Notes on the Contributors
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1Terence Brown is Professor Emeritus of Anglo-Irish Literature at Trinity College Dublin. He has published widely on Irish literary and cultural history: Northern Voices: Poets from Ulster and Louis Mac-Neice: Sceptical Vision (both 1975), Ireland: A Social and Cultural History (3rd ed., 2004) and The Literature of Ireland: Culture and Criticism (2010). His W. B. Yeats: A Critical Life appeared in 1999.
2Matthew Campbell is a Professor at the University of York, and author of Rhythm and Will in Victorian Poetry (1999), and editor of The Cambridge Companion to Contemporary Irish Poetry (2003). He co-edited Memory and Memorials, 1789-1914 Literary and Cultural Perspectives (2000) and Beyond the Pleasure Dome: Writing and Addiction from the Romantics (1994).
3Richard Allen Cave, Emeritus Professor of Drama and Theatre Arts at Royal Holloway, University of London. He has published extensively on aspects of Irish theatre, and edited the manuscripts of The King of the Great Clock Tower and A Full Moon in March (Cornell, 2007) and Collaborations: Ninette de Valois and W. B. Yeats (2008).
4Wayne K. Chapman is Professor of English at Clemson University, South Carolina, and author of Yeats and English Renaissance Literature (1991) and The W. B. and George Yeats Library: A Short-title Catalog (2006). He is editor of The South Carolina Review. He edited The Dreaming of the Bones and Calvary (Cornell, 2003) and co-edited the manuscripts of The Countess Cathleen for the same series (1999) and Yeats’s Collaborations: Yeats Annual No. 15 (2002).
5Sandra Clark is Professor Emerita of Renaissance Literature in the University of London, and a Senior Research Fellow in its Institute of English Studies. Her books include The Elizabethan Pamphleteers: Popular Moralistic Pamphlets, 1580-1640 (1984), Sexual Themes and Dramatic Representation (1994), Women and Crime in the Street Literature of Early Modern England (2003), and Renaissance Drama (2007). She has edited The Penguin Shakespeare Dictionary (1999). is Series Editor, Arden Shakespeare Dictionaries (2000-) and is currently preparing the third Arden edition of Macbeth (2014).
6Neil Corcoran is Emeritus Alfred Professor of English in the University of Liverpool. His publications include English Poetry since 1940 (1993), The Poetry of Seamus Heaney (1986; rev. and enl., 1998), Elizabeth Bowen: The Enforced Return (2004) and Shakespeare and the Modern Poet (2010). He has edited Do You, Mr Jones? Bob Dylan with the Poets and Professors (2002) and The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century English Poetry (2007).
7Matthew DeForrest is Associate Professor of English at Johnson C. Smith University, N. C. His Yeats and the Stylistic Arrangements of Experience appeared in 1998.
8Denis Donoghue is University Professor and Henry James Professor of English and American Letters at New York University. Among his many books are William Butler Yeats (1971), his edition of W. B. Yeats, Memoirs Autobiography: First Draft (1971), Thieves of Fire: The Promethean Imagination (The T. S. Eliot Lectures at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 1974), Ferocious Alphabets (1981), The Arts without Mystery (The Reith Lectures, BBC, 1982; 1983), We Irish: Essays on Irish Literature and Society (1988), Warrenpoint (1994), Being Modern Together (1991), Walter Pater: Lover of Strange Souls (1995), Adam's Curse: Reflections on Literature and Religion (2001). His On Eloquence is reviewed in this volume.
9Warwick Gould is Professor of English Literature in the University of London and Director of the Institute of English Studies in the School of Advanced Study. He is co-author of Joachim of Fiore and the Myth of the Eternal Evangel in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (2001), and co-editor of The Secret Rose, Stories by W. B. Yeats: A Variorum Edition (1992), The Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats, Volume II, 1896-1900 (1997), and Mythologies (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005). He has edited Yeats Annual since 1983.
10Nicholas Grene is Professor of English Literature and a Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. Among his books are Synge: a Critical Study of the Plays (1975), Bernard Shaw: a Critical View (1984), Shakespeare’s Tragic Imagination (1992), The Politics of Irish Drama (1999), Shakespeare’s Serial History Plays (2002), Yeats’s Poetic Codes (2008, reviewed in this volume). He has also edited or co-edited several works including J. M. Synge, The Well of the Saints (1982), Tradition and Influence in Anglo-Irish Poetry (1989), Shaw, Lady Gregory and the Abbey: a Correspondence and a Record (1993), Interpreting Synge: Essays from the Synge Summer School 1991-2000 (2000), J. M. Synge, Travelling Ireland: Essays 1898-1908 (2009), and Synge and Edwardian Ireland (2011). His childhood memoir Nothing Quite Like It was published in 2011.
11Joseph M. Hassett is a partner in a Washington law firm and the author of Yeats and the Poetics of Hate (1986) which grew from his UCD doctorate. His recent W. B. Yeats and the Muses (2010) is to be reviewed in the next volume of Yeats Annual.
12Seamus Heaney is the most renowned of contemporary Irish poets. He first achieved notice for Door into the Dark (1966), sand the most recent of his many volumes of poems is Human Chain (2010). The winner of many honours for his work, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995. He is also a prolific essayist and translator.
13K. P. S. Jochum is an Emeritus Professor of Universität Bamberg and the compiler of W. B. Yeats: A Classified Bibliography of Criticism (2nd ed., rev. and enlarged, 1990), of which he is currently preparing a new, online edition for InteLex. He is editor of The Reception of W. B. Yeats in Europe (2006).
14Neil Mann teaches at the Escuela Diplomática in Madrid. He has written primarily on A Vision and related matters, and maintains the website,, and a blog on aspects of A Vision, He has been involved with the exhibition on W. B. Yeats currently at the National Library of Ireland, and has written on manuscript notebooks for an associated book.
15Phillip L. Marcus is Professor Emeritus of English at Cornell University and Professor of English at Florida International University. He is the author of Yeats and the Beginning of the Irish Renaissance and Yeats and Artistic Power, and editor of The Death of Cuchulain: Manuscript Materials, co-editor of The Secret Rose, Stories by W. B. Yeats: A Variorum Edition, and co-general editor of the Cornell Yeats Series.
16Christopher Rush is a Scottish writer, and was for thirty years a teacher of literature. His books include Resurrection of a Kind (1984), A Twelvemonth and a Day (1985), Peace Comes Dropping Slow (1989), Into the Ebb (1989), Last Lesson of the Afternoon (1994), To Travel Hopefully (2006), Hellfire and Herring (2006), Will (2007), and Sex, Lies and Shakespeare (2009). A neighbour of Derry and Jeanne Jeffares on the Fife peninsula, he was Jeffares’ obituarist.
17Ann Saddlemyer has published extensively on Irish and Canadian theatre, and has edited the plays of J. M. Synge, Lady Gregory, and the letters between the founding Directors of the Abbey Theatre. She has edited The Collected Leters of John Millington Synge and her Becoming George: The Life of Mrs W. B. Yeats was published in 2002 and is reviewed in this volume. Her W. B. Yeats and George Yeats: The Letters was puiblished in 2011. In a long teaching career she has taught at the University of Victoria, B.C., was Berg Chair at New York University, and has been Director of the Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama and Master of Massey College in the University of Toronto.
18Ronald Schuchard is Emeritus Goodrich C. White Professor at Emory University and General Editor of The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot (forthcoming, Faber and Johns Hopkins). His books include The Last Minstrels: Yeats and the Revival of the Bardic Arts (reviewed in this volume) and Eliot’s Dark Angel: Intersections of Life and Art (1999). He co-edited vols. 3-5 of The Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats.
19Colin Smythe is presently working on a new bibliography of W. B. Yeats, correcting, enlarging and updating that by Alan Wade (3rd edition, 1968). He is General Editor of his publishing company's Irish Literary Studies Series (53 titles), and (with the late T. R. Henn) the Coole Edition of Lady Gregory's Works (16 volumes so far published), and with Henry Summerfield, the Collected Works of G.W.Russell (AE). He is also Sir Terry Pratchett's literary agent (and first publisher). He received an Hon. LLD from Dublin University for services to Irish Literature in 1998.
20Deirdre Toomey is editor of Yeats and Women: Yeats Annual No. 9 (1991), revised and augmented as Yeats and Women (Macmillan, 1997). She is co-editor of The Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats, Volume II, 1896-1900 (1997) and Mythologies (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).
21Helen Vendler is A. Kingsley Porter University Professor at Harvard University. Among her many books are Yeats’s Vision and the Later Plays (1963), Poets Thinking, Coming of Age as a Poet, The Art of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Her Our Secret Discipline: Yeats and Lyric Form (2007) is reviewed in this volume

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