p. 9-11
1As Cuvier embarked on his lectures on the history of the natural sciences at the Collège de France, he joined a complex, long-term movement in which the history of scientific disciplines gradually emerged as an independent field of study. Since time immemorial, scholars have often turned to the past, perhaps as an introduction to their writings, to put their work in perspective with that of their predecessors, to praise or criticize the latter, or to emphasize the originality and superiority of their own studies. However, this trend had become more pronounced since the early 18th century. New forms of scholarly articles, centered on historical narratives, took shape.
2In a sense, academic eulogies, which flourished with the rise of learned societies, are a genre that is both biographical and historical. Despite the obvious constraints, their author has the opportunity to offer a critical analysis of the career of their recently departed distinguished colleague, to assess its s
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