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The State of Austrian/Habsburg Historical Studies in Japan

p. 297-304


The Foundation of Studies of Western History in Japan: An Absence of Austria

1Ever since the Meiji Restoration, Japan aimed at a rapid modernization by absorbing Western culture and technology. In the field of the studies of history, Ludwig Riess was invited from Germany to found the Department of History at the Imperial University (currently, the University of Tokyo) in 1887. In the following year, the Department of Japanese History was added. In 1904, Imperial University reorganized these departments and placed courses on Japanese, Chinese, and Western history under the Department of History. These three courses represented the following respective roles: Japanese history promoted the national ideology, Western history provided models to follow for Japan, and Chinese history was regarded as the object of colonial control. This categorization into three areas—Japanese, Oriental, and Western history—continues to dominate the Japanese academism to date. Among the three, Western h

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