Attitudinal Lives
A Survey of Austrian Students Attitudes towards Muslims and Jews, Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung and World War II, and Democratic Dispositions
p. 405-418
1On the basis of “Authoritarianism, History and Democratic Dispositions in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland,” a study conducted by the Institute of Contemporary History of the University of Vienna and SORA, and the surveys carried out repeatedly in Germany by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation on the topic of “Rechtsextreme Einstellungen in Deutschland” (Extreme Right Attitudes in Germany), an online survey of Austrian students was carried out between 1 March and 10 April 2011, focused on the topics of globalization, authoritarianism, anomia, coming to terms with national history and democratic disposition.
2The survey had two objectives: it aimed, on one hand, to ascertain how students felt about varying questions related to the above topics and, on the other, to test whether a sufficient number of students could be reached via online survey.
3This survey was designed to be a preliminary step to conducting further surveys among students of Fachhochschulen
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