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La lutte antivectorielle en France

Didier Fontenille
Christophe Lagneau
Sylvie Lecollinet
et al.

Assessment of vector control



1There are several definitions of the notion of assessment in public health fields, all of them more-or-less convergent. This is true whether they come from ANAES (French National Health Accreditation and Assessment Agency), WHO, OECD and so on. Generally speaking, assessment takes reference from an approach distinct from follow-up, surveillance and monitoring of activities. It is a “process of quantitative and qualitative analysis which consists in measuring their effects […] in order to instigate corrections to certain points of the system.” (source ANEAS).

2The core of the account that follows concerns the operational assessment of the effectiveness of vector control actions concerning their entomological and epidemiological, economic and environmental components, with special regard to their unwanted side-effects. The importance and scope of such an assessment is a response to one of the following assignments (see Fig. 4): either assess the relevance and appropriateness of actions taken, or their consistency, their efficacy, or effectiveness, impact or consequences.

3Assessments of health impact are essentially based on quantitative methods (epidemiology, biostatistics). Behavioural and social factors that concern vector control systems also merit assessment, which entails the application of qualitative methods used in human and social science research.


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