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Reading in Russia

Practices of Reading and Literary Communication, 1760-1930

“Reader, where are you?”, wondered, in the mid-1880s, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, one of the Russian writers that paid the most attention to the readership of his time. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s call did not go unanswered. Over the past two centuries, various disciplines – from the social sciences to psychology, literary criticism, semiotics, historiography and bibliography – alternately tried to outline the specific features of the Russian reader and investigate his function in the history of ...

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  • Editor : Ledizioni
  • Colección : Di/Segni | 9
  • Lugar de edición : Milano
  • Año de edición : 2014
  • Publicación en OpenEdition Books : 12 août 2016
  • EAN (publicación papel) : 978-88-6705-247-9
  • EAN electrónico : 978-88-6705-357-5
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.ledizioni.260
  • Número de páginas : 283 p.
Damiano Rebecchini y Raffaella Vassena
“Reader, Where Are You?” An Introduction
Родольф Бодэн
Ноpмативная критика и романное чтение в России середины XVIII века

Normative Criticism and Novel Reading in mid-18th Century Russia

Лаура Росси
Книги и чтение в автобиографических повествованиях о детстве русских писателей XVIII–XIX вв.: опыт прочтения

Books and Reading in the Autobiographical Prose of Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Russian Writers: a Tentative Analysis

А. И. Рейтблат
Письменная литература в России в XIX веке, ее социокультурные функции и читатели

Handwritten Literature in Nineteenth-Century Russia: its Social-Cultural Functions and Readership

Раффаэлла Вассена
Публичные литературные чтения эпохи великих реформ как пример коммуникативной (не)удачи

Public Literary Readings in the Era of the Great Reforms as an Example of (Un)successful Communication

Олег Лекманов
Заметка к теме: Диалог с читателем в русских журналах 1900-х – 1910-х годов

Notes on the Dialogue with the Readers in the Russian Magazines of the 1900s-1910s

Евгений Добренко
Русская литература между читателем и писателем: от соцреализма до соцарта

Russian Literature between Readers and Writers: from Socialist Realism to Sots-Art


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