Part 2 Introduction
Hazards, risks and vulnerabilities
p. 70-71
Plan détaillé
Texte intégral
1Malaria, sleeping sickness and, more recently, AIDS, Ebola, chikungunya, etc.: the diseases that ravage the countries of the Global South are the focus of IRD’s research. The idea is to understand, prevent and control tropical diseases based on the results of research, but also to assess their environmental, social and human determinants and translate the scientific knowledge gained into operational terms for the populations. Societies of the Global South are also particularly vulnerable to natural disasters. Many IRD programmes are dedicated to these disasters, as well as to the various forms of pollution of anthropogenic or natural origin. All this research leads to concrete improvements in the health, safety and well-being of the populations of the Global South.
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Biodiversité au Sud
Recherches pour un monde durable
Jean-François Agnèse, Olivier Dangles et Estienne Rodary (dir.)
Biodiversity in the Global South
Research for a sustainable world
Jean-François Agnèse, Olivier Dangles et Estienne Rodary (dir.)
Trajectoires de recherches en Amazonie brésilienne
L'IRD et ses partenaires
Frédérique Seyler, Marie-Pierre Ledru et Laure Emperaire (dir.)
Trajetórias de pesquisa na Amazônia brasileira
O IRD e seus parceiros
Frédérique Seyler, Marie-Pierre Ledru et Laure Emperaire (dir.)
Science et développement durable
75 ans de recherche au Sud
Corinne Lavagne, Thomas Mourier, Marie-Lise Sabrié et al. (dir.)
Science and sustainable development
75 years of research in the Global South
Corinne Lavagne, Thomas Mourier, Marie-Lise Sabrié et al. (dir.)