p. 29
Texte intégral
1I wish to express my appreciation to Philippe Roudeillac former research engineer at the Centre Interrégional de Recherche et d’Expérimentation de la Fraise, Prigonrieux, for his continuous interest and great assistance in the editing of this book. Thanks are due to Mrs Monique Ducreux, former director of the Bibliothèque centrale, for consenting to the facsimile reproduction of the drawings.
2In the course of my work I received much valuable help from Dr. Georgette Risser, formerly geneticist at the INRA, Station d’Amélioration des Plantes Maraîchères, Montfavet, and many staff of the Bibliothèque centrale, especially Mrs Pascale Heurtel. The book would have been very difficult to complete without their help.
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