Texte intégral
1 Robert Crellin (PhD, University of Cambridge, 2012) is a postdoctoral researcher on the project Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems (CREWS) in the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, where the focus of his research is West Semitic writing systems. He has also worked on the syntax and semantics of the verb systems in Ancient Greek and Latin, as well as the morphology of Semitic personal names in Greek.
2 Lucia Tamponi is a PhD student in the Department of Philology, Literature, and Linguistics at the University of Pisa. Her main research interests include the diffusion of the Latin language in Sardinia, especially in the light of its Romance evolution, with special focus on the linguistic analysis of graphemic alternations in the Latin inscriptions from the island. She has previously worked on the digitisation and analysis of Latin inscriptions from Rome and Italy included in the CLaSSES ( epigraphic corpus.
3 Peter Myers (PhD, University of Cambridge, 2019) is lecturer in Hebrew and Old Testament at the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology. He completed his PhD in Hebrew phonology and Greek transcriptions under the supervision of Prof. Geoffrey Khan. He is an ordained Anglican minister and a member of SIL.
4 Benjamin Kantor (PhD, University of Texas, 2017) is a postdoctoral researcher in Biblical Hebrew philology at the University of Cambridge. His PhD is in Hebrew Bible, with a dissertation on ‘The Second Column (Secunda) of Origen’s Hexapla in Light of Greek Pronunciation’. This was completed after receiving his BA in Classical Studies with an emphasis in Greek from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2012. He specializes in the historical phonology of Hebrew and Greek in Late Antiquity.
5 Dorota Molin is a PhD student (2018–2021) in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge, working on North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic. She obtained her MPhil degree in the same department, where her thesis concentrated on Biblical Hebrew quotations in the Aramaic incantation bowls in the context of Biblical Hebrew pronunciation traditions. She is interested in comparative dialectology and its contribution to understanding diachrony (e.g., grammaticalisation). She has also published on contact between Modern Hebrew and Negev Arabic and worked as a research assistant on a forthcoming Diplomatic Edition of Mishna-Codex Kaufmann (A50). She holds a BA degree in Hebrew and Arabic (Cambridge).
6 Benjamin D. Suchard (PhD, Leiden University, 2016) is the author of The Development of the Biblical Hebrew Vowels (Brill, 2019), an adaptation of his doctoral dissertation in Linguistics. He currently holds a Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) senior postdoctoral fellowship at KU Leuven (2019–2020, 2022– 2024) for a project on the interacting languages of the Biblical Aramaic consonantal text and reading tradition and a Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Veni postdoctoral fellowship at Leiden University (2019–2022) for a project on the linguistic status of Nabataean Aramaic.
7 Nick Posegay is a PhD student in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge, where he studies under Prof. Geoffrey Khan. His research examines the intellectual history of the medieval Middle East, focusing on contacts between the Arabic, Syriac, and Hebrew linguistic traditions.
8 Aaron D. Hornkohl (PhD, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2012) is the author of Linguistic Periodization and the Language of Jeremiah (Brill, 2013), a translated adaptation of his doctoral dissertation. He holds the positions of Hebrew Language Teaching Officer and Senior Research Associate in the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge, where he teaches modern and ancient Hebrew. His research is philological/linguistic in nature, focusing on ancient Hebrew, and encompassing diachrony and linguistic periodisation; syntax, pragmatics, and the verbal system; the Tiberian written and reading traditions and non-Tiberian Hebrew traditions; textual criticism and literary formation; and historical and contemporary exegesis.
9 Joseph Habib is entering his third year of PhD research at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Prof. Geoffrey Khan and co-supervision of Prof. Tamar Zewi (University of Haifa). The topic of his research is ‘Accents, Vocalisation, and qere/ketiv in the Bible Translations and Commentaries of Saadya Gaon and the Early Medieval Karaites’. This work is made possible thanks to a generous contribution from the Valler Doctoral Fellowship granted by the University of Haifa’s Department of Biblical Studies and Jewish History.
10 Vincent DeCaen (PhD, University of Toronto, 1995) has a doctorate in Near Eastern Studies. His dissertation, ‘On the Placement and Interpretation of the Verb in Standard Biblical Hebrew Prose’, was supervised by E.J. Revell. His research interests are the syntax and semantics of early Biblical Hebrew, with a focus on the finite verb, and the syntax-phonology interface, comprising the Tiberian Masoretic apparatus, the poetic accent system, and the related problem of poetic meter. His publications include book chapters as well as articles in the Journal of Semitic Studies, the Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, and Vetus Testamentum.
11 B. Elan Dresher (PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1978) is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the University of Toronto. He has published on phonological theory, learnability, historical linguistics, West Germanic and Biblical Hebrew phonology and prosody, and the history of phonology. His books include Old English and the Theory of Phonology (Garland, 1985) and The Contrastive Hierarchy in Phonology (Cambridge University Press, 2009). His research on Biblical Hebrew has focused on the prosodic and syntactic bases of the Tiberian system of accents, the stress system of Biblical Hebrew, and issues in the dating of Biblical Hebrew.
12 Kim Phillips (PhD, University of Cambridge, 2016) is a research associate in the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit in Cambridge’s University Library. His doctorate examined Abraham ibn Ezra’s commentary on the book of Isaiah— particularly Ibn Ezra’s controversial interpretation of chapters 40–66. His research interests include mediaeval Jewish biblical interpretation, Aramaic Bible translations, and all facets of Masoretic Studies. He teaches Hebrew and Hebrew Bible in Cambridge’s Faculty of Divinity.
13 Ben Outhwaite FRAS FSA (PhD, University of Cambridge, 2000) has been head of Cambridge University Library’s Genizah Research Unit since 2006, with responsibility for the study of the ca. two-hundred thousand manuscripts of the Cairo Genizah held there. His MA and PhD theses dealt with Medieval Hebrew linguistics and he has published on codicology, biblical manuscripts, and the history of Hebrew.
14 Estara Arrant received a MPhil in Islamic Studies and History from the University of Oxford in 2016. She is currently a PhD finalist in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge. She is a linguist of Semitic languages and a data scientist. Her research specialties include language contact in all Semitic languages, but especially between Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic; Hebrew and Arabic codicology and palaeography; the linguistic development and transmission of Semitic scriptural traditions; digital humanities; and applied data science for manuscript and language studies.
15 Geoffrey Khan (PhD, SOAS, 1984) is Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Cambridge. His research publications focus on three main fields: Biblical Hebrew language (especially medieval traditions), Neo-Aramaic dialectology, and medieval Arabic documents. He is the general editor of The Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics and is the senior editor of Journal of Semitic Studies. His most recent book is The Tiberian Pronunciation Tradition of Biblical Hebrew, 2 vols, Cambridge Semitic Languages and Cultures 1 (University of Cambridge & Open Book Publishers, 2020).
16 Élodie Attia (PhD, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 2008), is a CNRS Researcher at the Centre Paul-Albert Février TDMAM (UMR 7297) at Aix-Marseille University. Her field is the history of the medieval Jewish world and its culture, with particular focus on the study of Hebrew manuscript sources and codicology. She has recently edited The Masorah of Elijah ha-Naqdan (De Gruyter, 2015) and is Principal Investigator in the Manuscripta Bibliae Hebraicae Project, funded by the French ANR (2016–2020), which is dedicated to the material, cultural, and social meanings of early biblical manuscripts produced in Ashkenaz before 1300.
17 José Martínez Delgado (PhD, Complutense University of Madrid, 2001) is Associate Professor at the University of Granada and works on the Sciences of the Biblical Hebrew Language in al-Andalus (tenth–twelfth centuries). He has edited and translated Kitāb al-Mustalḥaq by Ibn Janāḥ of Cordoba (Brill, 2020), Un manual judeo-árabe de métrica hebrea andalusí (UCO Press CNERU-CSIC, 2017), and Kitāb al-Taysīr by Shelomo b. Ṣaʿīr (Universidad de Granada, 2010).
18 Michael Rand (PhD, New York University, 2003) is Lecturer in Hebrew and Aramaic at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies of the University of Cambridge. He specializes in Medieval Hebrew poetry, in particular piyyuṭ and maqāma. His most recent monograph is The Evolution of Al-Ḥarizi’s Taḥkemoni (Brill, 2018).

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Studies in Semitic Vocalisation and Reading Traditions
Aaron D. Hornkohl et Geoffrey Khan (dir.)
Diversity and Rabbinization
Jewish Texts and Societies between 400 and 1,000 CE
Gavin McDowell, Ron Naiweld et Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra (dir.)