–404

Exod 04\

24 402

Exod. 05\ 02 403–404

Exod. 09\

15 403

16 403–405

27 404

Exod. 14 404

Exod. 14\ 28 404

Exod. 15\

02 47

04 404

11 403

19 404

Exod. 17 404

Exod. 17\ 14–16 49

Exod. 20\ 12–14 420

Exod. 32\ 04 160

Exod 33\ 19 194

Exod 34\ 06 194

Ezekiel 80, 158

Ezekiel (Book of) 95, 105

Ezek. 03\ 12 83–84

Ezek. 11\ 16 56

Ezek. 24\

11 54

Ezek. 44\ 15 158

Ezra 125

Ezra (Book of) 384

Ezra 6\ 11 384

Faustina (daughter of Faustinus) 306, 308–310

Fine, Steven 110

Fleischer, Ezra 41, 112

France 324–325, 329–332, 400

Friedheim, Emmanuel 79

Gabbatha 390

Gabriel 405–406

Gafni, Isaiah 127, 132, 339

Gager, John 359, 368

Gajda, Iwona 166

Galerius (Roman Emperor) 216

Galilee 22, 204, 212–213, 295, 365

Garden of Eden 402

Garrucci, Raffaele 307

Gatier, Pierre-Louis 218

Gaul 282, 304, 325, 329, 331

Gaza 22

Gehenna 415

Geiger, Abraham 406

Genesis 392, 396, 399, 408

Gen. 04\

01 392–395, 402

08–9 394

Gen. 22\

02 390

Gen. 27\

09 383

11 51

29 51

40 52

Gen. 36 161

Gen. 36\

12 386

Genesis Rabbah

Gen. Rab. 18\

6 393

Gen. Rab. 20\ 5 393

Geonic period, Geonim 23, 127–129, 139–141, 149, 154–155, 341–342, 372, 440

Georgia 187

Gerizim (Mount) 8

Germany 325, 329–331, 429

Gerona 329

get 373–374

Geʿez 170–171, 195, 197, 234–235

Ginzberg, Louis 144

Glaser, Eduard 197

Gnostics, Gnosticism 77, 92, 97, 102, 202, 383–384, 395, 397–398, 400–401, 403

God-fearers 122, 223–225, 241–242

Golden Calf 159

Golgotha 389–390

Goliath 385

Goodblatt, David 127

Goodenough, E. R. 34, 69, 78, 91–94, 97, 100, 106–107, 109, 111, 122

Gospels 228, 239, 360, 429

Goths 188, 304, 308

Grace after Meals (birkat ha-mazon) 129

Graetz, Heinrich 129

Gratian (Roman Emperor) 217

Great Genealogy of the Arabs 174

Greece 57, 326

Greek 28, 77, 108, 110, 168, 170, 172, 196, 200, 223–225, 228–229, 235, 237, 281–282, 294, 296–301, 303, 306–307, 309–310, 312, 332, 372, 385, 435, 437, 439

Gregory of Tours 370 Historia Francorum 5.11 370

Gregory the Great 304–305, 371

Epistulae 01.69 371

Epistulae 03.37 371

Epistulae 04.09 304

Epistulae 04.31–33 371

Epistulae 05.07–8 371

Epistulae 08.23 371

Epistulae 13.03 371

Epistulae 13.13 305

Guidi Letter 170

Habshush, Hayyim 197

haftarah 24

halakhah 8, 23, 40, 86, 92, 94, 97, 122, 156–159, 161, 316, 333, 342, 345, 347, 351, 366, 372, 374, 415, 417–420, 432

halitzah 372–373

Haman 49, 384–389, 391

Hamdani, al- 204, 243–245

Hammat Tiberias 20

hanif 231, 246

Hanina ben Dosa 133, 430

Hanukkah 48, 51, 364

Harbonah 384

Hasmonaean dynasty 435

Haywayhi of Balkh (Hiwi al-Balkhi) 140

Hayye (Hai) Gaon 149

hazzan 60, 199

Hebrew 20, 39–41, 44, 49, 57, 77, 85, 132, 177, 183, 193, 198–199, 202–203, 212–213, 294, 299–300, 302–303, 306–310, 312–316, 346, 361, 375, 385, 408, 413, 435, 440

Hebrews (Epistle to the) 390

Heb 9\

12 390

Hekhalot xvi, 42, 72, 74, 80, 82–84, 86, 88, 90–92, 94–107, 110–111, 350–351, 353–354, 444

Hekhalot Rabbati 343, 349

Sar ha-Torah 99, 101, 106, 343,

349–351, 354

Hellenistic Judaism 34, 75, 205, 333

Hengel, Martin 76

Heraclius 370

Hezekiah 417

Hezser, Catherine 37, 71, 74, 127

High Holy Days 44, 53

high priest 53–54, 58, 286, 388

Hijaz 173, 213, 220

Hijra 168, 174, 236

Himmelfarb, Martha 90

Himyar 165–169, 171–174, 176, 186– 188, 195, 203–206, 209, 212–214, 216, 219, 221–222, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232–235, 242, 245–248

Hippodrome of Solomon (Minor Midrash) 440

Hira, al- 226–227, 229, 242, 245

Holy of Holies 360, 366, 384, 388–391

Holy Sepulchre 391

Honi the Circle Drawer 430

Honorius (Roman Emperor) 274, 277, 280

Horvat Kur 434

Horvat Sumaqa 7

Huna bar Natan 129

Hungary 330–331

Huqoq 434

Iberian Peninsula 292, 325–326, 328

Ibn Abbas 405

Ibn Abd al-Barr 173

Ibn al-Nadim 399

Ibn Hazm 173

Ibn Kammunah 156

Ibn Qutayba 173

Iconium 326

idols, idolatry 71, 78–79, 285, 374, 386, 416, 418

Il 180, 191–192

Ilahan 177, 179, 192

Ilan 179–181, 183, 191, 193

Île-de-France 329

Illyria 281

Indiction 364–365

Ineffable Name 360

Iraq 141, 440–441

Irshai, Oded 89

Isaac 52, 389–390

Isaiah 417

Isaiah (Book of)

Isa. 06\

03 83–84

Isa. 10\

03 55

14 56

Isa. 13\ 12 299

Isa. 42\ 07 417

Isa. 43\

04 299

08 416

Isa. 52\

03 50

07 315

Isa. 66\

20 416

Italy 281–283, 291–292, 303, 305, 310, 313, 315, 325–328, 330–332, 375, 436–437

Jacob 52

Jacob of Serugh 171

Japhia 7

Jebus 390

Jellinek, Adolf 440

Jeremiah (Book of)

Jer. 02\

03 418

Jer. 31\ 02 418

Jer 51\ 05 53

Jericho 20, 23, 433

Jerome 85, 275, 437

Commentarium in Isaiam 66\

20 275

Jerusalem 7–8, 23, 44, 134, 145, 197, 202, 212, 238, 276, 296, 365, 375, 388, 415–417, 430

Jesus 87, 196, 234–235, 285, 340, 348, 360, 362–363, 365–367, 369, 385–391, 394, 399

Jewish Christianity xv, 67, 108, 360, 368–369, 375

Job (Book of)

Job 25\

2 315

John (Apostle) 396

John Chrysostom 359–360, 437 Adversus Iudaeos 359

John (First Epistle of) 394

1 John 3\

8–12 394–395, 397, 401

John (Gospel of) 77, 387, 394

John 06\

70 394

John 08\ 44 394–395, 397

John 18\ 28 389

John 19\ 13 390

John of Nikiu (Chronicle of) 170

Jonah 403, 407, 434

Jonah (Book of)

Jon. 1\

7 383

Joseph (king of Himyar) 169, 172, 178, 214, 226, 228–229, 232, 242

Josephus xv, 205, 223

Antiquities 11.246 385

Antiquities 11.261 385

Antiquities 11.266 385

Antiquities 11.267 385

Antiquities 11.280 385

Antiquities 14.110 223

Joshua ben Perahia 133

Joshua (Book of)

Josh. 1\

8 423–424

Jubilees (Book of) 81, 382, 401

Jub. 11\

05 160

11 160

Jub. 17\ 16 160

Jub. 18\

09 160

12 160

Jub. 48\

02 160

02–3 402

09 160

12 160

15 160

Judaea 51, 286, 293, 361

Judaeans 126, 200–201, 211–212, 214, 219–220

Judah ha-Levi 156 Kuzari 3.65 156

Judas 394

Judeo-Arabic 361–362

Judeo-paganism 79–80

Judeo-Syriac 365

Judgment Day 52, 57, 194, 209, 218–219, 238–239

Judith (Book of)

Judith 8\

18 78

Julianism 233

Justinian 85, 170, 310, 371, 439

Justinian Code

Cod. Just. 1.12.1 370

Cod. Just. 1.55.8 280

Justin Martyr 437

Juvenal 223 Satires 14.96–106 223

Kalendae 364

Kallah gathering 341

Kallah (tractate) 343–346, 348–349

Teaching 04 346

Teaching 16 347

Kalmin, Richard 125, 127, 339

Karaites xv, xvi, 86, 145, 147–150, 153–161, 317, 421, 440

Kashkar 126

kashrut 122, 124, 129–130, 224, 352, 360, 367

Khazars 323, 330, 332

Kiev 330

Kings (First Book of)

1 Kgs 7\

02 384

Klawans, Jonathan 83

Krauss, Samuel 363, 437

Krueger, Derek 41, 43–44, 46, 52, 54

Lactantius 285 Divinarum Institutionum 285

Lapin, Hayim 69, 74, 85, 90, 112, 291–292, 298

Latin 223, 285, 295, 299–303, 306–307, 309–310, 312–313, 364, 437

Law of Moses 52, 78, 92, 96–97, 211, 223–224, 284–285, 287, 294–295, 312, 347, 352–354

Lecker, Michael 240

Leges Visigothorum 12.3.20 373

Lehmhaus, Lennart 425

Lenhardt, Peter 41

Leon-Castile 329

Levi 81

Levine, Lee I. 109–112, 433


Lev. 03\

17 420

Lev. 06\ 06 414

Lev. 07\

25 420

26 420

Lev. 11\ 44 419

Lev. 18\ 13 157

Leviticus Rabbah 432

Lev. Rab. 2\

9 415

Lewin, Benjamin 144

Licinius 216

logos theology 73, 77–78

Lord of the Jews 178–179, 181, 200– 202, 210–211

Lord of the Sky 167, 176, 181–182, 191, 195, 201, 220, 233–234

Lord of the Sky and the Earth 178–180, 191, 206, 208

Lord of the Universe 195, 234

Lorraine 329

Luke (Gospel of) 223

Luke 5\

17 294

Luke 7\ 02 299

Lydda 79

Lyon 361

Maccabees 51

Maccabees (Fourth Book of) 392

4 Macc. 18\

7–8 392

magic bowls xv, xvi, 38, 87, 126, 131,

133, 135, 292, 441

MS 1929/6 134, 441

MS 2053/170 134, 441

Magness, Jodi 111

Magona 275–276, 283–284, 295

Maimonides, Moses 153, 165, 383

Commentary on the Mishnah


Epistle to Yemen 165

Guide of the Perplexed 155

Guide 1.61 383

Guide 1.70 383

Guide 1.71 154

Guide 2.26 383

Maine-Anjou 329

Malalas, John (Chronicle of) 170

mamzer 347–348

Mandaeans 395, 407

Mani, Manichaeism 202, 286, 395, 399, 407

Margalioth, Mordechai 374

Margoliouth, D. S. 230

Mark (Gospel of)

Mark 12\

18-27 153

Mar R. Elazar Alluf 147

Marseilles 305, 329, 370

Martyrdom of Arethas 170–171,


Paragraph 06 229

Paragraph 27 228

Martyrdom of Azqir 171, 214

Mar Uqba 129

Marutha 363

Mar Yehuda 125

Mary (mother of Jesus) 360, 366

Masoretic Text 402, 422

Mastema 159–160, 402

Masudi, al- 155

mathetes sofon 294

Matthew (Gospel of)

Matt 23\

15 86

Mazuz, Haggai 213

Mecca (Makka) 209, 219, 240, 246

Medieval Popular Bible 408

Medina (al-Madina) 174, 194, 213, 237, 242, 246, 248

Meerson, Michael 361–362, 365

Mehoza 124

Mekilta de-Rabbi Ishmael 405

Beshallah 1 194

Beshallah 6 404

Shirah 3 47

Mekilta de-Rabbi Simeon

Exod. 15\

1 194

Melchizedek 390

menorah 212, 308–309

Merit of the Fathers 53

Merkavah 80–81, 83, 104

Merot 20

Mesene 126

Mesopotamia 122–123, 213, 292, 310, 326

Messiah 141, 233–234, 348, 366, 416

Metatron 77

Michael the Syrian (Chronicle of) 170

Midrash xvi, 39, 47, 61, 112, 144, 342–343, 381, 393, 417, 432, 434–435

Midrash Jonah 434

Midrash of the Repentance of Jonah the Prophet 434

Midrash Psalms

Ps. 106\

5 404

Midrash Tanhuma 144 Lekh Lekha 144

mikrab 180, 183, 196–197, 199–200, 202, 206, 214

mikveh 340

Milan 282–283, 286

Milik, J. T. 160

Millar, Fergus 109, 312

Miller, Stuart S. 76, 106, 111

Mimouni, Simon C. 67–68, 84, 108– 109, 111

minim 71, 74, 124, 141, 146, 149, 209, 317

minimalism 34–35, 222, 225, 230–231, 233–235, 239, 241, 247

minimal Judaism 425, 432

Minorca 275–276, 283

Minor Midrashim 440

Miqtsat Maʿasei ha-Torah (4QMMT) 159

Mirsky, Aharon 57

Mishnah 39, 87, 122, 133–134, 146– 147, 209, 342–343, 346, 381, 404, 413, 415–425

m. Avodah Zarah 79

m. Avot 1\

03 153

m. Avot 4\

01 413

14 419

m. Hagigah 2\

01 xvi

m. Makkot 3\

15 420

m. Megillah 4\

04 24

m. Neziqin 365

m. Sanhedrin 04\

05 xvi

m. Sanhedrin 10\

01 84, 209

m. Yadayim 4\

08 404

m. Zevahim 5 134, 441

Monophysite (Miaphysite) Christianity 169, 229, 233

Montgomery, James 133

Mordechai 50, 384, 386–388

Moriah 390

mosaics xv, xvi, 22, 76, 79, 433–434

Moses 52, 85, 157, 369, 381, 402

Muawiyah I (Umayyad Caliph) 236

Muhammad 172, 194, 204, 209, 211, 219, 236, 238–242, 246, 405–406, 438

Münz-Manor, Ophir 49

Murashu archive 126

Mutazila 154–155, 158

Nag Hammadi Codices 396–397,


Apocalypse of Adam (NHC V.5) 397

Apocryphon of John (NHC II.1, III.1, IV.1) 396, 398–400, 402

Gospel of Philip (NHC II.3) 397

Hypostasis of the Archons (NHC II.4) 397, 402

On the Origin of the World (NHC II.5) 397, 402

Nahum (Book of)

Nah. 2\

1 315

Naiweld, Ron 89

Najran 167, 169, 171, 173, 178, 214–215, 226–227, 229, 233, 238, 243, 245

Naples 292, 295–298, 300, 303–305, 436

Narbonne 329

Natronai bar Emunah 140–141

Natronai bar Hilai 140, 146–147

Natronai bar Nehemiah 140–141

Natronai Gaon 140, 143, 146–148

Navarra 329

Naʿaran 20, 433

Nebuchadnezzar 385

Negus 168–169, 228, 232

Nehemiah 125

Neoplatonism 286

Nestorian Church (Church of the East) 169, 171, 227, 229–230, 233, 238

Nestorius 360, 363, 369

Neusner, Jacob 35, 85, 109, 121–123, 127, 339, 430

Nevoraya (Nabratein) 23

Newman, Hillel 374, 433

New Testament 122, 153, 160, 294, 394, 397, 401

Nicene Christianity 235, 276–277, 280

niddah 344

Nimrod 385

Nineveh 404–405, 407

Nippur 126

Nisan 386–388

Nisibis 122

Noah 224

Noahide Laws 224

Nola 296–297

nomodidaskalos 294–295

nomomathes 295

Nonnosus 170

Normandy 325, 329

North Africa 143, 281–283, 292, 300, 329, 331, 375, 438

Novella 146 85, 310–311, 439–440

Noy, David 281


Num. 24 49

Num. 24\ 20 49

Num. 35\ 07 416

Only God, The 183, 185, 193, 234

Oral Torah 82, 84, 123, 143–144, 154, 156, 381, 421, 423

Origen 437

Orosius 276

Owner of the Sky 184, 205, 220, 249

Owner of the Sky and the Earth 177, 181, 192, 249

pagans 71, 76, 78–79, 111, 132, 135, 216–217, 221, 247, 275, 279–280, 285–286, 303, 359, 364

Palaea Historica 401

Palestine xv, xvii, 8, 20, 23, 28, 34, 42–43, 61, 67–68, 71, 79, 87, 89, 111, 125–126, 139, 149, 204, 212, 284, 294–295, 299–300, 310, 324, 332–333, 343, 372, 406, 422, 432–434, 438, 440

Passion narrative 388–389

Passover 157, 294, 346, 363, 371, 386–389

Passover Haggadah 146

pater pateron 295

pater synagogion 294

patres synagogae 293, 306

patriarchate (Jewish) 89, 110, 310

Paul 360, 367, 369

Paulicians 400

Pentecost 169, 364

Persia 171, 188, 229, 369, 387

Pesiqta de-Rav Kahana 342, 432

Peter Damian 328 Against the Jews 328

Peter, Simon (Kephas) 360

Pharaoh 47, 385, 403–407

Pharisees xv, 86, 93, 121, 205, 294

Philipson, David 429

Philo 75, 77, 111

Philostorgius 171, 186, 221 Ecclesiastical History 3.4 221

Photius 170–171 Bibliotheca 3 170

Phundaitae 401

Piacenza Pilgrim 390

Pines, Shlomo 368

Pirqe de-Rabbi Eliezer xvi, 381–385, 388, 391, 393–397, 401–402, 406–408, 432

PRE 03 383

PRE 09 383

PRE 10 383

PRE 13 392

PRE 19 383

PRE 21 391

PRE 32 383

PRE 36 383

PRE 42 404

PRE 43 403–404

PRE 44 404

PRE 46 381

PRE 49 388

PRE 49–50 384

PRE 50 384, 388

Pirqoy ben Baboy 143–144

piyyut xvi, 33, 38–41, 44, 46–47, 49, 52, 54–55, 59–61, 72, 75, 85, 90, 105–106, 110, 340, 360, 362, 385, 435, 442

Avodah 44–45, 54, 58–59, 110

Malkhuyot 45–46, 52, 55

Qedushta 39

Reshut 41, 59

Shofarot 45–46, 54

Teqiata 45–46, 54, 58

Zikhronot 45–46, 52, 54, 57

pogroms 375

Poland 330

Pontius Pilate 389

priestly courses (mishmarot) 20, 76, 82, 202, 212

priestly Judaism 35, 72, 74, 80–82, 84, 87, 93, 95, 104–106, 108, 125, 205, 213–214, 442

Procopius of Caesarea 170, 303–304

Bellum Gothicum I.08.41 304

Bellum Gothicum I.10.24–26 304

Prophets 24, 423, 425

prostates 300–301


Prov. 21\

1 50


Ps. 034\ 04 48

Ps. 044\ 12 50

Ps. 068\ 28 50

Ps. 079\ 07 47

Ps. 082\ 01 56

Ps. 125\ 05 20

Ps. 136\ 25 418

Ps. 139\ 16 422

Ps. 145\ 19 315

Ps. 147\ 09 418

Puech, Henri-Charles 397

Pumbedita 124, 140

Purim 48–50, 385, 387

Put ben Yovianu of Lavello 313

Qedushah 82–83, 110, 112, 422, 425

Qillir, Eleazar 42, 60

Qirqisani, Yaqub al- 147–148, 156–158, 160

Qumran 80–84, 95, 102, 105, 156–161

Qurʾan xvi, 86–87, 194, 203, 211, 219, 225, 238, 241, 246, 405–407

Q 03\

079 438

146 86

Q 05\

32 xvi

44 86, 438

63 86, 438

65–66 239

Q 09\

31 86

34 86

Q 10\

90–92 405, 407

98 407

Rabbi Abraham 315

Rabbi Barukh ben Rabbi Yonah 314

Rabbi Julius 313

Rahman, al- 193–194, 237, 247

Rahmanan 176–181, 184, 193–195, 198, 200–201, 205–208, 210–211, 232–233, 247, 249

Rahmanism 230–231, 247

R. Akiva 347–349, 351

Rand, Michael 362

Rashi 383

Rav 125, 387

Rava 124, 129

Ravenna 273, 276–277, 280–284, 370

rebbi 292, 296, 298, 301–303, 312

rebbites 86, 306–307, 309–310, 312, 436

Red Sea 49, 169, 403–405

Reed, Annette Yoshiko 72, 74–76

Rehov 23, 86, 433

R. Eliezer ben Hyrcanus 347, 351, 381

responsa 140–143, 146–149, 432, 440

resurrection 153, 155–156, 158, 205, 207–209, 213, 219, 241–242, 360

Rippin, Andrew 231, 247

R. Ishmael xvi, 351

R. Joshua 126, 347

R. Judah 347, 404

R. Mattiah ben Heresh 293, 296

R. Nehemiah 404–405

R. Nehorai 415

R. Nehunya b. Haqanah 403

Robin, Christian 87

Roman Empire 121, 187, 216–217, 222, 247, 275, 326–327, 363–365, 375

Romanos Melodos 43, 52

Rome xvi, 52, 217, 280–281, 283–284, 286, 292–296, 306, 327–328, 386, 436

Rosh Hashanah 44–45, 57, 149, 363–365

Rothstein, Gustav 243

R. Simeon ben Shetah 365

R. Tanhuma 365

Rubin, Uri 246

Rulers (Archons) 396, 398–399

Russia 330

Rustow, Marina 440

Rutgers, Leonard 285–287

R. Yohanan 344, 392

Saadia Gaon 139–140, 148 Book of Distinction 148

Sabaic 192–193, 198–199, 203, 206–207, 225

Sabbath 80–81, 122, 142–144, 149, 204, 363, 422–425

Sabbatians 363

Sadducees xv, 74, 125, 153–161, 205, 213

Saklas 399

Samael 392–393, 402

Samaritans 8, 375, 407

Samuel ben Hofni 149

Samuel (First Book of)

1 Sam. 15 386

1 Sam. 15\ 08 49

1 Sam. 26\ 21 299

Samuel of Nehardea 123

Samuel (Second Book of) 2 Sam. 24 390

Sanders, E.P. 76

Sand, Shlomo 324

Sasanians, Sasanids 122–123, 125, 128, 130, 135, 171, 188, 213, 229, 242, 244, 345–346

Satan 393, 399

Satanael 400

Satlow, Michael 72–76

Schäfer, Peter 361–362, 365

Schechter, Solomon 157–158

Schiettecatte, Jérémie 200

Schiffman, Lawrence 159

Scholem, Gershom 91–92, 94–98, 102, 106–107

Schwartz, Seth 69, 71, 79, 85–86, 88, 99, 109–112, 340, 430, 436

Scripture 28, 123, 142, 146, 154, 160, 213, 404, 416–420, 422, 424–425

Second Temple period xv, xvi, 34, 76, 78, 80, 83, 93, 95, 112, 156–157, 159, 205, 213, 350, 352, 382–383, 418

Seder Eliyahu Rabbah xvi, 413–415, 421, 425, 432

SER 01 414, 422

SER 02 424–425

SER 06 424

SER 07 415

SER 10 415

SER 14 421

SER 15 417

SER 16 415, 419

SER 18 415, 425

Seder Eliyahu Zuta 425, 432

Seder Olam Rabbah 387

Seder Olam Zuta 128

Seert (Chronicle of) 170

Sefer ha-Maʿasim 372, 374, 376, 433

M25 373

M41 372

M42 373

M66 373

Seir the Horite 161

Seneca 286

Sennacherib 385

Sepharad xvi, 323, 329

Sepphoris 7, 20, 79

Septuagint 299, 402

Serenus (false Messiah) 141

serpent 392–393, 400, 402

Seth 399

Sethians 395

Severus of Minorca 275–276, 283–284

Letter on the Conversion of the Jews 275, 295, 370

Epistula 06 283

Epistula 24.2 276

Shabbatai Donnolo 316

Shahid Letter 170

II A 227

VI C 228

Shaked, Shaul 134

Shavuot 80–82, 157, 363–364

Shekhinah 351, 415

Shema 28, 424

Sherira Gaon (Epistle of) 127–129

shofar 44–45, 54–55, 149

ShUM communities 333

Sicily 331, 371

Sifre Deuteronomy

Sifre Deut. 80 296

Sifre Deut. 87 79

Silvester I (pope) 436

Simeon ben Gamaliel 415

Simeon of Beth Arsham 170

Simhat Torah 23

Simon, Marcel 359–360

Sinai 81, 187, 381, 392, 419–420

Sisera 385

Sivan 81

Smith, Morton 35, 78, 98–101, 106

Smyrna 326

Soferim (tractate) 24

Solomon 391

Solomon Luria (Maharshal) 23

Soloveitchik, Hayim 332–333

Song of Songs 57, 346

Song 1\ 6 57

Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice 81–83

Sophia 396

South Arabia xvi, 87, 167, 170, 189– 190, 195, 197, 200, 213, 234

Spain 143, 147, 276, 281–283, 292, 331, 362, 375

Stephen the Protomartyr 275

Stoicism 286

Stories of the Prophets 408

Stroumsa, Guy 368, 397

Sukkot 157, 346

Sulpicius Severus 273, 275 Chronica 2.3 273

Sura 140, 143

Susiya 22

Sussman, Jacob 159

Swartz, Michael 91, 98–102, 105–106, 110, 349

synagogal Judaism 67–68, 84, 107–112, 205, 442

syncretism 135

Synodicon Orientale 171

Syria 141, 167, 169, 229, 292, 298, 305

Syriac 122, 168–172, 194, 196, 203, 226, 229, 345, 362–364, 372, 382, 384, 389, 437

Tabari, al- 405

talmid hakham 294, 344, 346

Talmud xvi, 61, 71, 75, 79, 111, 126, 128–131, 146–147, 161, 342–343, 346, 348, 350, 352–354, 365, 393, 418

Talmud (Bavli) xvi, 87, 121, 124–127, 129–131, 133, 135, 194, 333, 340, 345–346, 387, 392–393

b. Avodah Zarah 22b 392

b. Avodah Zarah 28a 124

b. Avodah Zarah 76b 125

b. Baba Batra 29a 125

b. Baba Batra 36a 129

b. Berakhot 06a 56

b. Berakhot 17a 313

b. Berakhot 46b 129

b. Berakhot 50a 129

b. Berakhot 56a 125

b. Berakhot 58b 313

b. Berakhot 63a–b 126

b. Eruvin 39b–40a 129

b. Gittin 14a 125

b. Hullin 084a 124

b. Hullin 132b 126

b. Keritot 54a 125

b. Makkot 22b 124

b. Megillah 15a 387

b. Megillah 23a 24, 124

b. Megillah 24a 24

b. Menahot 16b 124

b. Pesah III 124

b. Qiddushin 39a 124

b. Qiddushin 49b 344

b. Sanhedrin 017b 124

b. Sanhedrin 043a 363, 387

b. Sanhedrin 099b–100a 124

b. Sanhedrin 100a 124

b. Sanhedrin 101a 346

b. Shabbat 114a 344

b. Shabbat 139a 126, 131

b. Shabbat 145b–146a 392

b. Sotah 09b 393

b. Sotah 10b 402

b. Taʿanit 10a 344

b. Taʿanit 22a 126

b. Yevamot 103b 392

b. Yoma 10a 126

Talmud (Yerushalmi) 24, 37, 194, 333

y. Avodah Zarah 4\ 4, 43c 79

y. Berakhot 9\ 2, 12c 415

y. Gittin 6\ 6, 48b 79

y. Megillah 4\ 3, 75a 24

y. Sanhedrin 1\ 2, 19a 126

Tannaim 82, 84, 122, 124–125, 133– 134, 343, 351, 382

Targum xvi, 24, 72, 75, 77, 90, 105–106, 110–111, 133, 194, 342, 402, 442

Targum Pseudo-Jonathan 393–397

Targum Sheni to Esther 303

Tarragona 281

Temple 23, 44, 47, 53–54, 56, 58–59, 76, 80, 82–83, 134, 197, 202, 204–205, 209, 212–213, 351–352, 360, 384, 389, 391, 418–419, 430

Temple Mount 389–390

Ten Martyrs 39

terefah 141–142

Tertullian 395, 437 De Patientia 5.15 395

Testament of Levi 81

Tetragrammaton 366, 395

Theodore bar Koni 398–399 Liber Scholiorum 11.63 398

Theodoret of Cyrrhus 399

Haereticum Fabularum Compendium

1.26 399

Theodorus of Minorca 276, 283–284, 295

Theodosian Code 49, 110, 278, 374, 385

Cod. Theod. 03.7.02 374

Cod. Theod. 16.5.42 280

Cod. Theod. 16.8.08 284

Cod. Theod. 16.8.18 49, 385

Cod. Theod. 16.8.22 284

Cod. Theod. 16.8.23 279

Cod. Theod. 16.8.24 274, 287

Cod. Theod. 16.9.03 277

Theodosius I 217, 277, 280

Theodosius II 218

Theodosius (pilgrim) 390

Theophanes the Confessor (Chronicle of) 170

Theophilus the Indian 171, 186, 214, 221

Theudas 294

Tiberias 79, 226, 365

Timothy (First Epistle of)

1 Tim. 1\ 7 294

Tishʿah be-Av 39

Titus 388

Toledot Yeshu xvi, 348, 359–362, 365–366, 372, 374, 376, 391

Anti-Acts 360, 362–363, 366

Helena recension 361–362, 365

Herod recension 361

Pilate recension 361

Strasbourg manuscript 362–363, 365

Torah 23–24, 51–52, 81–82, 89, 124, 126, 142, 145, 154, 160–161, 205, 209, 224, 239, 285, 346–347, 351– 354, 381–382, 414–420, 422–425


t. Arakhin 5\

9 79

t. Baba Qamma 9\

30 194

t. Sanhedrin 12 346

t. Sotah 4\

17-18 393

Trinity 177, 196, 208, 217, 233

Turks 330

Typicon of the Great Church 364

Tziduk Hadin 315

Umayyad Caliphate 372

Urbach, Ephraim 34, 349

Valens (Roman Emperor) 188

Valentinians 395

Van Bekkum, Wout 49

Vandals 296

Venice 326

Venosa 86, 281, 283, 292, 297, 305–306, 308–310, 312–313, 315, 317, 436

Venus (daughter of Abundantius) 301–303

Vidas, Moulie 91, 98–102, 105–106, 349

Visigoths 328–329, 331, 373

Volterra, Eduardo 285

Vulgate 295, 303, 310

Wadi Hamam 434

Wald, Steven 124

Watchers 80–82

wik settlements 326

Wilken, Robert 359–360

Williams, Margaret H. 308–309

Wisdom (Book of)

Wisdom 2\

24 395

Wissmann, Hermann von 166

Xuzestan 126

Yaakov the Heretic (Jacob the Min) 124

Yahalom, Joseph 40

Yaldabaoth 396, 399, 402

Yalqut Shimʿoni 383

Yannai 42, 60

Yaqubi, al- 173

Yathrib Document 219, 225, 238, 240, 242

Yefet ben Eli 159–161

Yehudai Gaon 140, 143

Yemen 165–166, 173, 175, 197, 203– 204, 207, 212, 214, 223, 242–245, 248

Yerushalmi, Y. H. 355

yeshiva 343, 349–352, 355, 440

Yom Kippur 44–46, 58–59, 362, 364–365, 388

Yose ben Yose 40, 42, 44–46, 53–55, 58, 60

Ahalelah Elohai 45–46

Anusah le-Ezra 45, 54

Asaper Gedulot 45

Atah Konanta Olam be-Rov Hesed 45

Azkir Gevurot Elohah 45

Efhad be-Maasai 45, 52

Eten Tehillah 45, 59

Yosef ibn Abitur 362

Yudghan 147

Zadok, Zadokites 153–154, 156–159, 161

Zealots 205

Zechariah (Book of)

Zech. 05\

03 160

Zech. 10\

01 424

Zerah the Ethiopian 385

zodiac 20, 76

Zohar 402


54a 402

Zoroastrianism xvi, 133, 135, 202, 345, 413–415

Zosimus (historian) 280 Historia Nova 5.46.2–4 281

Zuqnin (Chronicle of) 170

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