Biographical Narrative between Truth and Lies, Production and Authenticity
p. 19-28
Truth and Lies
1Paradoxically in biography, the dramatization of authenticity creates the biographical effect. The answer to the question of whether biographers lie depends on several factors: the biographer’s interpretations of his/her role, the expectations of the audience, and the biographical genre, be that a eulogy, a curriculum vitae, an encyclopedia entry, a literary or a scholarly biography. In different disciplines, the gathering of biographical data has close ties to scholarship, such as the portrayal of the Other in ethnography, the transcription of autobiographical interviews in biographical sociology, or the interviewing of witnesses in Oral History. Daily life, too, constantly generates biographical evidence: police protocols, evaluative reports, entries in personnel files, or records of conversations between therapists and patients. Generally, we do not grant these documents much biographical power or dignity because they are “artless” and seemingly free of narra
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