Austria 2011
p. 478-483
1Government reshuffle
2State Secretary for Integration
3Styria – Reform Agenda
4Political scandals and corruption
5WKR and “the new Jews”
6Economic and statistical Data
Government reshuffle
7In April 2011, Josef Pröll, vice chancellor and Minister of Finance, declared his retreat from politics. This would not be a decision against political activity but one for family and health, he said. During the months before, Pröll had been suffering from pulmonary embolism.
8Pröll had succeeded Wilhelm Molterer as vice chancellor and chairman of ÖVP in 2008 and his successor is Michael Spindelegger. Pröll’s farewell to politics was part of a general government reshuffle of ÖVP (2011-04-21): Maria Fekter (former Minister of the Interior) became Minister of Finance; Johanna Mikl-Leitner (former member of the government of Lower Austria) was appointed Minister of the Interior. Beatrix Karl (former Minister of Science and Research) replaced the unlucky Claudia Bandion-Ortner as Minister of Justice.
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