List of Abbreviations

1ATP: Advanced Technology Program

2BMBF: German Federal Ministry for Education and Research

3BMWi: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Technology

4CSV: Comma-Separated Values

5DFG: German Research Community

6EPO: European Patent Organisation

7EU: European Union

8ICT: Information and Communication Technologies

9IGF: Industrial Joint Research Program

10IPR: Intellectual Property Rights

11KIT: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

12LMU: Ludwigs-Maximilian-University

13Med: Medical University

14MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

15Non-Med: Non-Medical University

16Non-TU: Non-Technical University

17NSI: National System of Innovation

18OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

19OLS: Ordinary Least Squares

20PATSTAT: Patent Statistical Database

21PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty

22PPP: Public-Private-Partnership

23R&D: Research and Development

24RSI: Regional Systems of Innovation

25SNA: Social Network Analysis

26SQL: Structured Query Language

27SSI: Sectoral Systems of Innovation

28TFP: Total Factor Productivity

29TSI: Technological Systems of Innovation

30TU: Technical University

31US: Unites States

32USPTO US: Patent and Trademark Office

33WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization