Yeats's Mask
Yeats Annual No. 19
Yeats’s Mask, Yeats Annual No. 19 is a special issue in this renowned research-level series. Fashionable in the age of Wilde, the Mask changes shape until it emerges as Mask in the system of A Vision. Chronologically tracing the concept through Yeats’s plays and those poems written as ‘texts for exposition’ of his occult thought which flowers in A Vision itself (1925 and 1937), the volume also spotlights ‘The Mask before The Mask’ numerous plays including Cathleen Ni-Houlihan, The King’s Thres...
Éditeur : Open Book Publishers
Lieu d’édition : Cambridge
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 1 juin 2015
ISBN numérique : 978-2-8218-5408-6
Collection : Yeats Annual | 19
Année d’édition : 2013
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-1-78374-017-8
Nombre de pages : xlii-453
Margaret Mills Harper et Warwick Gould
Editors’ IntroductionWarwick Gould
Acknowledgements and editorial informationYeats’s mask
Warwick Gould
The mask before The MaskAisling Carlin
To ‘make others see my dream as I had seen it’: Yeats’s aesthetics in Cathleen ni HoulihanDavid Bradshaw
‘Oxford Poets’: Yeats, T. S. Eliot and William Force SteadPierre Longuenesse
Playing with Voices and with Doubles in Two of Yeats’s Plays: The Words upon the Window-pane and A Full Moon in MarchElizabeth Müller
The Mask of Derision in Yeats’s Prologue to A Vision (1937)Margaret Mills Harper
A Vision and Yeats’s Late MasksNeil Mann
The Mask of A VisionMichael Cade-Stewart
Mask and Robe: Yeats’s Oxford Book of Modern Verse (1936) and New Poems (1938)Jerusha McCormack
The Poem on the Mountain: A Chinese Reading of Yeats’s ‘Lapis Lazuli’Steve L. Adams et George Mills Harper
The Manuscript of ‘Leo Africanus’Shorter notes
Philip R. Bishop
‘My Dear Miss Brachvogel ...’ A Ms Version of a Yeats QuatrainWarwick Gould
Wheels and Butterflies: Title, Structure, Cover DesignReviews
Richard Allen Cave
The King’s Threshold: Manuscript Materials, edited by Declan Kiely, Yeats in Manuscript Series (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2005), pp. lxi + 620.Richard Allen Cave
W. B. Yeats, At The Hawk’s Well and The Cat and the Moon: Manuscript Materials, ed. by Andrew Parkin (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2010), lxiv + 267 pp.Stoddard Martin
Sean Pryor, W. B. Yeats, Ezra Pound and the Poetry of Paradise (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011), pp. xiii + 226.Nicholas Allen
Writings on Literature and Art: G. W. Russell – A.E. Edited and with an Introduction by Peter Kuch (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, 2011)Michael Cade-Stewart
Joseph M. Hassett, W. B. Yeats and the Muses (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. xiv, 258.Tara Stubbs
Michael McAteer, Yeats and European Drama (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. xii, 223Yeats’s Mask, Yeats Annual No. 19 is a special issue in this renowned research-level series. Fashionable in the age of Wilde, the Mask changes shape until it emerges as Mask in the system of A Vision. Chronologically tracing the concept through Yeats’s plays and those poems written as ‘texts for exposition’ of his occult thought which flowers in A Vision itself (1925 and 1937), the volume also spotlights ‘The Mask before The Mask’ numerous plays including Cathleen Ni-Houlihan, The King’s Threshold, Calvary,The Words upon the Window-pane, A Full Moon in March and The Death of Cuchulain. There are excurses into studies of Yeats’s friendship with the Oxford don and cleric, William Force Stead, his radio broadcasts, the Chinese contexts for his writing of ‘Lapis Lazuli’. His self-renewal after The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, and the key occult epistolary exchange ‘Leo Africanus’, edited from MSS by Steve L. Adams and George Mills Harper, is republished from the elusive Yeats Annual No. 1 (1982).
The essays are by David Bradshaw, Michael Cade-Stewart, Aisling Carlin, Warwick Gould, Margaret Mills Harper, Pierre Longuenesse, Jerusha McCormack, Neil Mann, Emilie Morin, Elizabeth Müller and Alexandra Poulain, with shorter notes by Philip Bishop and Colin Smythe considering Yeats’s quatrain upon remaking himself and the pirate editions of The Land of Heart’s Desire. Ten reviews focus on various volumes of the Cornell Yeats MSS Series, his correspondence with George Yeats, and numerous critical studies.
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