p. 165-171
Texte intégral
Riferimenti bibliografici generali
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Louise Glück
Opere dell’autrice
Testi letterari
Glück L., 1992, The Wild Iris, Manchester, Carcanet.
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Scritti teorici
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Bibliografia sull’autrice
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Denise Levertov
Opere dell’autrice
Testi letterari
Levertov D., 2013, The Collected Poems of Denise Levertov, eds P. A. Lacey and A. Wilson, New York, New Directions.
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Scritti teorici
Levertov D., 1973, The Poet in the World, New York, New Directions.
Bibliografia sull’autrice
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Herrera J. R., 1997, Musing of Nature: The Mysteries of Contemplation and the Sources of Myth in Denise Levertov’s Poetry, «Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature», 28: 1–11.
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Rodgers A. T., 1990, Fragments of a Pattern: The Early Poetry of Denise Levertov, «American Poetry» 7.3: 31–48.
Schloesser S., 2005, ‘Not Behind but Within’: Sacramentum et res, «Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature» 58.1: 17–39.
Smith L., 1993, Songs of Experience: Denise Levertov’s Political Poetry, in A. Gelpi (ed.), Denise Levertov. Selected criticism, The University of Michigan Press: 177-200.
Surman Collecott D., 1993, Inside and Outside the Poetry of Denise Levertov, in A. Gelpi (ed.), Denise Levertov. Selected criticism, The University of Michigan Press: 110-125.
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Mary Oliver
Opere dell’autrice
Testi letterari
Oliver M., 1983, American Primitive, New York, Little, Brown and Company.
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Scritti teorici
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Bibliografia sull’autrice
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