List of Tables and Illustrations
p. 473-474
Plan détaillé
Texte intégral
1Chapter 3
2Table 3-1 Patents supported by sponsored research at MIT, 1997–2008. : 51 Table 3-2 Startups supported by sponsored research at MIT, 1997–2008. : 52
3Chapter 5
4Fig. 5-1 Comparison between DARPA’s process model and the stage- gate model. : 120
5Fig. 5-2 Visions at DARPA operate at the program level. : 122
6Fig. 5-3 A sample 7-point scale for quantification of human performance variables. (Figure from William R. Cockayne. (1998). “Two-Handed, Whole-Hand Interaction”, Master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. Used here with permission from Mr. Cockayne.) : 127
7Fig. 5-4 A radical technological vision relies on one big idea and one visionary. : 128
8Fig. 5-5 Efforts preceding a complete vision of technology. Earlier actions occur before a complete vision is achieved at DARPA. : 131
9Chapter 6
10Fig. 6-1 From ARPA to Windows. : 167 Table 6-1 Human Interface Panel, March 2000. : 172
11 Chapter 7
12Table 7-1 The changing face of DARPA: a historical chronology of the organization. : 197
13Table 7-2 Shift in DARPA funding mechanisms 1992–2008. : 195
14Table 7-3 Mid-nineties collaborators brought together by a DARPA program manager to brainstorm on carbon nanotubes. : 202
15Table 7-4 Technologists funded by a DARPA program manager to gain momentum around Si Ge and strained Si technology. : 206
16Table 7-5 DARPA Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) Ultraperformance Nanophotonic Intrachip Communications (UNIC) program. : 211
17Chapter 8
18Fig. 8-1 Influences on DARPA’s Program Development. : 233 Table 8-1 Heilmeier’s Catechism. Source: : 234
19Table 8-2 Case studies in this chapter. : 236
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