7.4 Threat: Transportation and service corridors
p. 440-441
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Likely to be beneficial
Install rope or pole (canopy) bridges
1One before-and-after study in Belize study found that howler monkey numbers increased after pole bridges were constructed over man-made gaps. Two studies in Brazil and Madagascar found that primates used pole bridges to cross roads and pipelines. Assessment: likely to be beneficial (effectiveness 50 %; certainty 50 %; harms 0 %).
No evidence found (no assessment)
3We have captured no evidence for the following interventions:
- Install green bridges (overpasses)
- Implement speed limits in particular areas (e.g. with high primate densities) to reduce vehicle collisions with primates
- Reduce road widths
- Impose fines for breaking the speed limit or colliding with primates
- Avoid building roads in key habitat or migration routes
- Implement a minimum number of roads (and minimize secondary roads) needed to reach mining extraction sites
- Re-use old roads rather than building new roads
- Re-route vehicles around protected areas
- Install speed bumps to reduce vehicle collisions with primates
- Provide adequate signage of presence of primates on or near roads.
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