URL originale : https://books.openedition.org/obp/17787
6.3 Threat: Energy production and mining
p. 376-377
Texte intégral
Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence)
Replace blocks of vegetation after mining or peat extraction
1• Plant community composition: Two studies, in a bog in the UK and a fen in Canada, reported that transplanted blocks of peatland vegetation retained their overall community composition: over time in the UK, or relative to an undisturbed fen in Canada.
2• Vegetation cover: One before-and-after study in the UK reported that bare peat next to translocated bog vegetation developed vegetation cover (mainly grasses/rushes). Sphagnum moss cover declined in the translocated blocks. One site comparison study in a fen in Canada reported that replaced vegetation blocks retained similar Sphagnum and shrub cover to an undisturbed fen.
3• Assessment: unknown effectiveness – limited evidence (effectiveness 60 %; certainty 35 %; harms 10 %). Based on evidence from: bogs (one study); fens (one study).
No evidence found (no assessment)
5We have captured no evidence for the following intervention:
- Retain/create habitat corridors in areas of energy production or mining.
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What Works in Conservation 2020
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