Austria 2009
p. 439-443
Elections EU-Parliament in Austria
1The elections to the European Parliament were held in June 2009. Since 1979, all member states of the European Union elect their MPs directly. Before 1979 the MPs were sent to the EU Parliament by their countries. In June 2009, Austria had seventeen MPs. The SPÖ lost some 10 percent, and so the ÖVP could get the most seats. The FPÖ did not win as much as expected according to polls, and the Liste Martin was again vey successful — not only because of the enormous support of the Kronen Zeitung. Usually, the SPÖ would have gotten only four seats and the BZÖ no seat, but with the Reform Treaty of Lisbon, Austria got nineteen seats — one more for the SPÖ and the first one for the BZÖ. The voter turnout (46 percent) was a bit higher than in 2004 (42.4 percent). It had been 49.4 percent in 1999 and 67.7 percent in 1996.
Table 1: Elections to the European Parliament in June 2009 in Austria: Percentage - Seats
Year | SPÖ | ÖVP | FPÖ | Grüne | Liste Martin | Others |
2009 | 23. |
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