Provence and the British Imagination
Although it resonates today with lavender fields, sunny heritage locations and the gentrified memory of Paul Cézanne’s pictorial turbulence, Provence has not always been the attractive territory of pacified leisure and festival culture. Since the seventeenth century, indeed, the region has inscribed its shifting geography, complex politics and the extraordinary diversity of its land and seascapes in the perception and imagination of British visitors. In the steps of anonymous or excellent trav...
Éditeur : Ledizioni
Lieu d’édition : Milano
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 12 août 2016
ISBN numérique : 978-88-6705-360-5
DOI : 10.4000/books.ledizioni.785
Collection : Di/Segni | 5
Année d’édition : 2013
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-88-6705-137-3
Nombre de pages : 234
Caroline Patey
IntroductionEarly encounters
Nathalie Bernard
Provence and the British Imagination in Tobias Smollett’s Travels through France and Italy (1766)Frauke Josenhans
Contrasting Looks on Southern France: British Painters and the Visual Exploration of Provence in the 18th and Early 19th CenturiesKaryn Wilson-Costa
Of Bards and Troubadours: From rime couée to the ‘Burns Stanza’Laurent Bury
“My very dreams are of Provence”: Le bon Roi René, from Walter Scott to the Pre-RaphaelitesVictorian variations
Nathalie Vanfasse
“Silent, burnt up, shadeless and glaring”: Provence Seen through Victorian Editions of Murray’s Handbook for Travellers in FranceAnne-Florence Gillard-Estrada
Walter Pater’s Representation of “the central love-poetry of Provence”Jean-Pierre Naugrette
“Such ecstasies of recognition”: R. L. Stevenson’s “Ordered South” (1874) as Riviera RequiemLandscapes of modernity
Francesca Cuojati
Into Gypsydom: Augustus John’s ProvenceMassimo Bacigalupo
Ezra the TroubadourChristine Reynier
Mapping Ford Madox Ford’s Provence in ProvenceCoda
Antony Penrose
Roland Penrose and the Impulse of ProvenceAlthough it resonates today with lavender fields, sunny heritage locations and the gentrified memory of Paul Cézanne’s pictorial turbulence, Provence has not always been the attractive territory of pacified leisure and festival culture. Since the seventeenth century, indeed, the region has inscribed its shifting geography, complex politics and the extraordinary diversity of its land and seascapes in the perception and imagination of British visitors. In the steps of anonymous or excellent travellers, the chapters of this volume chart some of the most significant moments in the intercultural transactions between the proud linguistic and literary distinctiveness of the province on one hand and the always challenged and sometimes baffled perception of Anglophone (and Anglophile) visitors on the other. Spanning across two centuries, from the largely unknown pre-revolutionary Provence visited by John locke and Tobias Smollett through the Victorian paradise of popular tourism and finally to the more secret ‘homeland’ of Modernists, this volume reveals an unexpected Provence which, in oblique and complex ways, has long held a mirror to British culture and often acted as the laboratory of its artistic life.
She is Professor of Modernist Literature at the Université Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle). Her research interests include intermedial modernisms and crosscultural modernist exchanges, and she is currently completing a book on Virginia Woolf and Katherine Mansfield’s collaborative co-translations with S. S. Koteliansky.
She is Maître de Conférence in English at the Université des Antilles et de la Guyane in Martinique. She has contributed to several issues of the Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, to the Journal of William Morris Studies (Summer 2009), edited a volume of critical essays on Morris’s News from Nowhere (2004) and authored La Peinture anglaise (2006). Her broader field of research is Victorian culture.
She has read English and Comparative literature in Paris (Paris III), Dublin UCD and the Università degli Studi, Milan, where she is now Professor of English literature. Her research has focused on early modern literature and Victorian and Modernist literatures, with a special attention for the visual/textual intersections and Anglo-French cultural and literary transactions. Recently she has also investigated the relations between museums and literature, co-edited The Exhibit in the Text. The Museological Practices of Literature (Oxford, Peter Lang, 2009) and edited the Italian translation of Sir John Soane’s Crude Hints towards an History of my House (Per una storia della mia casa, Palermo, Sellerio, 2010).
She is Professor of English at Aix-Marseille Université (France). She is the author of Dickens entre norme et déviance (Publications de l’Université de Provence, 2007) and has written articles and chapters on Dickens’s work and on nineteenth-century travel writing. She has also edited and co-edited volumes on Social Deviance in England and in France circa 1830-1900 (Cahiers Victoriens et Édouardiens, 2005) Cultural Transformations in the English Speaking World (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010), L’Appel du Sud dans la littérature de voyage anglophone (Éditions A3, 2009). She has just co-edited special issues on Dickens Matters, Dickens and His/Story for the Dickens Quarterly and Dickens in the New Millennium for Cahiers Victoriens et Édouardiens.
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La ‘cultura X'. Mercato, pop e tradizione
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