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1.11 Habitat protection

p. 44-45

Texte intégral


Trade-off between benefit and harms

Retain buffer zones around core habitat

1Two studies, including one replicated, controlled study, in Australia and the USA found that retaining unmown buffers around ponds increased numbers of frog species, but had mixed effects on tadpole mass and survival. One replicated, site comparison study in the USA found that retaining buffers along ridge tops within harvested forest increased salamander abundance, body condition and genetic diversity. However, one replicated study in the USA found that 30 m buffer zones around wetlands were not sufficient to protect marbled salamanders. Assessment: trade-offs between benefits and harms (effectiveness 50 %; certainty 50 %; harms 25 %).


Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence)

Protect habitats for amphibians

3One replicated, site comparison study in the UK found that statutory level habitat protection helped protect natterjack toad populations. One before-and-after study in the UK found that protecting a pond during development had mixed effects on populations of amphibians. Assessment: unknown effectiveness — limited evidence (effectiveness 51 %; certainty 31 %; harms 9 %).


Retain connectivity between habitat patches

5One before-and-after study in Australia found that retaining native vegetation corridors maintained populations of frogs over 20 years. Assessment: unknown effectiveness — limited evidence (effectiveness 60 %; certainty 31 %; harms 0 %).


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