Territories and urbanisation in South Africa
Atlas and geo-historical information system (DYSTURB)
The DYSTURB database collates, harmonises and inter-relates over time the following different elements: a set of political, administrative and functional maps of the districts, provinces and urban areas; the demographic and administrative data for all South African localities from 1911. In all, the 20 000 geo-referenced localities of the 2001 census are put in perspective in terms of spatio-temporal parameters, demographic history and urban dynamics, through the post-colonial, apartheid and po...
Éditeur : IRD Éditions
Lieu d’édition : Marseille
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 2 décembre 2013
ISBN numérique : 978-2-7099-1814-5
DOI : 10.4000/books.irdeditions.687
Collection : Atlas et cartes
Année d’édition : 2009
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-2-7099-1674-5
Nombre de pages : 80
A georeferenced database covering one century of demographic and administrative follow-up of all South-African localities and territories
The DYSTURB database collates, harmonises and inter-relates over time the following different elements: a set of political, administrative and functional maps of the districts, provinces and urban areas; the demographic and administrative data for all South African localities from 1911. In all, the 20 000 geo-referenced localities of the 2001 census are put in perspective in terms of spatio-temporal parameters, demographic history and urban dynamics, through the post-colonial, apartheid and post-apartheid periods.
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