Ingrid Schramm and Michael Hansel, eds., Hilde Spiel und der literarische Salon
Innsbruck: Studienverlag, 2011
p. 457-461
1On the occasion of Hilde Spiel’s 100th birthday — she was born in Vienna on October 19, 1911 — a team of researchers working at the Literary Archive of the Austrian National Library (ÖNB) put together a volume celebrating the contributions of this highly productive and influential Austrian writer and critic. Since Hilde Spiel’s Nachlass is housed in the Literary Archive, it seems quite obvious that the current director, the scholar Bernhard Fetz, and his colleagues would want to commemorate Spiel through a special publication. It is much less understandable, however, why the book, which they also presented to the public with a certain fanfare, would be so decidedly unimpressive and contribute little to the knowledge base of the relevant scholarly community. (Was the project conceived too late to solicit well-matched and solid contributions? Did too many invited contributors decline the request and the editors had to scramble for texts? Did the deadline result in rushed work?)
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