About the Contributors
p. 149-150
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Texte intégral
1Ulrich Arnswald studied economics, political science and philosophy at Heidelberg, Kent at Canterbury and at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences. Since 2005 he is a lecturer in philosophy at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH). He is the editor or coeditor of a number of books including Gadamer’s Century: Essays in Honor of Hans-Georg Gadamer (MIT Press, 2002), Wittgenstein und die Metapher (Parerga, 2004), Die Zukunft der Geisteswissenschaften (Manutius, 2005), Hermeneutik und die Grenzen der Sprache (Parerga, forthcoming). He has published widely in the field of philosophy of language, political philosophy as well as Wittgenstein’s philosophy.
2John Churchill studied philosophy at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee and at Oxford University, and received the Ph. D. from Yale University. He taught for many years at Hendrix College in Arkansas. He has published on the philosophy of Wittgenstein in journals in the U. S., Britain, and Australia.
3Liam Hughes studied humanities and social sciences at the Open University. He completed a post-graduate certificate in English and religious education at Westminster College and was awarded a Ph. D. from the University of Wales (Swansea) in 1990. He published articles in the philosophy of religion, on the freedom of the will and Wittgenstein.
4Jens Kertscher studied philosophy and romance studies at Cologne, Florence, Tübingen and Heidelberg, where he obtained his Ph. D. Since 2001 he is a lecturer in Philosophy at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. He is the co-editor of Gadamer’s Century: Essays in Honor of Hans-Georg Gadamer (MIT Press, 2002), Performativität und Praxis (Wilhelm Fink, 2003), Wittgenstein und die Metapher (Parerga, 2004) as well as the author of numerous articles on the philosophy of language and Wittgenstein’s philosophy.
5Dieter Mersch studied mathematics and philosophy in Cologne and Bochum. He obtained his Ph. D. as well as his Habilitation at Darmstadt. Since 2004 he is professor of media theory at the Universität Potsdam. He is the author of a number of books including Medientheorien zur Einführung (Junius, 2006), Was sich zeigt: Materialität, Präsenz, Ereignis (Wilhelm Fink, 2002) and Ereignis und Aura: Untersuchungen zu einer Ästhetik des Performativen (Suhrkamp, 2002), and the editor or co-editor of Performativität und Praxis (Wilhelm Fink, 2003), Die Medien der Künste: Beiträge zur Theorie des Darstellens (Wilhelm Fink, 2003) as well as Kunst und Wissenschaft (Wilhelm Fink, 2007).
6Genia Schönbaumsfeld studied philosophy at Oxford, Cambridge and Vienna. She is a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Southampton. She is the author of A Confusion of the Spheres: Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein on Philosophy and Religion (Oxford University Press, 2007) as well as of numerous articles on Wittgenstein’s and Kierkegaard’s philosophy. In 2003 she was awarded a prestigious Hertha Firnberg research fellowship from the Austrian Science Fund.
7Anja Weiberg studied German studies and philosophy at Vienna, where she also obtained her Ph. D. in philosophy. Since 2001 she is a lecturer in philosophy at Vienna. She is the author of ‚Und die Begründung hat ein Ende’: Die Bedeutung von Religion und Ethik für den Philosophen Ludwig Wittgenstein und das Verständnis seiner Werke (Wiener Universitätsverlag, 1998 (2002)) and co-author, with Esther Ramharter, of ‚Die Härte des logischen Muß.’ Wittgensteins Bemerkungen über die Grundlagen der Mathematik (Parerga, 2006) as well as of numerous articles on Wittgenstein’s philosophy and on medical ethics.
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