p. 327-333
Texte intégral
Abbas I 208, 219
abolition 113, 127, 130
absolutism 224
Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 167, 170
Accademia della Crusca 267, 272
Acosta, José de 48, 51
acoustemologies 6–7
Innu acoustemologies 21, 27
Jesuit acoustemologies 28
of slave ships 114
of the Black Atlantic 121
sovereign acoustemologies 17
affect 205, 217, 221, 225
Alfonso II d’Este 269
encounter with English 80
alphabets 171, 176, 180
alterity 216, 245, 247, 256, 287
Angèli da Barga, Pietro 210
antiphony. See call and response; See call and response
Ariosto, Ludovico
Orlando furioso 267, 269
Orlando furioso 214, 223
use of Tuscan 268
Aristotle 271
assimilation 102
ayacachtlis 41
Ballantyne, Tony 14, 33
bassadanza 254
Benavente, Toribio de. See Motolinía
Berns, Jörg Jochen 5
Bibbiena, Bernardo Dovizi da
La Calandria 259
Blackness 117, 139, 165
and affect 221–222, 245
as colonial contact zone 16, 35
Bramón, Francisco 60
Los Silgueros de la Virgen 62
Brookfield attack 99
buffoons 138, 162, 164
Buonaccorsi, Giovannino
authorship 138, 149, 165
musical training 142
painted depictions of 148
Sogno di Giovannino Moro 149, 163
Buonarroti, Michelangelo 202–203, 206, 211, 223
Burton, Antoinette 14, 33
Caccini, Francesca 202, 222
Il passatempo 223
La liberazione di Ruggiero dall’isola d’Alcina 204, 223
La Stiava 205, 213, 220
musical career 204
call and response 124
Canà 145, 163
Canon of Songs 185
feng 187
rhyme pronunciation 193
ya 185–186
capitalism 128, 131
captivity 100
among the Jesuits 102
and pedagogy 95
and sonic terror 86
captivity narratives 91, 102, 120, 130
incorporation of captives 89, 94, 102–103
Caralì (galley slave character) 146
Caralì (Medici slave) 145
Caribbean 132
Carnival 213, 221, 224
Florence 1607 201–202, 206
Mantua 1607 201, 224
Urbino 1513 240, 243, 257, 260
Castiglione, Baldassare 241, 244, 250, 255, 259
Il Cortegiano 255
castrati 155, 218
adoption of Nahua musical practice 38, 49
Catholic aurality 32
Catholic Mass 102
Catholic music among the Innu 25, 31
Cesare Borgia 243–244, 248
Champollion, Jean-François 169, 197
China 169, 197
Manchu conquest 183, 185
Qing Empire 168, 183, 192, 199
Chinese characters 174, 184, 196
classified rhymes 191, 194
pronunciation of 191
zhuan scripts 183
Christians 204, 209, 213, 222
Christine de Lorraine 202, 204, 206, 212, 222
Christmas 39, 51
Ciro 161
Cliff, Michelle 133
climate 171, 185
Clorinda 282
baptism 265, 271, 284
death 266, 280, 282, 284
voice 272, 278, 285, 287
wounding in the forest 286
colonialism 104
alphabetism 199
and the body 7, 35
commedia dell’arte 155, 223
Confucianism 185, 188, 193
learning of the mind 185
learning of the principle 188
Confucius 185, 187
Conquest of Mexico 38, 49
consort music 72
contact zone 7, 9, 14
conversion 27, 30, 141, 209. See also missionization
in New Spain 43, 62–63
of Nahuas 39, 44
Coptic 169, 197
Corai, Michelangelo 208, 210, 219
Cortés, Hernán 49
Cosimo I 207
Cosimo II 204, 206
Costa, Margherita 138, 164
Li buffoni 142
Costello, Ray 122
creolization 114, 123, 132
crusades 209, 221–222, 268
crusade narratives 214, 223, 225
Cugoano, Ottobah 120
Dana Jr., Richard Henry 119
Dante Alighieri 241, 269
death songs 92, 97
Deerfield raid 84–85
de Guignes, Joseph 168, 175
Descartes, René 4
De’ Sommi, Leone 247, 253, 255
dialects 137
in villancicos 39, 51
mestizo 51
of the Italian peninsula 268
slave gergo 155–156, 159
Diamond, Beverley 23
diaspora 132
Dillon, Elizabeth Maddock 113
Duan Yucai 196
Annotations of Explicating Glyphs and Analyzing Characters 184
dwarves 138, 144, 162, 164
early modernity 3, 5, 169 and phonography 200 as contact zones 7
effeminacy 216–217, 219
Egypt 197
Egypt-China hypothesis 170, 175, 184
Egyptian hieroglyphs 169, 197
Egyptology 168, 170, 174–175, 188
empiricism 109
England 68
Enlightenment 111, 122, 131, 133, 173
entertainment 69
country house entertainments 68, 73, 80
in the colonial context 75, 82
epic poetry 113, 128, 269, 272
of Western music 86
epistemology. See also acoustemologies
of Indigenous music 103
of racial capitalism 128
of Western music 103
Equiano, Olaudah 109, 117, 120
Eutichia 240, 244
evidential learning movement 184, 188, 192
exorcism 28
Falconbridge, Alexander 114, 127
Feld, Steven 6
fencing 256
Feng Menglong 192
Mountain Songs 186
Ferdinando I 203, 206–207, 210
Fernández, Gaspar 39, 50, 64
Jesós de mi gorazón 56
Tios mio, mi gorazón 56
Xicochi conetzintle 57
Ximoyolali, siñola 59
Ferrara 244, 253, 268
Florence 136, 141, 145, 224, 270
folksongs 168, 188, 192
forced singing 87, 91, 103
Forkel, Johann Nikolaus 198
France 197, 242
Francesca Maria della Rovere 250
Franceschini, Baldassarre. See Volterrano
Francesco I della Rovere 239, 243, 254, 260
Gabbiani, Anton Domenico 148, 163
Gamble, Samuel 115, 130
gender 15, 137. See also effeminacy; See also masculinity
in La Stiava 220
patriarchal structures 242, 247
sexual initiation 215
Gilroy, Paul 112, 122
Glissant, Édouard 121
Godfrey of Bouillon 210, 225
Gómara, Francisco López de 40
Historia General de las Indias 40
grammatology 181, 183
Grassi, Alessandro 136
Greece, ancient 174
Greek tragedy 249
Grenville, Sir Richard 75
Guidobaldo da Montefeltro 243
Gu Yanwu 190, 193
Gypsies 138
in ethnic villancicos 56
in opera 160
stereotypes 160
Habermas, Jürgen 112, 122
Hakluyt, Richard
Principall Navigations 69, 81
harmony 175
Harriot, Thomas 77
A Brief and True Report 80
Hartman, Saidiya 122, 130
Haudenosaunee 91, 97, 102
relations with the Innu 14
war cries 85
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 199
Herder, Johann Gottfried 198
Hispaniola 75
Homer 272
Honorable Entertainment at Elvetham, The 70
huéhuetl 40, 60
humanism 224, 241
hybridity 123
of Nahua and Spanish musics 49, 63
ideographs 188, 196
Il pazzo per forza 160
imperialism 101
Indian labor 39, 60, 63–64
adoption of Catholic practices 25, 31
dream listening 26
musical practices 14, 25, 31
relations with the French 17
shaking tent ceremony 13
intermedi 157, 203, 213, 244, 257, 259
interpellation 4–5, 140
Iroquois. See Haudenosaunee
Isabella d’Este 253
Italian 155, 163
Italian Wars 243, 257, 260
as personified character 257, 259
Italian peninsula 241, 258
personified character 240, 249
Jason (mythic hero) 258
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 167
Jerusalem 207, 221, 225, 271, 273
adoption of Innu practices 25
in China 170, 176, 180
in New France 14, 19, 24, 31, 102
in New Spain 41, 48, 60
Jesuit Relations 17, 24, 27, 31, 33, 96
Jiang Yong 194
Standards of Ancient Rhymes 192
Julius II 243, 259
kakushapatak. See shaman
kaozheng. See evidential learning movement
Kaplan, Paul 136
Kircher, Athanasius 168–169, 175
China illustrata 169, 181
Oedipus aegyptiacus 169
köçeks 219
laceration 246, 248, 256
Lafitau, Joseph-François 92, 97
laments 127, 216, 242, 245, 248–249, 254
La pellegrina 203
Latin 43, 268, 270
Le Jeune, Paul 13, 19, 22
Levine, Victoria Lindsay 22
Li Mengyang 188
as acoustemological practice 6
as scholarly practice 3
inquisitorial listening 9, 17, 30
listening to listening 16, 23
mediated listening 22
Livorno 145, 207
logographs 175, 180, 188, 194, 196
Manchu letters 183
Mantua 243–244
Martines, Lauro 242
Martinez, Gabriello 144
masculinity 205
in La Stiava 220, 225
maurophobia 205, 217, 220, 222
Medici court 143, 164, 202, 222–224
Medici, Giovan Carlo de’ 139, 164
Melani, Jacopo 159
Melville, Herman 107, 123
Benito Cereno 108, 122
Redburn 123
Mendieta, Gerónimo de 43
messenger scene 216
Mexico City 48, 60
Middle Passage 114
and Anglophone literature 130
captivity narratives of 120
commercial writing of 110, 126, 131
soundscape of 110, 124, 132
Mintz, Sidney 114
missionization 29
Moctezuma 40
modernity 8, 111, 126, 128, 225
Mohawks 98, 102
captivity practices 96
Monteverdi, Claudio 201
Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, il 225
Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda 265–266, 280, 282–283, 285
madrigals 283
Orfeo 225
Moors 213, 222. See also Muslims
Morales, Pedro 48, 51
moresche 218, 240, 252, 258
dance 254
history of the genre 213
in La Stiava 213
in Orfeo 225
sounds of 253
use of weapons in 253
within the intermedi of Eutichia 257
Moten, Fred 111
Motolinía 44
mourning wars 88
musical notation 3, 198
and song sticks 23
musicology 34, 137, 198
music theory 174, 187
Muslims 144, 209, 211, 216, 218, 221
in ethnic villancicos 56
Mustakeem, Sowande M. 113–114
portrayal in Jesuit literature 63
song and dance traditions 38, 42, 45
as dominant language in New Spain 43
in devotional music 39, 48, 52, 56
use in Catholic services 44
nationalism 70
New France 84, 91
New Spain
public festivals 38, 47, 51, 60
noise 121
and slave ships 108, 110
Nuna, Mary Madeline 20
Nurgaci 182
Chinese opera 168, 194
French opera 173
historiography of Italian opera 225
Italian opera 161, 167, 201, 203, 285
orthography 188
Osage 23
Ottoman Empire 202, 207, 213, 217, 224, 241
Panbollito 147
papacy 207, 259
Papacy 243
Paris 167
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista 167
Peri, Jacopo
L’Euridice 203
Pers, Ciro di 139, 163
Persia 204, 208, 220
Petrarch, Francesco 241, 268
Italia mia 248
Petrarchism 270, 284
Laura 275
philology 168, 192, 196
philosophy 168, 180, 197
phonographs 168, 183, 194, 196
phonology 169, 190
Picchena, Curtio 206, 211
pictographs 168, 175, 180, 183, 188, 194, 196
pipe and tabor. See tamburino
political enfranchisement 122, 131
Powhatans 76
Pratt, Mary Louise 7
Price, Richard 114
propaganda 210, 221
psalmody 84, 100
Puebla 50
Puebla de los Ángeles 39
Qianlong Emperor 193
Rhapsody of Mukden 183
Queen Elizabeth I 73
Querelle des Bouffons 167–168
race 115, 117, 137, 161–162, 225
in La Stiava 222
Radano, Ronald 114
Radisson, Pierre-Esprit 97, 101, 103
Rameau, Jean-Phillipe 175
rape 248, 257
Rath, Richard Cullen 110, 131
rebus 195, 197
Rediker, Marcus 117–118
Renaissance 268
residential schools 32
Rinuccini, Ottavio 139
Roman Empire 247, 249
Romano, Giulio 253
Romanticism 198
Rosetta Stone 168, 196
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 7, 184, 196, 198
critique of Rameau 175
Essai sur l’origine des langues 170
Sahagún, Bernardino de 38
Cantares mexicanos 47
Psalmodia Christiana 48
Romances de los señores de la Nueva España 47
Salviati, Lionardo 267
Saunders, George 118
Scatapocchio 143
Scipione in Cartagine 146
sea shanties 124
Seymour, Edward 71
Shakespeare, William 65
The Tempest 67
shaking tent ceremony 14, 21, 27
shaman 14, 20
sight 111
slave revolts 108, 117, 122, 131
slavery 225
Atlantic slave trade 109, 114
court slavery 163
in the Atlantic 222
in the Mediterranean 202, 204, 209, 211, 221
slave ships 130
architecture of 118
as conduits of sound 132
as percussive instrument 110, 115, 117, 132
baricado 117
Florentine galleys 146
slave songs 123
Snelgrave, William 117
sodomy 144
song record sticks 25
sound 2
acousmatic sound 4
acoustics 118, 173
and captivity 86
and subectivity 5
and the Middle Passage 111, 122, 132
as vibrational force 2, 6, 8
histories of sound 3
in Tasso’s poetry 271
sound design 220
sounds of war 278
sound studies 3, 112
sovereignty 247
acoustic sovereignty 5
Indigenous sovereignty 35
sovereign acoustemologies 17
Spain 242
spectacles 201, 206, 260
sprezzatura 255
staged combat 206, 211, 214, 223, 256
Stanfield, James Field 130
The Guinea Voyage 110
St. Hippolytus 49
stile concitato 219, 283
stile recitativo 140, 211, 213
Suleiman the Magnificent 207, 213
Szendy, Peter 3
tamburino 213, 252
Tancredi 266, 282, 287
Tasso, Torquato
Gerusalemme liberata 214, 223–224, 265, 267, 282, 288
La Cavaletta
Dialogo della Poesia toscana 271
use of Tuscan 271, 288
teponaztli 41, 48, 54, 60
Titian 245
Tocniuane touian 48
tocotines 63
portayal of Indian characters 63
Tomlinson, Gary 104, 271
torture 94, 99, 120
and mocking 99
Tovar, Juan de 41
Trois-Rivières 13, 18, 91
Turco, Maometto 144
Tuscan 268, 270
Tuscany 204, 223
alliance against the Ottoman Empire 208, 220
Urbani, Urbano 240, 246, 254
Urbino 240
during the Italian Wars 244, 248
Venice 160, 224
versi sciolti 141
Vida de San Ignacio 60, 63
ethnic villancicos 39, 56
ethnic villancicos” \r 51
generic conventions 53
in Catholic liturgy 51
portrayal of Indian characters 39, 50, 53, 60, 64
relation to Nahua song and dance 51, 54, 64
villancicos en indio 60, 64
Virgil 269
Aeneid 278, 282
Virginia 69, 74, 80
Roanoke 77
and trauma 247, 257
in Monteverdi’s music 283
in Rousseau 171, 175
voice types 219, 246
Volterrano 136, 148, 164
Wang Niansun 184, 194
Warburton, William
Divine Legation of Moses 180
Williams, John (Puritan minister) 84, 103
Williams, Roger (English colonist) 97
as sacked cities personified 242, 249, 257
and Atlantic slavery 111, 122, 127
as phonography 169, 171, 175
graphocentric paradigm 170, 184, 188
history of writing 168, 171, 176, 184
phonocentric paradigm 174, 191, 194, 200
Phonographic Revolution 168, 188, 196–197, 199
xinxue. See Confucianism
Xu Dachun
Transmitting the Voice of Ancient Music 193
Xu Shen 184, 196
Xu Zhen 176
Yong, Jiang 193
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