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Benya und der Austrosozialismus: Erinnerungen und Gedanken. Edited by Heinzl Kienzl. Herbert Starkr
Vienna: Ögb Verlag. 2012
p. 290-291
1Anton Benya was one of the decisive figures of Austria’s Social Democracy’s golden years: When, from the 1950s to the 1980s, “social partnership” established itself as the all-important institution concerning economic, social, and financial policies; when, within this institution, organized labor (the Austrian Trade Union Association — ÖGB, and the Chambers of Labor) were under full control by social democratic labor leaders; and when, leading to the “Kreisky Period,” the SPÖ was able to shift its overall image from a rather orthodox workers’ party to a more flexible center-left catch-all-party: Benya was one of the key players in this time. It can be argued, that for this period of social democratic hegemony Benya was as important as Kreisky was.
2Can this be called “Austro-Socialism,” distinguishing it from “Austro-Marxism,” the program of the Austrian Social Democrats in the years before 1934? Yes, as “Austro-Marxism” defined a strategy designed for a party in opposition — i
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Austria's International Position after the End of the Cold War
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