The Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans from Postwar Czechovakia: A Review Essay
Adrian von Arburg, Tomas Stanek, et., Vysídlení Nĕmců a promĕny českého pohraniči 195-1951: dokumenty z českých archive; 1. Češi a Nĕmci do roko 1945: úvod k edici; 2.1. Duben - srpen/září 1945: "Divoky odsuln" a počátky osídlovaní (Středokluky 2010-2011)
p. 282-289
1Not only did the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans set the stage for almost three million people to lose their homes and their homeland, but it also set the circumstances under which the relations between Austria and Czechoslovakia developed (or rather, didn’t develop). The same can be said regarding the relations to the German states FRG and GDR. The situation of the German-speaking minority could have been important for Austria as the successor state of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, seeing as a vast number of people expelled who were — at least until 1938-1945 — widely regarded as co-nationals, but it wasn’t. Austria could have found itself in a position to defend a population and its political and cultural interest that in 1919 formed the provinces “Deutschböhmen” and “Sudetenland” (besides the German-speaking cities of Iglau/Jihlava, Olmütz/Olomouc und Brünn/Brno) which declared themselves part of the First (German-) Austrian Republic, but it did not. Not only had Austria’s
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