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The photographic Gaze — Austrian Visual Lives during the Occupation Decade

A cross-section of ordinary Austrians photographed by American and Austrian artists

Traduit par Günter Bischof (trad.)

p. 359-384


1In May 1945 American troops entered Austria and soon thereafter established the Information Service Branch (ISB) of the United States Information Services (USIS) in Salzburg, the capital of the American zone of occupation. Between 1945 and 1955 the Pictorial Section of the USIS’s ISB produced and archived thousands of photographs for the ISB and its various units; it also provided national and international news agencies with pictures and documentation of all aspects of the political, economic, and cultural life of the Austrian occupation.2 The Pictorial Section of the ISB was initially operated under military control yet was eventually transformed into a civilian institution and reported on Austria under the supervision of American press officers. The ISB accumulated a large photo archive which was used by Austrian and the international media. This archive was later donated to the Picture Section in the Austrian National Library in Vienna, where this rich photographic collect

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