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Austria's International Position after the End of the Cold War

Günter Bischof
Ferdinand Karlhofer

Foreign policy and memory

Historical Memory and the Debate about the Vertreibung Museum

Norman M. Naimark

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Extrait du texte

The historical memory of the Second World War and its aftermath influences the politics and societies of Central Europe in ways that continue to baffle observers, both domestic and foreign.1 The more that a new post-postwar period — to use Tony Judt’s definitions from his important book, Postwar — dominates the continent, the more arcane and cranky seem the disputes about history from the now distant past, remembered literally by fewer and fewer citizens.2 Battlefields have long since been covered over with suburban developments and shopping malls, and cities are fully rebuilt with hardly a sign of the catastrophes that befell them, except for the scattered memorials for school children, tourists, Jewish associations, and others that blend easily into the urban landscape.3 The emergence of the European Union as a powerful motor for economic development and transnational interchange, of the easy movement of labor and capital between European neighbors, especially given EU expansion i...

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