p. 208
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Texte intégral
1The first legal framework aiming to establish a real mosquito control system dates back to 1964, discounting the order issued by the French Committee for National Liberation in April 1944 on malaria control (a text which has not been abrogated but has fallen into abeyance). At the time it was a move towards the development of tourism in the coastal fringe of the Languedoc-Roussillon region. The main purpose of the mosquito eradication measures introduced by law n° 64-1246 of December 1964 was therefore to further a development planning objective (to support tourism).
2After a variety of legislative reforms the scope and spirit of the 1964 text were changed, and the specific legislative provisions explicitly concerning insect-vector control were adopted. A highly significant change was introduced by the law of 13 August 2004 relating to local liberties and responsibilities, in particular by its article 72 which broadened the State’s competence in human-disease vector control to include all insects. That text was not sufficient to make the system any clearer in that it did not rescind the measures specifically aimed at mosquito control that had been defined by 1964 legislation. A succession of additions rendered the standardization machinery difficult to understand and made it a source of uncertainties.
3Moreover, it must be emphasized that since the order of 23 April 1987, the départements concerned by the control measures against insect-borne human disease, in the sense of the amended law of 1964, are: Haute-Corse, Corse-du-Sud, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Reunion Island (Mayotte is in a different situation).
4It appears that although the legislature intended to adopt general measures concerning vector control in favour of human health, it was a different story for animal health. It would therefore be timely to think about the implementation of a specific mechanism to cover this.
5Analysis of the situation in France brings out a number of questions and/or proposals concerning: unification of the legislative system for human health, clarification of the present provisions and standards for the conservation of the flora, development of an overall legislative mechanism for animal health. Finally, as far as governance is concerned, great disparity between the different départements is observed, whose strengths and weaknesses will be examined in “How is governance organized?” page 324.
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