Table des matières
Fritz Plasser et Günter Bischof
IntroductionTopical Essays
I. Personality and Leadership
Peter Gerlich
The Political Personality of Wolfgang SchüsselFritz Plasser et Peter A. Ulram
Rollercoaster: Schüssels’ Electoral (Mis)fortunes and the Dynamics of Public ApprovalGünther Lengauer
Schüssel and the Media: An Ambivalent RelationshipDavid Wineroither
Making Omelets and Breaking Eggs? Schüssel’s Leadership in Government and Party- Introduction: Governmental Influence and Prime Ministerial Power
- Alleviating the Problem of Perceptibility in Studies of Executive Leadership
- Shifts from Consensus to Majoritarian Democracy
- The Majoritarian Turn in the Year 2000: Schüssel’s Targets and Policy Consequences
- The Philosophy of “Change”: Blaming SPÖ-Led Governments
- The Distribution of Power in the Executive Branch Schüssel and the ÖVP
- The FPÖ in 2000: An Attractive Coalition “Bride”
- The Chancellor’s Role in the Cabinet
- Conclusion: Chancellor Democrat, Premier-President, or Indispensable Coordinator?
Kurt Richard Luther
Governing with Right-Wing Populists and Managing the Consequences: Schüssel and the FPÖ- Introduction
- Preparing to Break the Mold: 1995-1999
- Internal Constraints and External Preferences
- Schüssel’s First Attempt at the Chancellorship
- Snatching Victory from the Jaws of Defeat
- The First Schüssel Government (2000-2003)
- Internal Relations
- External Relations
- The Second Schüssel Government (2003-2007)
- Coalition Building
- Internal Relations
- External Relations
- Conclusion
Ferdinand Karlhofer
The Politics of Asymmetry: (Non) Corporatist Policy Making, 2000-2006- Introduction
- The Profile of Austro-Corporatism
- The Year 2000: Interests and Motives of the Ruling Parties
- Industrial Relations and Political Turn
- Labor on a Collision Course with the Government
- The Broader Context of Change: Power Shift and Fragile Consensus
- Latest Developments: Union Crisis and Collective Bargaining
Reinhard Heinisch
Unremarkably Remarkable, Remarkably Unremarkable: Schüssel as Austria’s Foreign Policymaker in a Time of Transition- Unremarkably Remarkable and Remarkably Unremarkable
- The Accidental Foreign Policymaker
- Foreign Policy and Austrian Party Politics
- From Nation State to Member State—Schüssel as Party Leader and Foreign Minister
- Austria as International Pariah—Schüssel Becomes Chancellor in 2000
- Between Euro-Skepticism, Populism, and Business as Usual—Schüssel’s Chancellorship 2000-2002
- Political Calculus and the Troublesome Freedom Party
- The Center-Right’s Embrace of Foreign Security Policy
- Austria and the Question of Turkey’s Accession to the European Union
- At the Zenith of His Power and Influence—Schüssel’s Final Years as Chancellor
- Conclusion
II. Policies and Policy Changes
Heinrich Neisser
The Schüssel Years and the European Union- Austria’s First Stage as a Member of the European Union (1995-2000)
- The Case of Austria: A New Government Takes Over Responsibility (2000)
- How the New Government Came into Office
- The “Sanctions” by Fourteen EU Member States against Austria
- Austria’s Role within the European Union during the First Six Months of 2000
- The Report of the “Three Wise Men” and the Lifting of the Ban
- Austria’s Presidency in 2006 (1 January to 30 June)
- Essence of the Presidency
- Organizational Challenges
- Programs of the Presidency
- EU Summits and External Relations
- The Fourth Summit Meeting with Latin America and the Caribbean
- The European Union and Russia
- The European Union-United States Summit
- Financial Planning
- Policy Development
- Final Remarks: A General Assessment
- The Challenge of Enlargement for the European Union
- Austria’s Link to the “West Balkan Region”
- The Application of Turkey: A Special Agreement
Günter Bischof et Michael S. Maier
Reinventing Tradition and the Politics of History: Schüssel’s Restitution and Commemoration PoliciesJohannes Ditz
Economic Policies and Economic Change- Introduction
- Change of Course during the Vranitzky-Mock Government
- Budget Policy
- Tax Reform Policy
- EU Entry: Prerequisite for Export Dynamics and Internationalization
- Restructuring and Privatization of Nationalized Industry
- Economic Policy under Federal Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel, 2000-2007
- Reduction of Government Spending and Debt Ratios
- Strengthening of Austria as a Location for Industry
- Development of an Austrian Capital Market
- Return to Private Ownership and Reduction of Government-Backed Debts through the ÖIAG
- Increase of the Total Tax Rate: A Growing Burden for Mid-Sized Companies
- Summary and Outlook
Max Preglau
Schüssel and the Welfare State- Initial Conditions
- The Austrian Welfare System: The Status Quo before Schüssel
- Transition from Fordism to Post-Fordism as a Challenge of the Welfare State
- Restrictions and Options for Social Policy in the Age of Post-Fordism
- The Transformation of the Austrian Welfare State in the Schüssel Years, 2000-2006
- “Neo-Liberal” Social Policy
- Labor and Labor Market Policy
- Pension Reform
- Health Reform
- Taxes and Fees
- Poverty Reduction
- Conservative Family and Gender Policy
- Restrictive Immigration and Integration Policy
- Final Evaluation of the Social Policy of the Schüssel Years
Josef Leidenfrost
The Demise of “Minoritenplatz-Schleicherei”: Eighty-Four Month of Wende Higher Education Policy in Austria- Introduction
- Elisabeth Gehrer and the Resetting of the Higher Education Policy Agenda
- The 1990s: The Maastricht Criteria Confront the Mass Universities
- From Kowtowing to Autonomy: The University Act of 2002 and the Demise of the “Minoritenplatz-Schleicherei”
- The Minister Leaving Through The Back Door: The Difficult (Re) Introduction of Tuition Fees
- A European Court of Justice Decision and Its Consequences for Austrian Higher Education
- The Brave New World of “Bologna”: Systemic Challenges and Changes Far Beyond 2010
- Conclusion
Anton Pelinka
Legacies of the Schüssel YearsForum
David S. Luft
Austrian and German History and LiteratureLeslie Morris
Austrian-Jewish Studies?Andreas Stadler
Disturbing Creativity: Phantom Pains, Arts, and Cultural Policies in Postwar AustriaBook Reviews
Evan Burr Bukey
Gerhard Botz, Nationalsozialismus in Wien: Machtübernahme, Herrschaftssicherung, Radikalisierung 1938/39 (Vienna: Mandelbaum Verlag, 2008)Hans Petschar, Anschluss. “Ich hole Euch heim”: Der “Anschluss” Õsterreichs an das Deutsche Reich. Fotografie und Wochenschau im Dienst der NS-Propganda, Eine Bildchronologie (Vienna: Christian Brandstätter Verlag, 2008)
Michael Phayer
Gerald Steinacher, Nazis auf der Flucht: Wie Kriegsverbrecher über Italien nach Übersee entkamen (Innsbruck: Studien Verlag, 2008)Annual Review
Reinhold Gärtner
Austria 2008