p. 53-59
Texte intégral
Interviews conducted
Alexandre Berthon-Dumurgier, AFD, France.
Jean-Pierre Cling, Insee, France.
Javier Herrera, IRD, Asscociate Researcher at Inei-Peru.
Nancy Hidalgo, Inei-Peru.
Stéphane Lagrée, Vass Consultant.
Thang Nguyen, CAF (Centre for Analysis and Forecasting), Vass, Vietnam.
Thi Thu Phuong Nguyen, CAF, Vass, Vietnam.
Ida Rajaonera, Instat-Madagascar.
Faly Rakotomanana, Instat-Madagascar, Associate Researcher at Dial.
Éric Ramilison, Afrisat.
José Luis Roble, Inei-Peru.
François Roubaud, IRD.
Constance Torelli, Insee, France.
Documents cited
Scientific output, a few references
Brilleau A., Roubaud F., Torelli C. 2004 – L’emploi, le chômage et les conditions d’activité dans les principales agglomérations de sept états membres de l’Uemoa. Principaux résultats de la phase 1 de l’enquête 1-2-3 de 2001 et 2003.
Brilleau A., Ouedraogo E., Roubaud F. (éd.), 2005 – L’enquête 1-2-3 dans les pays de l’Uemoa : la consolidation d’une méthode. Statéco, 99, Afrisat-Dial-Insee: 15-170.
Cling J.-P., Lagrée S., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. (eds), 2014 – The Informal Economy in Developing Countries. London/New York, Routledge, 332 p.
(translated into French: Cling J.-P., Lagrée S., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F., 2012 – L’économie informelle dans les pays en développement. Paris, Éditions AFD, 363 p. [] ; also translated into Vietnamese(.
Cling J.-P., Nguyen Thu Huyen, Nguyen Hu Chí, Phan T. N. Tram, Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F., 2010 – The Informal Sector in Vietnam: A focus on Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Hanoi, The Gioi Publishers, 248 p.
De Vreyer P., Roubaud F. (éd.), 2013 – Urban labor Markets in Sub-saharan Africa. Washington D.C, AFD/World Bank (also in French, IRD Éditions).
Demenet A., Nguyen Thu Huyen, Nguyen Hu Chí, Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F., 2010 – Dynamics of the informal sector in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City: Main findings of the Household business & Informal sector survey 2007 & 2009. Hanoi, GSO/IRD/The World Bank/DFID, 32 p. (published in English and Vietnamese).
Pasquier-Doumer L., Oudin X., Nguyen Thang, 2017 – The Importance of household business and informal sector for inclusive growth in Vietnam. Hanoi, The Gioi Publishers.
Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F., Nguyen Hu Chí, 2011. « Labor Market and informal economy in Vietnam: Recent trends and policy implications ». In Nguyen Duc Thanh (éd.) : Vietnamese Economy at crossroads: Real recovery or prolonged stagnation, Vietnam Annual Economic Report, VEPR, Hanoi, Knowledge Publishing House (published in English and Vietnamese).
Roubaud F., 1989 – La valeur ajoutée du secteur non enregistré urbain au Mexique : une approche par l’enquête emploi. Statéco, 57, Insee, France: 5-39.
Roubaud F., 1994 – L’économie informelle au Mexique : de la sphère domestique à la dynamique macro-économique. Paris, Karthala/Orstom.
Roubaud F. (éd.), 2000 – Le projet Madio à Madagascar : l’information statistique au service du débat démocratique sur la politique économique. Statéco, 95/96/97, Insee, France, 216 p.
Roubaud F., 2014 – L’économie informelle est-elle un frein au développement et à la croissance économiques ? Regards croisés sur l’économie, 14, special issue « Lumières sur les économies souterraines »: 109-121.
Roubaud F., Séruzier M., 1991 – Économie non enregistrée par la statistique et secteur informel dans les pays en développement. Statéco, 68, Insee, Paris.
For the general public (non-specialist)
Cling J.-P., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F., 2010 – Le Vietnam : un « miracle asiatique » ? Fiche d’actualité scientifique, 359, IRD, 2 p.
Cling J.-P., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F., 2010 – Emploi et secteur informel au Sud. La ville d’Hanoi vient d’accueillir une conférence internationale sur l’économie informelle réunissant chercheurs et décideurs. Sciences au Sud-Le journal de l’IRD, 55: 3.
Herrera J., Roubaud F., Suarez A. (eds), 2004 – El sector informal en Colombia y en los demás países andinos. Bogotá, DANE, 218 p.
Instat, 2013 – Enquête nationale sur l’emploi et le secteur informel – Enempsi 2012, 1 et 2. Antananarivo, Instat/Dial/BIT/Pnud.
Nordman C. J., Roubaud F., 2010 – Une approche originale en économie du développement : vingt ans d’efforts pour mesurer et analyser l’économie informelle dans les pays en développement. Dialogue, 31: 2-9.
Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F., 2009 – Le secteur informel au Vietnam : l’inéluctable expansion ? Sciences au Sud-Le journal de l’IRD, 49: 7.
A few links
Other documents cited
De Soto H., 1989 – The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the Third World. New York, Harper and Row.
Hussmanns R., 2004 – Measuring the Informal Economy: From Employment in the Informal Sector to Informal Employment. ILO Working Paper, 53, Geneva.
ILO, 1972 – Employment, Income and Equality: A Strategy for Increasing Productive Employment in Kenya. Geneva, International Labour Office.
ILO, 1993 – Resolution Concerning Statistics of Employment in the Informal Sector. Fifteenth International Conference of Labour Statistics, ILO, January 1993.
ILO, 2003 – Guidelines Concerning a Statistical Definition of Informal Employment. Seventeenth International Conference of Labour Statistics, ILO, 24 November-3 December 2003.
ILO, 2013 – Manual on Surveys of Informal Employment and Informal Sector. Geneva.
ILO/Wiego, 2013 – Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A Statistical Picture. Geneva, 2nd Edition.
Jutting J. P., de Laiglesia J. R. (eds), 2009 – Is Informal Normal? Towards more and better jobs in developing countries. Paris, OECD Development Centre.
Moser C. N., 1978 – Informal Sector or Petty Commodity Production: Dualism or Independence in Urban Development. World Development, 6: 1041-1064.
OECD, IMF, ILO, CIS STAT, 2002 – Measuring the Non-Observed Economy. A Handbook. Paris, OECD/IMF/ILO/CIS STAT.
Perry G. E., Maloney W. F., Arias O. S., Fajnzylber P., Mason A. D., Saavedra-Chanduvi J., 2007 – Informality: Exit and Exclusion. Washington DC, The World Bank/World Bank Latin American/Caribbean Studies.
Portes A., Castells M., Benton L. A., 1989 – The Informal economy: Studies in advanced and less developed countries. Baltimore MD, The John Hopkins University Press.
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
ACN: Andean Community of Nations
AFD: Agence française de développement (French Development Agency)
Afrisat: Economic and Statistical Observatory for Sub-Saharan Africa
Asirpa: Public agronomic research impact analysis
AU: African Union
Cefil-Insee: Insee Training Centre
CIES: Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social (Economic and Social Research Consortium
DCs: Developing countries
Dial: Development, Institutions and Globalisation, UMR Leda
DFID: Department for International Development, United Kingdom
ECLAC: Economic Commission for Latin America
Enaho: Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (National Household Survey), Peru
Enaprom: Encuesta Nacional de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples (National Multipurpose Household Survey)
Enempsi: Enquête nationale sur l’emploi dans le secteur informel (National Survey on Employment in the Informal Sector), Madagascar
ERI-ESI: Enquête régionale intégrée sur l’emploi et le secteur informel (Integrated Regional Survey on Employment and the Informal Sector)
Escap: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
FRDP: Framework Research and Development Programme
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
Grade: Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (Development Analysis Group)
GSO: General Statistics Office, Vietnam
HBIS: Household Business and Informal Sector
IBGE: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics)
Iedes: Institut d’études du développement de la Sorbonne (Institute of Development Studies of the Sorbonne)
Iena: Integrating the Informal Economy into the National Accounts
IFM: Institut français de Madagascar (French Institute of Madagascar)
ILO: International Labour Office
ILO: International Labour Organization
Impress: Impact of research in the South
Insee: Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies)
Inei: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (National Institute of Statistics and Informatics), Peru
Instat: Institut national de statistique de Madagascar (National Institute of Statistics of Madagascar)
IRD: French Research Institute for Sustainable Development
Leda: Laboratoire d’économie de Dauphine (Dauphine Economics Laboratory)
LFS: Labor Force Survey
Madio: Madagascar-Dial-Instat-Orstom
MAE: Ministère des Affaires étrangères (Ministry for Foreign Affairs), France
MEETFP: Ministère de l’Emploi, de l’Enseignement technique et de la Formation professionnelle (Ministry for Employment, Technical Education and Vocational Training), Madagascar
Molisa: Ministry for Labour, Vietnam
NoPoor: Research project to strengthen knowledge for better anti-poverty policies
NSI: National statistical institute
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Orstom: Institute of Scientific Research for Development in Cooperation, France (ex-IRD)
Parstat: Comparative analysis of the labour market and poverty trends in Africa
PNEFP: Politique nationale de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle (National Employment and Vocational Training Policy), Madagascar
PUCP: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru)
Recap: Strengthening the Capacity to Devise and Analyse Decent Work Indicators
SCAC: Service de coopération et d’action culturelle (Cooperation and Cultural Action Service)
SDG: Sustainable Development Goals
Shasa: Strategy for the Harmonization of Statistics in Africa
UFRJ: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
UMR: Unité mixte de recherche (Joint Research Unit)
Ummisco: Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Complex Systems Unit
Unesco: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNDP: United Nations Development Programme
Vass: Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences
VAT: Valued Added Tax
Waemu: West African Economic and Monetary Union
WTO: World Trade Organization
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