Dirk Rupnow and Heidemarie Uhle, eds., Zeitgeschichte ausstellen in Österreich: Museen – Gedenkstätten – Ausstellungen
Vienna: Böhlau, 2011
p. 452-456
1In the growing literature on the function of historical representation in museums and exhibitions, the recent volume edited by Dirk Rupnow and Heidemarie Uhl delivers the first profound status report on Austria. The editors identify systematic research into the musealization of Austrian contemporary history as an “evident desideratum” (p. 10) and offer this book as a collective counter effort. Its contributions were mostly penned by historians who are both interested in exhibitionary categories such as curatorial strategies, story lines, display and the hegemonies of representation, and well informed in the current theory of their analysis. Some of them, like Ulrike Felber, Dirk Rupnow, Monika Sommer or Renate Wonisch, are either themselves curators or working in museological contexts. Hence this blend of cultural history, social memory studies and critical museology is the central feature of the book.
2Both editors are engaged analysts in debates about Austrian politics of hi
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