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List of scientific contributors

p. 219-223

Texte intégral

Part 1 – Aiming for fairer societies

1Microlending and maximum debt

Isabelle Guérin, socioeconomist, Cessma UMR

2An economy based on precarious employment

François Roubaud, economist and statistician, LEDa UMR, Dial team

3The missing proportion of women

Christophe Z. Guilmoto, demographer, Ceped UMR

4Governance and corruption seen from the bottom

François Roubaud, economist and statistician, LEDa UMR, Dial team

Mireille Razafindrakoto, economist and statistician, LEDa UMR, Dial team

5Developing public education in the cities

Marc Pilon, demographer, Ceped UMR

6The multilingualism textbook

Isabelle Léglise, sociolinguist, SeDyL UMR

7Questioning the development process

Philippe Lavigne Delville, socioanthropologist, Gred UMR

Pierre-Yves Le Meur, anthropologist, Gred UMR

Fatoumata Ouattara, anthropologist, LPED UMR

8The Mega-Chad network

Christian Seignobos, geographer, Gred UMR, retired

9Securing the peasants’ land rights

Jean-Pierre Chauveau, socioanthropologist, Gred UMR

Philippe Lavigne Delville, socioanthropologist, Gred UMR

Éric Léonard, economist and geographer, Gred UMR

10Local cultures

Dominique Guillaud, geographer, Paloc UMR

11The evolutionary history of mankind

Alain Froment, anthropobiologist, Paloc UMR

12Migration in 3-D

Nelly Robin, geographer, Ceped UMR

13A world of encampments

Michel Agier, anthropologist, CEMS

14African forms of Christianity in Morocco

Sophie Bava, socioanthropologist, LPED UMR

15Invisible health trajectories

Annabel Desgrées du Lou, demographer, Ceped UMR

16Migratory links

Flore Gubert, economist, LEDa UMR, Dial team

17Displaced minorities

Yves Goudineau, anthropologist, EFEO and Case

18Yes to triple therapy in Africa

Éric Delaporte, infectologist, TransVIHMI UMI

19Being born without HIV

Gonzague Jourdain, epidemiologist and physician, IRD-PHPT UMI

20Replaying and changing the scene

Alexandre Dumont, epidemiologist and physician, Ceped UMR

21A sugar paste to combat hunger

Text written based on press articles and documents

22Preventing the effects of malnutrition

Serge Trèche, nutritionist, Nutripass UMR, retired

23Combating deficiencies

Jacques Berger, nutritionist, Nutripass UMR

24Preventing obesity in the Maghreb

Pierre Traissac, epidemiologist, Nutripass UMR

Part 2 – Hazards, risks and vulnerabilities

25Niakhar: sentinel area since 1962

Valérie Delaunay, demographer, LPED UMR

26Genealogy of Plasmodium

François Renaud, biologist, Mivegec UMR

Éric Delaporte, infectologist, TransVIHMI UMI

27The mosquito net revolution

Pierre Carnevale, medical entomologist, malariologist, retired

Vincent Robert, medical entomologist, Mivegec UMR

Frédéric Darriet, medical entomologist, Mivegec UMR

28Preventing malaria intermittently

Cheikh Sokhna, biologist, malariologist, Vitrome UMR

29Protecting pregnant women from malaria

Michel Cot, epidemiologist and physician, Merit UMR

30Reconstructing the history of HIV

Martine Peeters, virologist, TransVIHMI UMI

31The battle against Ebola

Éric Leroy, virologist, Mivegec UMR

32Ebola: a predetermined ending?

Éric Leroy, virologist, Mivegec UMR

33Humanising biosecurity measures

Alice Desclaux, anthropologist, TransHIVMI UMI

34The OCP programme, or how to eradicate “river blindness”

Bernard Philippon, medical entomologist, retired

Vincent Robert, medical entomologist, Mivegec UMR

Jean-Marc Hougard, medical entomologist, Mivegec UMR

35The effect of insecticides on the environment

Didier Paugy, hydrobiologist, retired

36Testing before treating

Michel Boussinesq, parasitologist and physician, TransHIVMI UMI

37Lights out for the tsetse fly?

Philippe Solano, entomologist/parasitologist, Intertryp UMR

38Pioneers in the Zika virus

Dorothée Missé, virologist, Mivegec UMR

39Developing mosquito factories

Louis-Clément Gouagna, medical entomologist, Mivegec UMR

40Vaccinating dogs to save humans

Jean-Loup Lemesre, immunobiologist, Intertryp UMR

41Detecting drug-resistant tuberculosis

Anne-Laure Bañuls, microbiologist, Mivegec UMR

42Climate-related epidemics

Christophe Menkes, climatologist, Entropie UMR

Morgan Mangeas, mathematician, Espace-Dev UMR

Benjamin Sultan, climatologist, Espace-Dev UMR

43Closely monitored glaciers

Thomas Condom, hydroglaciologist, IGE UMR

44Watching out for our water

Marielle Gosset, hydrometeorologist, UMR GET 

45Heat wave warning in Africa

Serge Janicot, climatologist, Locéan UMR

46Assessing seismic risks

Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, geodesist, geophysicist, Géoazur UMR

47Long-lasting eruptions

Jean-Luc Le Pennec, volcanologist, Magma and volcanoes UMR

48Mapping resources to manage priorities

Sébastien Hardy, geographer, Prodig UMR

49Sounding out the hidden side of earthquakes

Philippe Charvis, geophysicist, Géoazur UMR

Yann Hello, marine geophysicist, Géoazur UMR

50Using data to improve road safety

Emmanuel Bonnet, health geographer, Résiliences UMI

51Record levels of plastic pollution in fresh water

Émilie Strady, water geochemist, MIO UMR

52Tracesense, measuring traces of pollution

David Point, environmental chemist, GET UMR

53Mesotoga: bacteria found in polluted environments

Bernard Ollivier, microbiologist, MIO UMR

54Catching cyanobacteria red-handed

Isabelle Biegala, microbiologist, MIO UMR

Part 3 – Sustainable agriculture and food security

55Sequestering carbon in soil

Christian Feller, soil scientist, Eco&Sols UMR, retired

Collectif MOS, Eco&Sols UMR

56Erosion in the shade of trees

Christian Valentin, soil scientist, iEES-Paris UMR, retired

57Plant symbiosis

Éric Giraud, microbiologist, LSTM UMR

58Macrofauna, macro-effect

Éric Blanchart, soil ecologist, Eco&Sols UMR

59Correcting the pH of soil

Jean-Pierre Montoroi, expert in agropedology, iESS-Paris UMR

60Small dams, major effects

Philippe Cecchi, ecologist, Marbec UMR Jean Albergel, hydrologist, Lisah UMR

61Water in African soil

Jean-Michel Vouillamoz, Hydrogeologist, IGE UMR

62Measuring water

Vincent Simonneaux, research engineer in remote detection and hydrology, Cesbio UMR

Salah Er-Raki, hydro-climatologist, Cadi Ayyad University

Gilles Boulet, hydrologist and modeller, Cesbio UMR

63Khettaras: living vestiges

Thierry Ruf, geographer, Gred UMR

64Trees: the backbone of agriculture

Geneviève Michon, ethnobotanist, Gred UMR

65Land: a scientific tool for development

Jean-Baptiste Boutrais, rural geographer, Paloc UMR, retired

66The Amazon forest hiding behind felled trees

Laure Emperaire, ethnobotanist, Paloc UMR

67Optimising agricultural knowledge

Robin Duponnois, ecologist, LSTM UMR

68From IPCC to operational status

Jean-Philippe Boulanger, climatologist, Locéan UMR

69First mapping of rice yellow mottle virus

Eugénie Hébrard, plant virologist, IPME UMR

70Cassava and bacteria legacy

Valérie Verdier, plant pathologist, IPME UMR

Boris Szurek, plant pathologist, IPME UMR Unwitting pests

Bruno Le Rü, entomologist, EGCE UMR

Paul-André Calatayud, entomologist, EGCE UMR

71Fields under thermal surveillance

Olivier Dangles, ecologist, Cefe UMR

72Raising policy-makers’ awareness of bio-invasions

Gauthier Dorbigny, biologist, CBGP UMR

73Sexing to develop date palms

Frédérique Aberlenc, biologist, Diade UMR

74Turning green waste into gold

Sevastianos Roussos, microbiologist, IMBE UMR, retired

75Moving towards sustainable aquaculture

Marc Legendre, fish physiologist, Isem UMR

76Controlling reproduction

Marc Legendre, fish physiologist, Isem UMR

77Tropical tuna under surveillance

Daniel Gaertner, fisheries biologist, Marbec UMR

Pierre Chavance, marine biologist, Marbec UMR, retired

Pascal Bach, fisheries ecologist, Marbec UMR

78Moving towards more sustainable baits

Pascal Bach, fisheries ecologist, Marbec UMR

79Adaptive fishing in Peru

Arnaud Bertrand, marine ecologist, Marbec UMR

Part 4 – Ecosystem dynamics and biodiversity conservation

80Crackdown on El Niño

Jérôme Vialard, oceanographer, Locéan UMR

81Exploring tropical oceans: the Pirata programme

Jacques Merle, physical oceanographer, Locéan UMR, retired

Bruno Voituriez, physical oceanographer, retired

Bernard Bourles, physical oceanographer, Legos UMR

82Modelling upwelling

Pierrick Penven, physical oceanographer, Lops UMR

83Critical zone observatories

Thierry Lebel, hydro-climatologist, IGE UMR

84From local hydrology to global climate

Thierry Lebel, hydro-climatologist, IGE UMR

85The paradoxes of the Sahel

Gil Mahé, hydro-climatologist, HydroSciences UMR

Luc Descroix, hydrologist, Paloc UMR

86Flooding caused by downpours

Gérémy Panthou, hydro-climatologist, LTHE

87Small catchments, great results

Pierre Chevallier, hydrologist, HydroSciences UMR, retired 

88Gauging rivers from space

Stéphane Calmant, geophysicist, Legos UMR

89Exploring South America’s past climate

Bruno Turcq, paleoclimatologist, Locéan UMR

90A sea of fresh water

Guillaume Favreau, Hydrogeologist, IGE UMR

91Soils in all their forms

Christian Valentin, soil scientist, iEES-Paris UMR, retired

92Sand, dust and wind

Jean-Louis Rajot, soil scientist, iEES-Paris UMR

93Cataloguing the French Guiana forest

Raphaël Pélissier, ecologist, Amap UMR

94Pastures and humans drip-fed by glaciers

Olivier Dangles, ecologist, Cefe UMR

95The proportion of birds

Philippe Cury, marine ecologist, Marbec UMR

96Discovery of “super coral” in New Caledonia

Ricardo Rodolfo-Metalpa, biologist, Entropie UMR

Part 5 – Open science and shared knowledge

97Supporting teams of scientists

Hervé de Tricornot, expert in research policies, retired

98Mosquitoes, viruses and globalisation

Frédéric Simard, medical entomologist, Mivegec

99Supporting the creation of clinical research centres in Africa

Éric Delaporte, infectiologist, TransHIVMI UMI

Michel Cot, epidemiologist and physician, Merit UMR

Jean-François Etard, epidemiologist and physician, TransHIVMI UMI

Bernard Taverne, anthropologist, TransHIVMI UMI

100Training health supervisors

Jean-Marc Hougard, medical entomologist, Mivegec UMR

Florence Fournet, medical entomologist, Mivegec UMR

101“Boundless” modelling

Alexis Drogoul, computer scientist, Ummisco UMI

102Home-made GIS

Marc Souris, mathematician, researcher in information science, UVE UMR

103Public data on West African fisheries

Monique Simier, biostatistician, Marbec UMR

104Mapping out regulations

Marie Bonnin, environmental lawyer, Lemar UMR

105Rice as a common good

Alain Ghesquière, geneticist, Diade UMR

106Custodians of agricultural diversity

Serge Hamon, plant breeder, Diade UMR

Yves Vigouroux, population genomicist, Diade UMR

107The French Guiana forest in a herbarium

Sophie Gonzalez, botanist, Amap UMR

108A botanist in my smartphone

Jean-François Molino, ecologist, Amap UMR

109At the cutting edge of ethnopharmacology

Geneviève Bourdy, ethnopharmacologist, Pharma-Dev UMR

Christian Moretti, ethnopharmacologist, EIO UMR, retired

110Participative archaeology in the Marquesas Islands

Pierre Ottino-Garanger, archaeologist, Paloc UMR

111Discovering a new civilisation

Francisco Valdez, archaeologist, anthropologist, Paloc UMR 

112Anthology of atlases

Benoît Antheaume, rural geographer, Prodig UMR, retired

113Virtual education

Nicolas Gratiot, hydrogeomorphologist, IGE UMR

114Science as a tool for citizens

IST department and Indigo image bank

115Knowledge and images accessible to everyone

‘Mediation with the general public’ department

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