p. 283-292
Texte intégral
Abderhalden, Emil 85
Erich Retzlaff’s portrait of 88
Adorno, Theodor ix
advertising photography 15, 54, 140
aesthetic traditionalism 35
Ahnenerbe (SS Institute of Ancestral Research)
formation of 183
support for photographers of Ethnos 201
amateur photography and physiognomy 26
during the Second World War 53–54 popularity of colour 165
publications for during the Second World War 45
anthropometric photography 211
anti-fascism 38
anti-modernism x, 134
anti-rationalism 13
ariosophy 176
Aryan race xiii, 13, 88, 91–92
and the Atlantis myth 178, 192, 201
as Nordic-Atlanteans 181
divine origin of 175–176, 179, 201
Atlantis (illustrated magazine) 188
autobahn as a motif of modernity 11, 45
avant-garde xi, xii, 26, 35–36, 38–39, 66, 123, 248, 253, 258
avant-garde photography 26
avant-gardism 38
Barnack, Oscar 46
Battista della Porta, Giovanni, De Humana Physiognomonia (Of Human Physiognomy) (1586) 2
Bauer, Friedrich Franz 54, 200
Bauhaus 39–41, 43
Bayer-Hecht, Irene 43
Bayer, Herbert 39–41, 43
Benjamin, Walter vii, xi, xiii, 16, 103
‘Little History of Photography’ (essays, 1931) 66
‘Theories of German Fascism’ (review essay, 1930) vii
Bernays, Edward 45
biological hierarchy 64
biological materialism x
Blavatsky, Helena
and the Atlantean myth 178
theory of Root races 178
The Secret Doctrine (book, 1888) 178
Blood and Soil (Blut und Boden) 6, 8, 115, 252
Blossfeldt, Karl 124
Blühova, Irena 39
Bourke-White, Margaret 71
Brill, Fritz 43
Browne, Thomas 110
Burchartz, Max 40
Burte, Hermann 90
Camera Obscura 1
Capa, Robert 48
Carlyle, Thomas 62
Das Buch der hunderte Hände (The
Book of a Hundred Hands) (book, 1931) 20
Hände eine Sammlung von
Handabbildungen grosser Toter und Lebender (Hands: A Collection of Images of Hands of Great Dead and Living People) (book, 1929) 21, 22, 24
Clauss, Ludwig Ferdinand 26, 148, 226, 229
framing a ‘racial essence’ through photography 205
phenomenological observation in his work 227
Rasse und Seele (Race and Soul) (book, 1926) 227
Von der Seele und Antlitz der Rassen und Völker (On the Souls and Faces of Races and People) (book, 1929) 28
colour photography 34, 88
Agfacolor Neu 50–51, 71, 163, 170, 254
Agfa’s Photoblätter (Photo News) 165
Agfa’s Wolfen laboratories 50
as abstraction 51
as propaganda 50, 163, 170
development of 49
Duxochrome 51–52
dye transfer 51
in print 51
Kodachrome 49, 51–52, 170
tungsten film 51
Constructivist painting 36
Contax camera 47–48
Dachau xii
Darré, Richard Walther 80
role in the formation of the Ahnenerbe 183
Darwin, Charles
and the survival of the fittest 65
the theory of evolution 3
Das deutsche Lichtbild (The German
Photograph) (a photo annual) 26, 139
Der Untermensch (The Subhuman) (pamphlet, 1942) 160, 243
De Stijl 36
Deutsche Illustrierte (German Magazine) (picture magazine) xii
Deutsche Jugendbewegung (German Youth Movement) 117
Deutschen Bundes Heimatschutz (German Federation for Heimat Protection) 134
Deutschen Werkbundes (German Work Federation) 134
Deutschland Ausstellung (German Exhibition) (exhibition, 1936) 43
Die deutsche Donau (The German Danube) (book, 1939) 165
Döblin, Alfred 67, 102
documentary photography 4, 11–12, 71, 149, 201, 235
as fact and fiction 250
Domizlaff, Hans 45
East Germany 241
Eastman Kodak 46
Edda, the 196
Ehlert, Max 127
Ehrhardt, Alfred 41
Eickstadt, Egon von, Archiv für Rassenbilder (Archive of Racial Images) (book, 1926) 19
Emerick, Carolyn 199
Entartete Kunst (Degenerate Art Exhibition) (exhibition, 1937) 119
Entnazifizierung (denazification) 243
Ermanox camera 46
esotericism x, 65
Estorff, Gustav von 158, 160
ethnic cleansing 13
ethnography and photography 71
ethno-nationalism 10
European New Right 199
Evans, Walker 6
Evola, Julius 62, 66
Exacta camera 48
Expressionism ix
condemnation of by National Socialism 119
Farm Security Administration (FSA) 250
fascism, aesthetics of x, 84, 199
fashion photography 36
Faustian man 91
Feininger, Andreas 41
Fidus (Hugo Höppener), Lichtgebet (Light Prayer) (painting, 1894) 117
Film und Foto (Film and Photo) (exhibition, 1929) 39–40, 43, 248
fin-de-siècle ix
fine art photography 12
Finsler, Hans 44
First World War 53, 72
Treaty of Versailles 65, 72
Fischer, Eugen 4, 215, 221
destruction of the Lodz photographs 237
hereditary characteristics in families 205
photographing Jews in the Lodz ghetto 232
Rehobother Bastards study 215, 217
Fischer, Hans 85
Fraktur, use in nationalist photography books 120, 195
Franke, Gustav 64
Frankfurt School ix, 66
Frentz, Walter 51
Freytag, Heinrich 44
Frick, Wilhelm 80
Führerliste (The Leader’s list of exempt artists working for the war effort) 87
Furtwängler, Wilhelm 92
Gemeinschaft (community) 113
German identity 103
unification of in 1871 113
Gesellschaft Deutscher Lichtbildner (Society of German Photographers) 140
Gesellschaft (society) 113
Gestalt psychology 210
Gobineau, Arthur de 178
The Inequality of the Human Races (1855) 178
Goebbels, Joseph x, xi, 36, 56, 80, 147, 249
Erich Retzlaff’s portrait of 80
importance of photography in propaganda 137
monitoring of propaganda photography 54
Spanish Civil War propaganda 53
Goldberg, Emanuel
Goldberg Condition 47
Gorky, Maksim and class hatred 248
gothic-style print 97
Gottbegnadeten-Liste (Important Artist Exempt List) 87
Graeff, Werner 40, 44
Great Depression, the 6, 71
Greater Germany 191
Green Party 32
Grierson, John 251
Grimm, Emil 168
Gropius, Walter 39, 43
Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung (Great
German Art Exhibition) (exhibition, 1937) 119–120
Günther, Hans F. K. 4, 74, 88, 90, 148, 218, 221, 226, 232
deterministic view of race 223
Deutsche Köpfe nordischer Rasse (German heads Nordic race) (book, 1927) 4
Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes (Ethnogeny of the German Peoples) (book, 1922) 224
use of serialisation strategies 205, 224
visualisation of the Nordic prototype 224
Haack, Hans-Erich 84
Haeckel, Ernst 3, 65
Hahn, Otto 87
halftone 100
Hallensleben, Ruth 46
Hamsun, Knut 192
Häring, Hugo 44
Hartmann, Nicolai 87
Harz, Hermann 52
Hauptmann, Gerhart 85, 87
Heartfield, John (Helmut Herzfeld) 38
Heemskerck Düker, Willem F. van 189–190
Friesland-Friezenland (Frisia-Frisia) (book, 1942) 190
Zinnebeelden in Nederland (Symbols in the Netherlands) (book, 1940) 192
Heering, Walther 41
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 62
Hege, Walter 44, 50
Heidegger, Martin 252
Heimat (homeland) xii, 3, 9, 11, 109, 113, 117, 131, 168, 170, 184, 200
and craftsmanship 134
and identity 132
and nostalgia 132
rejection of cosmopolitanism 131
Heimatschutzbewegung (Homeland Protection Movement) 133–134, 139
Hemke-Winterer 200
Hermann, Rudolf 165
Hess, Rudolf viii, 80
Erich Retzlaff’s portrait of 80
Hierl, Konstantin 151, 158
Himmler, Heinrich 12, 80, 175, 183, 189, 201
and the Atlantean hypothesis 182
Erich Retzlaff’s portrait of 80
on the divine origin of the Aryan race 179
prologue to Der Untermensch (The Subhuman) (pamphlet, 1942) 245
reference in a speech to the Oera Linda Book 182
relationship to Hans F. K. Günther 223
support of Herman Wirth 181
Hindenburg, Paul von 79
Hitler, Adolf vii, viii, x, xi, 8–9, 11, 13, 32, 51, 53, 55, 61, 63, 67, 69, 79, 119–120, 140, 223, 231
and the ‘iron logic of nature’ 64
Mein Kampf 63
monitoring of propaganda photography 54
physiognomy of 79
special order of (Führerauftrag) 51
Hoffmann, Heinrich xii, 67, 127, 137 curatorial role 55
Das Antlitz des Führers (The Face of the Leader) (book, 1939) 68
Hitler Was My Friend (book, 1955) 69
Hitler wie ihn keiner kennt (Hitler as
No-One Knows Him) (book, 1933) 68
portrait of Hitler 79
Holocaust, the 32, 35
Huch, Ricarda 87
Husserl, Edmund 226
Ignatovich, Boris 248
Iron Curtain 52
Itten, Johannes 44
Jung, Carl Gustav 193
collective unconscious 196
the idea of the archetype 193
Jünger, Ernst 252
Krieg und Krieger (War and Warrior) (book, 1930) vii
Kesting, Edmund 43
Keyserling, Hermann 62
Kittel, Gerhard, collaboration with Eugen Fischer 218
Klages, Ludwig 87
Koch, Heinrich 44
Kodak 49
Kolar, Otto 200
Kolbe, Georg 87
Kolberg (film, 1945) 93
Kracauer, Siegfried ix, 36
Kranz, Kurt 40
Krukenberg, Hermann 25, 27
landscape photography 41
Langbehn, Julius, Rembrandt als Erzieher (Rembrandt as Educator) (book, 1890) 119
Lange, Dorothea 6, 71
Lang, Fritz ix
Laue, Max von 87
Lavater, Johann Kaspar 2, 110
Lebensreformbewegung (Life Reform Movement) 132
Lehmann, Julius Friedrich 78
Leica camera 47, 165, 254
Leitz Company 48
Lendvai-Dircksen, Erna x, 10–11, 50, 74, 100, 109, 115, 125, 137, 142, 169, 188, 198, 200, 236
approaches to portraiture 119, 144
approaches to representing age and gender 120, 145, 195
atavistic staging of her sitters 122
critique of an anthropological approach to photography 148
Das deutsche Volksgesicht. Flandern (The Face of the German Race, Flanders) (book, 1942) 147
Das deutsche Volksgesicht (The Face of the German Race) (book, 1932) 20, 97, 100, 103–104, 106, 127, 139–140, 146
early career 106
early life 140
financial support from the National Socialist state. 147
ideology in her work 125–126, 145, 168
melding of modernism and traditionalism 104
on cosmopolitanism 140
portrait of Käthe Kollwitz 106
portrait studio in Charlottenburg 140
Reichsautobahn Mensch und Werk (Reichsautobahn Man and Work) (book, 1937) 110, 127
technical sophistication in her work 113
traditional costumes in her work 141 understanding of physiognomy 110–111
Unsere deutschen Kinder (Our German Children) (book, 1932) 127
Lerski, Helmar x, 9, 103–104, 236
Köpfe des Alltags
unbekannte Menschen (Everyday Heads
Unknown People) (book, 1931) 5, 100, 198, 200
Ley, Robert 80
Liebenfels, Jorg Lanz von 178, 181
Lippmann, Walter 45
List, Guido von 176, 178
Lumière brothers 49
Luschan, Felix von 218, 221, 232
photographs of ‘types’ in ethnology and physical anthropology 205
Marey, Étienne-Jules 227
Martin, Rudolf 12, 205, 210–211, 217, 221, 226
anthropometric technique on prisoners of war and Jews 211
Marxism 64
Mendelian logic of traits 217
Meyer, Hannes 39
microfilm 53
modernism ix, x, 36, 54–55, 201
and monumentalism 44, 147, 161
Moholy, Lucia 44, 124
Moholy-Nagy, László 15–16, 19, 28, 38–39, 51, 123–124
‘From Pigment to Light’ (essay, 1936) 28
Malerie Fotografie Film (Painting Photography Film) (book, 1925) 40
Molzahn, Johannes 15, 19
Mosse, George L.
‘The Mystical Origins of National Socialism’ (essay, 1961) 175
Muche, Georg 44
Müffling, Wilhelm Freiherr von 78
Münchhausen, Börries von 87
Museum of Modern Art (New York), MoMA 39
Muybridge, Eadweard 227
Nachenius, Machteld 189
national romanticism 11
National Socialism
and autarky 65, 149, 163
and avant-gardism 35
and ‘degenerate art’ xi
and environmentalism 32
and irrationalism ix
and modernism 32, 34, 57
and ‘Natural Law’ 64
and neo-paganism viii
and propaganda x, xiii, 32, 34, 36, 39–40, 45, 69, 199
and the concept of ‘Jewish-Bolshevism’ x
and the concept of Jews as a Gegenrasse (counter-race) 223
and the concept of the ‘master race’ viii, 9
and the concept of the ‘subhuman’ x and the concept of the ‘superman’ 202 and the Führerprinzip (leader principle) 10, 61–63, 65–66, 69, 75, 93, 152
and the ideology of ‘blood and soil’ viii, xiii, 11, 115, 151, 170, 184
and the notion of the racial collective 71
and the ‘supernatural imaginary’ viii, xiii, 65, 174
and tradition 169
and wartime photographic propaganda in print 52–54, 56
cultural policies of xi
declaration of Totaler Krieg or ‘Total War’ 83
effect of its ideology on science 206
Gleichschaltung (co-ordination of culture) 10
Grenzwissenschaften (fringe science) viii
influence of its ideology on aesthetics 206
intellectual milieu 85
Kriegshilfsdienst KHD (War Auxiliary Service) 162
NS-Lehrerbundes (the National Socialist teachers association) 176
occult influences on 173, 175
Rassenpolitische Amt der NSDAP (Office of Racial Policy) 246
Reichsarbeitsdienst der weiblichen Jugend (Reich Labour Service of the Female Youth) (RAD/wJ) 152
Reichskulturkammer (Reich Chamber of Culture) 147
Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda) 56
Reichsschrifttumskammer (Reich Chamber of Literature) 147
Selbstgleichschaltung (self-coordination) 5, 8
the SS or Schutzstaffel 55, 64, 80, 147, 160, 191
visual culture in 123
National Socialism in the Netherlands Hamer Uitgeverij publisher 191
Naturschutzbewegung (Conservation Movement) 132
neo-classicism x
Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) x, 5, 124–126, 147
and August Sander 136
Neuner, Hein and Hannes 40, 43
New Vision 4, 10, 18, 32, 35, 38, 40–41, 43, 69, 124, 147, 253
and August Sander 136
Nietzsche, Friedrich
and the ‘last man’ 65, 91
and the superman or Ubermensch 65
Nordic race 4, 88, 90, 161, 196, 218
NS-Frauen-Warte (NS Women’s
Observer) (illustrated magazine) 75, 184, 195–196
influence on modernism ix
Odal (illustrated magazine) 75
Olympic Games (Berlin, 1936) 35, 43, 45 plans to film in colour 50
Oncken, Hermann 87
out of Africa theory, opposition to 176
Owens, Jesse 117
Pagenhardt, Eduard von 166
palingenesis 13, 66
paranormal milieu in Germany and Austria 174, 178
Peterhans, Walter 39, 41
Pfitzner, Hans 87
photo-book 192
photo-essay, development of 100, 115
photograms 124
photographic representations of the ‘other’ 144
photographic serialization 36
35mm cinematic application 49
and anthropology 3
and modernism 13, 34, 69, 125
as evidence 55
development of the 35mm camera 34, 38, 47–48
doubling technique 79
in picture series 38, 168
in print media 209
the invention of 1
veracity of 208
photography and race science 3, 205– 210, 215, 217–218, 221, 224–225, 227, 229, 231, 235–236
and the scientific method 232
establishing a protoype of the Volk 235
influence on National Socialism 28
photography of Ethnos (Heimat photography or völkisch photography) 7, 12–13, 133–134, 137, 139, 145, 162, 168, 175–176, 190, 196, 200, 246, 250–254
Ahnenerbe support for 184, 189–190 and the representation of gender roles 156
as an aspect of modernity 161, 170, 243
as a National Socialist photographic style 91
as a rejection of positivism 175
as identitarianism 202
as propaganda 161
as representation of ‘blood and soil’ 6, 8–10
atavism as an aesthetic approach 184, 192, 200, 202
influence of physiognomy on 200
occult influences on 173, 202
portraits as ‘archetypal imprints’ 193
post-war careers of the photographers 240–241, 252
post-war critical marginalisation of 254
photogravure process 97, 113, 139
photojournalism 34, 45–47, 49, 53, 160
photomontage 2, 38, 43
physical anthropology 12, 205, 210, 218
physiognomy 2, 110
affected by temperament 110
and aesthetics 66
and photography 8
and provenance 66
peasant as physiognomic motif 74, 109–110
physiognomic types 11
popularity in Germany 66
racial-physiognomic approach 74, 88, 90–92
use of during the Third Reich viii, xiii
Pictorialism 4, 6
Pinder, Wilhelm 87
Planck, Max 87
portrait photography 2, 26, 160
post-modernism 14
Pressa Exhibition, 1928 139
Purper, Liselotte 159
racial determinism 209
racial mysticism x
radical traditionalism 13
in photography 254
Raviv, Moshe 40
Reimann, Albert 44
Renger-Patzsch, Albert 45, 123–124
Retzlaff, Erich x, xii, 10, 50, 66, 69, 74–75, 78, 80, 85, 91, 127, 168, 175, 184, 189, 198, 200
Agfacolor, das farbige Lichtbild (Agfacolor, the Colour Photograph) (book, 1938) 71
Ahnenerbe support for 190
Das Antlitz Des Alters (The Face of Age) (book, 1930) 75, 186
Das Geistige Gesicht Deutschlands (The
Spiritual Face of Germany) (book, 1952) 241
Das Gesicht des Geistes (The Face of the Spirit) (book, 1944) 20, 83, 85, 90, 93
as Retzlaff’s physiognomic magnum opus 84
Die von der Scholle (Those of the Earth) (book, 1931) 75
early studios in Düsseldorf 72
Komm Spiel mit mir (Come Play with Me) (book, 1943) 83
Länder und Völker an der Donau
Rumänien, Bulgarien, Ungarn,
Kroatien (Land and Peoples of the Danube
Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Croatia) (book, 1944) 83
membership of the NSDAP 78
Menschen am Werk (People and Work) (book, 1931) 75
photographic style 69, 72
post-war work 241
representation of the ‘Nordic type’ 75, 78
technical innovations of 71
use of Agfacolor Neu 168
use of physiognomy 80, 186
Wegbereiter und Vorkämpfer für das neue Deutschland (Pioneers and Champions of the New Germany) (book, 1933) 80
work as radical traditionalism 91
work for the Andermann Verlag 83 work for the Metzner Verlag 83, 189
Retzlaff, Hans 11, 137, 158, 163, 190, 200, 241
approach to photography 169
Arbeitsmaiden am Werk (Labour Service Women at Work) (book, 1940) 137, 151, 154, 156, 158, 160–162, 169
atavistic staging of his sitters 142
ideology in his work 169
traditional costumes in his work 149
Wilhelm Decker, introduction to Arbeitsmaiden am Werk 151
Riedweg, Franz 147, 193
Riefenstahl, Leni xiii, 127
Olympia (film, 1938) 31, 117
Röhm, Ernst 80
Rolleiflex camera 48
roll film 38, 46, 48
romanticism x
romantic mysticism in photography 200
Römer, Willy 137
Rosenberg, Alfred 182
Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts (The Myth of the Twentieth Century) (book, 1930) 182
speculations about the origins of the Aryan race in Atlantis 181
Saebens, Hans 175, 190
photographic style and approach 186
Sander, August x, 4, 9, 66, 103, 111, 122, 250
Antlitz der Zeit (Face of Our Time) (book, 1929) 16, 67, 102, 104, 125
classification methodology 102
Menschen des 20. Jahrhunderts (Citizens of the Twentieth Century) 102, 136
possible influence on Erich Retzlaff 72
proscription during National Socialism 137
style and approach 136
use of typologies 104
Sauerbruch, Ferdinand 87
Schäfer, Wilhelm 87
Schawinsky, Xanti 43
Scheidt, Walter 231
Scheper, Hinnerk 43
Schilling, Heinar (Heinrich) 64
Schmidt, Joost 39, 43
Schmitt, Carl 63
Schultze-Naumburg, Paul 43, 133, 139
Kunst und Rasse (Art and Race) (book, 1928) 119
Schwindrazheim, Oscar 133, 139
Second World War xii, 61
destruction of German Cities during 55
displaced Germans 170
Propagandakompanien der Wehrmacht (Armed Forces Propaganda
Company - PK) 47, 53–54
propaganda sources 52
role of photography 34, 53
scarcity of paper in Germany during 54
SS-Kriegsberichter-Kompanie (Waffen-SS war reporters company) 54
US war propaganda 43
Seifert, Alwin 32
Seraphim, Peter-Heinz 231
Signal (illustrated magazine) 52, 75
slide film 51
social Darwinism 64
struggle and survival of the fittest 179
Socialist Realism 36
Socialist Realist photography 248
Sontag, Susan 84, 250
on Leni Riefenstahl 199
Soviet Union 52, 84, 241
and photography xiii
and propaganda 248
and the avant-garde 36, 66
Spengler, Oswald 91, 252
Srbik, Heinrich Ritter von 87
staged photography 175
Stankowsky, Anton 40
Strasser, Gregor 80
Strauss, Richard 87
Streicher, Julius 80
Surén, Hans, Der Mensch und die Sonne (Man and Sun) (book, 1925) 115, 117
Talbot, William H. Fox
The Pencil of Nature (book, 1844-46) 100
Taro, Gerda 48
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (film, 1920) ix
Theosophy ix
Thoma, Hans 145
Thule (Atlantis), lost civilisation of 202 as the Urheimat 175, 180
opposition to the idea of 182
Thule Society 78
Todt, Fritz 147
Tönnies, Ferdinand 113
totalitarianism 31
traditionalism x
Tritschler, Alfred 45, 47, 165–166
Trump, Georg 40
Tschichold, Jan 40
Typophoto 38–40, 43
Ufa 93
Unverzagt, Wilhelm 190
Urvolk (Germanic Ancestors) 178
Vögler, Albert 87
Volk 139
völkisch culture 3, 71, 198
and the theory of polygenesis 176
influence of Theosophy on 178
influence on broader German culture 12
influence on photography viii, 9, 74, 109
influence on science 236
rejection of cosmopolitanism 184
Volksgeist (spirit of the nation) 189
Volksgemeinschaft (the people’s community) viii, 5, 9, 90–91, 93, 152
Volkskörper (body of the nation) 139, 144, 156
Volk und Rasse (People and Race) (exhibition) (1934-1937) 246
Volk und Rasse (People and Race) (illustrated magazine) xii, 75, 144, 196, 253
Vömel, Alexander, Erich Retzlaff’s portrait of 72
Wagner, Richard x, 93
Gesamtkunstwerk 93
Wall Street Crash 57
Warburg, Aby 224
Weimar Republic viii, x, 117
and physiognomy 4, 9, 15–16, 18, 25–26, 74
and progressivism ix, 4
and the occult milieu ix, 21
artistic milieu 71
development of photography during 4, 10, 15
popularity of illustrated magazines 18
popularity of the photobook 100, 103
Western Esotericism 201
West Germany 10, 53, 84, 241
Weston, Edward 6
Wieland, Heinrich 87
Windisch, Hans 41, 50
Wirth, Herman 12, 175, 179
Der Aufgang der Menschheit (Ascent of Mankind) (book, 1928) 180
interest in the Oera Linda Book 180–181
Nordic-Atlantean hypothesis 180–181, 192
removal from the Ahnenerbe 183
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
idea of ‘family resemblance’ 224
Wittkugel, Klaus 40
Wolff, Paul 38, 45, 50, 165–166
and colour photography 170
and the Leica 137
Meine Erfahrungen... farbig (My Experiences... in Colour) (book, 1942) 165–166, 168
Meine Erfahrungen mit der Leica (My Experiences with the Leica) (book, 1934) 47
Wüst, Walther 183, 186
Zeiss Ikon 46
Zeit im Bild (Image of our Time) (film, 1942) 91
Zepp, Walter
Minox cameras 48
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