Dieter Stiefel. Camillo Castiglioni oder Die Metaphysik der Haifiscke
Vienna: Böhlau. 2012
p. 271-273
1Camillo Castiglioni was born in 1879 in the port city of Trieste, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, as the son of a rabbi. He worked as a sales agent for the Viennese Continentale rubber factory, before becoming the director of its export department at the age of twenty-five. He was quickly fascinated by aviation and by ballooning. From 1912 he was an independent businessman, who built up an extensive range of industrial holdings, including the dominant Austrian steel company, Alpine Montan, the Munich aero engine manufacturer BMW, as well as briefly controlling one of the large Viennese banks, the Depositenbank, at the height of the Austrian hyperinflation. He led a larger than life existence, with a magnificent city palace in Vienna decorated with gigantic Tiepolos (now in the Metropolitan Museum in New York), and traveled regularly in the former railroad carriage of the Emperor. Not content with that, he ordered his own factories to make him a new, special carriage
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