Table des matières
Adrian R. Morrison
ForewordRegina Botting
IntroductionI. Treatment of Infectious Diseases
1. Smallpox and After: An Early History of the Treatment and Prevention of Infections
- Smallpox
- Vaccination
- The Vaccine
- The Effects of Vaccination
- Sweden
- Bavaria
- Netherlands
- England
- Austria and Belgium
- The Attack on Vaccination
- The WHO Eradication Programme
- South America
- Africa
- Asia (Mainland)
- Indonesia
- Eradication
- The Scientific Origins of Immunisation
- Chicken cholera
- Anthrax
- An Anthrax Vaccine
3. Lockjaw: Prevalent but Preventable
- The Causative Organism
- Tetanus Toxin
- Tetanus Antitoxin
- Prophylaxis with Antitoxin
- Antitoxin Prophylaxis in Humans
- Therapy with Antitoxin
- Immunisation against Tetanus
- Preparation of Toxoid
- The Success of Tetanus Immunisation
- Neonatal Tetanus
- Management of Tetanus
- The Action of Tetanus Toxin
- Tetanus Today
II. Development of Life-saving Procedures
9. The Contribution of Animal Experiments to Kidney Transplantation
- Chronic Renal Failure
- Experiments in Transplantation
- Rejection
- Perfection of the Surgery
- The Mechanism of Rejection: An Immunological Phenomenon
- Prevention of Rejection: An Impossible Goal?
- The Identical Twins: A Vindication of the Surgery
- Whole Body Irradiation
- Success with the First Immunosuppressants
- Antilymphocyte Serum
- Tissue Typing
- The Future
III. Drugs for Organic Diseases