p. 495
Texte intégral
1List of abbreviations of books of the Bible and versions of the Bible as used in this volume (according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed., 2003, sections 15.50–54).
2The Jewish Bible/Old Testament
3Am Amos
41 Chr 1 Chronicles
52 Chr 2 Chronicles
6Dn Daniel
7Dt Deuteronomy
8Eccl Ecclesiastes
9Est Esther
10Ex Exodus
11Ez Ezekiel
12Gn Genesis
13Hg Haggai
14Hos Hosea
15Is Isaiah
16Jer Jeremiah
17Jb Job
18Jl Joel
19Jon Jonah
20Jo Joshua
21Jgs Judges
221 Kgs 1 Kings
232 Kgs 2 Kings
24Lam Lamentations
25Lv Leviticus
26Mal Malachi
27Mi Micah
28Neh Nehemiah
29Nm Numbers
30Prv Proverbs
31Ps (pl. Pss) Psalms
32Ru Ruth
331 Sm 1 Samuel
342 Sm 2 Samuel
35Sg Song of Solomon (=Song of Songs)
36Zec Zechariah
37The Apocrypha
38Jdt Judith
391 Mc 1 Maccabees
402 Mc 2 Maccabees
42Tb Tobit
43The New Testament
44Acts Acts of the Apostles
451 Cor 1 Corinthians
462 Cor 2 Corinthians
48Jas James
49Jn John (Gospel)
541 Thes 1 Thessalonians
55Versions and sections of the Bible
56Apoc. Apocrypha
57AVAuthorized (King James) Version
58DVDouay Version
59HB Hebrew Bible
60LXX Septuagint
61Vulg. Vulgate
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