List of Authors
p. 444-446
1Gunda Barth-Scalmani is a professor at the Department of History and European Ethnology, University of Innsbruck.
2Siegfried Beer is a professor of late modern and contemporary history and director of the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies (ACIPSS) at the University of Graz. He also serves as director of the Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies (BIAAS) at Media, PA.
3Peter Berger is chair and professor of economic and social history at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
4Günter Bischof is Marshall Plan Professor of History and the director of CenterAustria, University of New Orleans.
5John W. Boyer is the Martin A. Ryerson Distinguished Service Professor in History and Dean of the College, University of Chicago.
6Evan B. Bukey is Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Arkansas.
7John Deak is an assistant professor in the Department of History as well as a Fellow of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies at th
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