Annual review
Austria 2012-2013
p. 299-303
Elections in Carinthia, Lower Austria, Tyrol and Salzburg
Referendum: Compulsory Military Service vs. Professional Army
Government Reshuffle
Again: FPÖ and Antisemitism
Ernst Strasser and Uwe Scheuch
Waltz and Haneke
Economic and Statistical Data
Elections in Carinthia, Lower Austria, Tyrol, and Salzburg
1After years without elections (the election for the EU-Parliament was in 2009, the country elections in Vienna and Burgenland were held in 2010), the year 2013 started with elections in Carinthia and Lower Austria on March 3rd.
2In Carinthia, BZÖ (Bündnis Zukunft Österreich) had a considerable majority of 44.9%. In 2009, the party was led by Governor Gerhard Dörfler and his deputy Uwe Scheuch, and in December 2009 the prominent BZÖmembers changed to FPK (Freiheitliche Partei Kärntens), the regional branch of FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs). Early in 2010, though, Uwe Scheuch was suspected of having granted a Russian citizen the Austrian citizenship as a reward for a generous pa
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Post-World War I Austria
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