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On the Road to a Modern Identity: Austrian Foreign Policy from the Cold War to the European Union
p. 55-94
Note de l’auteur
Inge Fink, Department of English, University of New Orleans, translated this essay from German into English.
1If one had to identify a single game changing year in the recent history of Austria, it would be 1989. Within a few months, two events radically changed the very parameters of Austrian foreign policy:
In June, Austria applied for membership in the European Economic Community, a move with far-reaching consequences for Austria’s political and economic landscape that transformed large parts of domestic and foreign policy into European policy.
The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9 and the self-liberation of the former Eastern bloc countries from Communist oppression pushed Austria from the edge of the “Free World” into the heart of a continent in full re-calibration.
2Setting a new course in domestic politics and having to respond to geopolitical change from outside — never had there been so much peaceful renewal in such a short period of time. Austria was propelled into an economic and political paradigm shift. It was induced to definitely leave behind the cherished mental comfo
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Austria's International Position after the End of the Cold War
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