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The Schüssel Era in Austria

Günter Bischof
Fritz Plasser


Fritz Plasser y Günter Bischof

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Extracto del texto

The seven years of Wolfgang Schüssel’s chancellorship (2000-2007) represent a departure from traditional policies and governmental style in Austria. They are also characterized by passing a reform agenda that will have lasting impact. As a consequence of his governing style, Schüssel was prepared to accept a greater intensity in domestic political conflict and policy innovations. He cast aside long-standing traditions in the formation of post-World War II national governments when he took office in February 2000. First, the “Schüssel era” ended the reign of grand coalition governments that had dominated Austrian national politics since 1987 (following in the postwar tradition of such grand coalition governments from 1945 to 1966). Second, in spite of massive and unprecedented resistance from Thomas Klestil, Austria’s president in 2000 when the Schüssel government was formed, Schüssel launched a coalition government with Jörg Haider’s Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ), the right...

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