Table des matières
Daniel Trottier, Rashid Gabdulhakov et Qian Huang
Introducing Vigilant AudiencesSimone Driessen
‘For the Greater Good?’Vigilantism in Online Pop Culture Fandoms
- Introduction
- Purpose
- Understanding Fan Practices as Modes of Vigilantism
- Challenged Doxas and Fan Policing
- Trolling
- Totemic Nostalgia
- Case Study: Controversies Surrounding Fantastic Beasts
- Results
- Unwanted Exposure
- Online Campaigns
- Shaming and Denouncing Rowling
- The Challenged Doxa
- Conclusion and Recommendations
Jiaxi Hou
Contesting the Vulgar Hanmai Performance from Kuaishou: Online Vigilantism toward Chinese Underclass Youths on Social Media Platforms- Introduction
- The Social and Cultural Context of the Underclass Hanmai Culture
- Reconstructing the Underclass on Social Media Platforms
- The Affective and Rhetorical Denunciations in Hanmai
- Hanmai Being Denunciated: from Ignorance to Multifaceted Vulgarity
- Aesthetic Vulgarity
- Moral Vulgarity
- Technological Vulgarity
- From User-led Vigilantism to Institutional Surveillance
- Conclusion
Isabel Linton
‘I don’t think that’s very funny’: Scrutiny of Comedy in the Digital Age- Introduction
- Methodology
- Subscribe to Digital Vigilantism: How Have Vigilant Audiences Both Condemned and Supported Content Creators on YouTube?
- Dapper Laughed: How Have Vigilant Audiences Followed Independent Comedians from Online Spaces to the Mainstream?
- Your Fey is Problematic: How Are Vigilant Audiences Conflating Character with Writer?
- Conclusion
Gilles Favarel-Garrigues
Criticism of Moral Policing in Russia: Controversies around Lev Protiv in MoscowSamuel Tanner, Valentine Crosset et Aurélie Campana
Far-Right Digital Vigilantism as Technical Mediation: Anti-Immigration Activism on YouTube- The ‘Alps Mission’ and Far-Right Activism
- Far-Right Populist Activism and Digital Platforms
- Understanding the Relation Between Digital Media Platforms and Activists: Technical Mediation
- Methodology
- Analysis: Societal Vigilantism as Technical Mediation
- Disinterest:
- Interest:
- Composition of a new goal:
- Obligatory passage point:
- Alignment:
- Blackboxing:
- Convergence:
- Discussion and Conclusion
Abderrahim Chalfaouat
Empowerment, Social Distrust or Co-production of Security: A case Study of Digital Vigilantism in Morocco- Introduction
- Online Empowerment in the Arab Spring Context
- The Digital Reality in Morocco
- Digital Vigilantism in Morocco
- Analysis of a Digital Vigilantism Case: Student Assaults Teacher
- Context:
- Content:
- Social media reaction:
- Press coverage:
- Workplace reaction:
- The family’s reaction:
- State officials’ reactions:
- Outcome and constructive co-production of security:
- Conclusions
Mojca M. Plesničar et Pika Šarf
‘This Web Page Should Not Exist’: A case Study of Online Shaming in SloveniaTara Milbrandt
‘Make them famous’: Digital Vigilantism and Virtuous Denunciation after Charlottesville- Introduction
- A Potent Constellation of Circumstances: Contextualising a Social Media Campaign
- A Contentious Rally: Charlottesville, 2017
- An Inter-Tribal Assembly of the “Far-Right”
- Counter-Rally
- State of Emergency: Danger and Violence
- VICE News Documentary: Potent Symbolism, Public Visibility, Dangerous Legitimacy
- Moral Equivalence as Implied Affinity: A Presidential Response
- “Make Them Famous”: Understanding a Campaign of Digital Vigilantism
- A Digital Call to Action and its Anticipated Audience
- Words:
- Images:
- Responding to a Social Media Call to ‘Name and Shame’
- The Meanings of Successful Identification
- A former employee:
- A son is publicly “disowned”:
- “Angry torch guy”:
- Moral Taint and the Power of Association
- A Case of Mis-identification
- Virtuous Denunciation
- News Media as Reportage and Collaboration
- Aftermath, One Year Later
- Discussion and Conclusion: Solidifying Meaning, Refusing Moral Equivalency, Getting Personal
David M. Douglas
Doxing as Audience Vigilantism against Hate SpeechRianne Dekker et Albert Meijer
Citizens as Aides or Adversaries?Police Responses to Digital Vigilantism
- Introduction
- Online Co-Production of Public Security
- Method
- Results
- Accepted Forms of Online Co-Production of Public Security
- Unacceptable Forms of Online Co-Production of Public Security
- Harm to Citizens and Society
- Harm to Police Operations
- Discussion: Online Citizens as Aides and Adversaries
- Conclusions
Sarah Young
More Eyes on Crime?The Rhetoric of Mediated Mugshots
- Introduction
- The MCSO’s MotD Program Creates Digital Vigilantes
- Individuals temporarily coalesce:
- Online mugshots utilise digital platforms to name and shame:
- Mugshot consumers weaponise visibility:
- The Exigency of Entertainment
- Objects and Views Analysis
- Methods:
- Results:
- Discussion:
- Qualitative Content Analysis
- Methods:
- Results:
- Discussion:
- Implications of the Claims
- Entertainment as exigency for acts of digital vigilantism:
- The state/public/private partnership:
- Conclusion