Table des matières
Günter Bischof
PrefaceBernhard Fetz
IntroductionBiographical Narrative between Truth and Lies, Production and Authenticity
Political lives
Ernst Hanisch
Otto Bauer (1881-1938)Politician and Public Intellectual
- The Return of Biography
- The Jew
- The Marxist with Marx Beyond Marx
- Vision of Socialism
- The Ambivalent Attitude Toward Communism
- The Intellectual
- The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy
- The Austrian Revolution
- The Struggle Forest and Meadow
- The Problem of Rationalization
- The Politician
- The Human Being
Gabriella Hauch
“Against the Mock Battle of Words”Therese Schlesinger, née Eckstein (1863-1940), a Radical Seeker
Philipp Luis Strobl
Thinking Cosmopolitan or How Joseph Became Joe Buttinger- Introduction
- Rural Poverty – Buttinger’s Childhood
- First Contacts with the Social Democratic Movement
- Buttinger’s Political Career in the Making
- The Road into the “Illegality”
- Going Underground: Buttinger’s Carrer as the Leader of the Revolutionary Socialists
- The End of Buttinger’s Life in Australia: First Connections to the United States
- In Exile: The stateless Refugee Buttinger
- Buttinger: The New American Citizen
- Conclusion
Johannes Koll
From the Habsburg Empire to the Third Reich Arthur Seyß-Inquart and National Socialism- Biographical research and National Socialism
- Austrians, the Anschluss of 1938, and the Greater German Reich
- SeyB-Inquart’s road to the National Socialism
- SeyB-Inquart’s role in the preparation of the Anschluss
- In the service of the Greater German Reich - Austria, Poland, and the Netherlands
- Power techniques-surviving in a pool with sharks
- Setbacks
- Conclusion
Elisabeth Röhrlich
A century in a Lifetime: Biographical Approaches to Bruno Keisky (1911-1990)Martin Eichtinger et Helmut Wohnout
Alois Mock - Pioneer of European Unity- A Christian Democratic Reformer - Alois Mock’s Political Career up to 1989
- Austria’s Application for EC/EU Membership
- The Fall of the Iron Curtain and its Consequences for Austrian Foreign Policy
- The Conclusion of the Conflit with Italy over South Tyrol
- The Dissolution of Yugoslavia
- Austria’s Negotiations and Successful Conclusion of the Negotiations for Accession to the EC/EU
Lives of the mind
Deborah Holmes
“Genia” Schwarzwald and Her Viennese “Salon”Common lives
Wolfram Dornik
Torn apart between time and space?A Collective Biography of Austro-Hungarian Military Personnel on the Eastern Front, 1914-1918
Günter Bischof et Barbara Stelzl-Marx
Lives behind Barbed WireA Comparative View of Austrian Prisoners of War during and after World War II in Soviet and American Captivity
Hans Petschar et Herber Friedlmeier
Günter Bischof (trad.)
The photographic Gaze — Austrian Visual Lives during the Occupation DecadeA cross-section of ordinary Austrians photographed by American and Austrian artists
- In the Beginning — After the End
- A Country Akin Serving as Refugee Center
- Private and Public Aid Programs Revive Lives and the National Economy
- An Iconography of Ordinary Austrians during Postwar Reconstruction
- Go West Young Man
- Modernizing Austria?
- Okamoto’s Unusual Iconography of Postwar Austrians
- Conclusion
Ernst Langthaler
Balancing Between Autonomy and Dependence Family Farming and Agrarian Change in Lower Austria, 1945-1980Petra Ziegler, Yvonne Schuermann-Zehetner, Regina Fritz et al.
Attitudinal LivesA Survey of Austrian Students Attitudes towards Muslims and Jews, Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung and World War II, and Democratic Dispositions
- Introduction
- Procedure
- Methodology
- Results- Socio-Demographics, Fields of Study, Universities
- Group-forcused Enmity
- Immigration
- Muslims
- Jews
- Rights of Traditionnal Minorities
- Coming to Terms With History
- Victim Thesis and shared Responsability for the Persecution of the Jews 1938/45
- Resistance
- Expropriation
- Drawing a Schlussstrich
- Democratic Dispositions
- New Authoritarianism
- Conclusion
Book reviews
Peter Berger
Ernst Hanisch, Der große Illusionist: Otto Bauer, 1881-1938Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 2011
Alexander N. Lassner
Ein österreichischer General gegen Hitler: Feldmarschalleutnant Alfred Jansa; Erinnerungen, ed Peter BroucekVienna: Böhau, 2011
Gerald Steinacher
Evan Burr Burkley, Jews and Intermarriage in Nazi AustriaCambridge: Cambridge university press, 2011
Berthold Molden
Dirk Rupnow and Heidemarie Uhle, eds., Zeitgeschichte ausstellen in Österreich: Museen – Gedenkstätten – AusstellungenVienna: Böhlau, 2011
Maria-Regina Kecht
Ingrid Schramm and Michael Hansel, eds., Hilde Spiel und der literarische SalonInnsbruck: Studienverlag, 2011
Thomas Nowotny
Manfried Rauchensteiner, ed., Zwischen den Blöcken: NATO, Warschauer Pakt und ÖsterreichVienna: Böhlau, 2010
Annual Review
Reinhold Gärtner
Austria 2011