List of Contributors
p. 273-277
Texte intégral
1 Gregory Dart is a professor of English at UCL, London (UK). His research is centrally concerned with Romanticism, the City, and the history and development of the essay form from Montaigne to the modern period. His main academic project over the last few years has been a monograph called Metropolitan Art and Literature 1810-1840: Cockney Adventures (2012), a study of the development of new kinds of metropolitan art and literature in the years 1815-40. He is currently working on three volumes of a new six-volume Collected Edition of the Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, for which he is also General Editor.
2 Lily Dessau is a doctoral student and teaching assistant in Modern Literature at the Université de Genève. She is working on an ecocritical reading of later Romantic poetics, with a focus on John Clare, through sound and time.
3 David Duff is Professor of Romanticism at Queen Mary University of London and London Director of the London-Paris Romanticism Seminar. He is the author of Romance and Revolution: Shelley and the Politics of a Genre (1994), Romanticism and the Uses of Genre (2009), and a number of edited books including Modern Genre Theory (2000), Scotland, Ireland and the Romantic Aesthetic (with Catherine Jones, 2007) and The Oxford Handbook of British Romanticism (2018). He recently co-edited two special issues of Litteraria Pragensia on ‘Wordsworth and France’ (2017) and ‘Exiles, Emigrés and Expatriates in Romantic-Era Paris and London’ (2019). He is currently writing a book on the Romantic prospectus.
4 Laurent Folliot is an alumnus of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, where he has also taught, and Associate Professor at Sorbonne-Université. Since completing his Ph.D. on the landscape poetry of Wordsworth and Coleridge, he has published variously on English Romantic poetry, as well as on essayists and novelists of the period. He is also a translator.
5 Evan Gottlieb is a Professor of English at Oregon State University (US), where he teaches eighteenth-century and Romantic British literature as well as literary and critical theory. His most recent books are Engagements with Contemporary Literary and Critical Theory (2020) and Romantic Realities: Speculative Realism and British Romanticism (2016).
6 Ralf Haekel is Professor of English Literature at Leipzig University. In 2003 he received his Ph.D. from FU Berlin and in 2013 his Habilitation from Göttingen University. His main research interests are Romantic Studies, Early Modern Drama and Theatre, Irish Studies, and Media Theory. He is the author of The Soul in British Romanticism (2014) and editor or co-editor of four edited books, including the Handbook of British Romanticism (2017).
7 Nicholas Halmi is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Oxford University and Margaret Candfield Fellow of University College, Oxford. He is author of The Genealogy of the Romantic Symbol (2007) and editor or co-editor of four scholarly editions, including most recently the Norton Critical Edition of Wordsworth’s Poetry and Prose (2013). He received a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship for 2015-17 in support of his current project, a book on aesthetics and the sense of the past in western European culture from c. 1650 to c. 1850.
8 Paul Hamilton is Professor of English at Queen Mary, University of London. His last two books were Realpoetik: European Romanticism and Literary Politics (2013) and (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of European Romanticism (2016).
9 Sophie Laniel-Musitelli is Associate Professor at the University of Lille and a Junior Fellow at the Institut Universitaire de France. She is the author of “The Harmony of Truth”: Sciences et poésie dans l’œuvre de P. B. Shelley (2012), and of several articles and chapters on scientific discourse and literary writing in the works of Erasmus Darwin, William Blake, William Wordsworth, Percy B. Shelley, and Thomas De Quincey. She has edited Sciences et poésie de Wordsworth à Hopkins (Etudes Anglaises 2011), co-authored Muses et ptérodactyles: La poésie de la science de Chénier à Rimbaud (2013) and co-edited Romanticism and the Philosophical Tradition (2015) and Romanticism and Philosophy (2015).
10 Oriane Monthéard is Senior Lecturer at the University of Rouen-Normandie, where she teaches civilisation, translation, and literature. Her research primarily focuses on Keats’s work. She has published articles both on his poetry and his letters and has just published a book entitled Keats et la rencontre. She is co-editor of a volume on the translation and adaptation of sonnets in English and European literatures. Her research interests also include graphic novels and intermediality.
11 Martin Procházka is Professor of English, American and Comparative Literature, and Director of the Ph.D. program Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at Charles University, Prague. He is the author of Romanticism and Personality (1996), Transversals (2008), and Ruins in the New World (2012), a co-author of Romanticism and Romanticisms (2005), an editor of 17 collaborative books including Renaissance Shakespeare: Shakespeare Renaissances (2014), and the founding editor of an academic journal Litteraria Pragensia. He is Trustee of the International Shakespeare Association, member of Advisory Board of the International Association of Byron Societies and was Visiting Professor at the universities of Kent and Porto.
12 Laura Quinney teaches English and Comparative Literature at Brandeis. She is the author of three books of literary criticism and theory, most recently William Blake on Self and Soul (2010), and of two books of poetry, Corridor and New Ghosts (2008 and 2016).
13 Matthew Redmond is a Ph.D. candidate in the English Department at Stanford University. His research explores biopolitics, theories of influence, and literary transhistory in nineteenth-century American and British literature. He has published in The Edgar Allan Poe Review and ESQ.
14 Anne Rouhette is Senior Lecturer in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century British literature at the University of Clermont-Auvergne, France. Her main field of interest is women’s fiction from the late eighteenth and the early nineteenth centuries and she has published in particular on Mary Shelley, Frances Burney and Jane Austen. She also works on the theory and practice of translation.
15 Céline Sabiron is Associate Professor at the University of Lorraine (Nancy), France. She is the author of Écrire la frontière: Walter Scott, ou les chemins de l’errance (2016), and of several articles on Scottish literature and translation. Her latest publications include an edited EJES issue on ‘Decentering Commemorations’ (2020), and two edited volumes, the first one with Antonella Braida-Laplace and Sophie Laniel-Musitelli, (Inconstances romantiques: visions et revisions, 2019), and the second with Catherine Chauvin (Textuality and Translation, 2020). She is part of the AHRC-funded ‘Prismatic Jane Eyre’ project headed by Prof. Matthew Reynolds (Oxford University) and Dr. Sowon S. Park (University of California, Santa Barbara).
16 Mark Sandy is a Professor of English at Durham University, UK. He specializes in Romantic poetics and its legacies. Indeed, his interest extends to the imaginative and cultural legacies that Romanticism confers to the literary and cultural imagination of the late nineteenth century and beyond. His publications include a monograph on Poetics of Self and Form in Keats and Shelley (2005) and a second book-length study of Romanticism, Memory, and Mourning (2013). He has edited collections on Romantic Echoes in the Victorian Era (2008), Romantic Presences in the Twentieth Century (2012), and Venice and the Cultural Imagination (2012). He is currently editing a volume on Decadent Romanticism and researching a book on Transforming Romanticism: The Legacies of Romantic Poetics in Twentieth-Century American Literature. He is also a co-director of the Department’s ‘Romantic Dialogues and Legacies’ research group. He is an advisory board member of the inter-disciplinary Centre for Death and Life Studies based in Durham. He is also part of a national network on ‘Romanticism and Ageing, ’ involving Keele University, and the Universities of Lincoln and Nottingham. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the British Association of Romantic Studies (BARS) and the current editor of the Review for BARS.
17 Fiona Stafford is Professor of English Language and Literature at the University of Oxford. She has wide-ranging interests in Romantic period literature, archipelagic writings, nature writing, environmental humanities, and literature and the visual arts. She is currently working on the Romantic Period Volume of the Oxford History of English Literature. Recent books include Local Attachments (2010); Reading Romantic Poetry (2012); The Long, Long Life of Trees (2016); Jane Austen: A Brief Life (2017).

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