Acknowledgements and Editorial Information
Texte intégral
1Our chief debt of gratitude is to the Yeats Estate over many years for granting permission (through A. P. Watt Ltd.) to use published and unpublished materials by W. B. Yeats. Many of our contributors are further indebted to the Yeats family and Estate for making unpublished materials available for study and for many other kindnesses, as is the Editor.
2A number of helpful librarians include Dr Declan Kiely of the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York; Professor Thomas F. Staley, Dr Cathy Henderson and Dr Richard Oram at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Austin; Catherine Fahy at the National Library of Ireland; all of whom have provided us with materials and research assistance. At the British Library, the Curator of the Macmillan Archive, Dr Elizabeth James, renders continuous assistance to the Editor, while the research librarians at the Robert W. Woodruff Library at Emory University are equally generous and prompt in recovering specialist materials. Christine Wise and Dr Karen Attar in Special Collections at the Senate House Library, University of London have also been unfailingly helpful. Many other scholars and librarians have been thanked within the compass of individual contributions to this volume. Riette Sturge Moore (who died in 1995) allowed us to use on the front board of Yeats Annuals a symbol adapted from Thomas Sturge Moore’s designs for the H. P. R. Finberg translation of Axël (1925). Linda Shaughnessy of A. P. Watt & Son, Professors Roy Foster, F.B.A. and John Kelly on behalf of OUP were most generous with permissions. Individuals, institutions and estates which gave permission for the reproductions of images in the Plate section are thanked within the legends. Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders, and while some images are by unknwon photographers, the editor would be grateful to acknowledge any omissions in the next issue.
3At Open Book Publishers, William St. Clair FBA, Rupert Gatti and Alessandra Tosi provided patient assistance and invaluable advice to facilitate our transfer to open access publishing. Members of the Advisory Board continue to read a large number of submissions and we are grateful to them, and also to Mr R. A. Gilbert and other specialist readers who offered valuable assistance. We remain grateful to Dr Conor Wyer and Miss Zoe Holman of the Institute of English Studies, and to Ms Kerry Whitston in the School of Advanced Study, for their work in setting the volume in Caslon SSi. Readers may recall that Caslon Old Face was the typeface which Yeats himself preferred for Cuala Press books.
4Deirdre Toomey as Research Editor of this journal continues to take up the challenges which routinely defeat contributors, finding innumerable ways to make good articles better by means of her restless curiosity and indefatigable reading. All associated with the volume (as well as its readers) continue to be grateful for her unavailing assistance.
5Contributions for Yeats Annual No. 19 are largely in place, and those for No. 20 should reach me, preferably by email, by 1 January 2014 at:
6The Institute of English Studies
7University of London,
8Senate House
9Malet Street,
10London WC1E 7HU
11United Kingdom
13Yeats Annual is offered to its publishers in camera-ready form. A style sheet, instructions for the submission of articles to the Editorial Board and consequent editorial procedures will be found at our website,, where it is also possible to find full information about, and to purchase, in-print numbers from the Yeats Annual backlist. The website is being further developed to complement the online and print availability of the current issues through
14Professor John Kelly of St. John’s College, Oxford is General Editor of The Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats. Later years of the letters are now available in the InteLex electronic edition, which presently includes only the first three fully annotated volumes as well as the ‘B’ text of all subsequent letters which have come to light. Priority in the publication of newly discovered letters remains, however, with the print-based volumes, the fifth of which is now in proof sat the Clarendon Press. The electronic edition will apparently continue to be updated to absorb the new materials. Colin Smythe (PO Box 6, Gerrards Cross, Bucks, SL9 8XA, UK, is completing his revision of the Wade-Alspach Bibliography for the Clarendon Press, while an authorised edition of Yeats’s Occult Diaries, 1898-1901 is being prepared for Palgrave Macmillan, again by Deirdre Toomey and myself. We continue to revise A. Norman Jeffares’ New Commentary on the Poems of W. B. Yeats. All the above would be very grateful to hear of new letters, and to receive new information from readers.
15We are grateful to receive offprints and review copies and other bibliographical information (acknowledged at the end of each volume).

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