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List of acronyms

Texte intégral

ACP: Africa–Caribbean–Pacific

AfCFTA: African Continental Free Trade Area

AI: Artificial intelligence

AIS: Automatic identification system

AMERB: Areas of Management and Exploitation of Benthic Resources (Chile)

ANAM: National Agency for Maritime Affairs (Senegal)

ANAT: National Agency for Spatial Planning (Senegal)

ANGIL: National Authority for Integrated Coastal Management (Senegal)

ANM: National Mining Agency (Brazil)

ANP: National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (Brazil)

ANR: National Research Agency (France)

ANSD: National Agency for Statistics and Demography (Senegal)

ANTAQ: National Agency for River Transport (Brazil)

APA: Environmental Protection Area (Brazil)

AR: Artificial reef

ASC: Aquaculture Stewardship Council (non-profit organisation)

ASP: Amnesic shellfish poisoning

BAP: Best aquaculture practices

BLM: Boundary length modifier

BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

CAMP: Centre for the Motorisation of Pirogues (Senegal)

CAPAS: Senegalese Artisanal Fisheries Support Centre

CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity

CCADT: Municipal Commission on Territorial Planning and Development (Senegal)

CCSBT: Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna

CDADT: Departmental Commission on Territorial Planning and Development (Senegal)

CDE: Code on the domain of the state (France)

CEEAC: Economic Community of Central African States

CEMAC: Central African Economic and Monetary Community

CEMZA: Combined Exclusive Maritime Zone for Africa

CF: Conservation feature

CIAT: Interministerial Council for Land Use Planning (Senegal)

CICES: Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services

CIRM: Interministerial Commission on Marine Resources (Brazil)

CLPA: Local Artisanal Fisheries Councils (Senegal)

CNADT: National Commission for Territorial Planning and Development (Senegal)

CNPS: National Committee of Senegalese Fishermen

COFI: UN Committee on Fisheries

COMHAFAT: Regional Convention on Fisheries Cooperation between African States bordering the Atlantic Ocean

CONAMA: National Council on the Environment (Brazil)

COOPMER: Cooperative for the Supply and Distribution of Sea Products (Senegal)

COREP: Gulf of Guinea Regional Fisheries Commission

COS: Center for Ocean Solutions (interdisciplinary research programme)

CPADT: Presidential Council for Territorial Planning and Development (Senegal)

CPLP: Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries

CPRM: Mineral Resources Exploration Company (Brazil)

CRODT: Dakar-Thiaroye Oceanographic Research Centre (Senegal)

CSE: Ecological Monitoring Centre (Senegal)

CSV: Comma separated values

CU: Conservation unit

DAMCP: Directorate of Marine and Community Protected Areas (Senegal)

DEEC: Directorate of the Environment and Classified Establishments (Senegal)

DGEM: Directorate General for the Maritime Economy (Cabo Verde)

DGL: Coastal Management Division (Senegal)

DGRM: Directorate General of Maritime Resources (Cabo Verde)

DICAPI: Directorate General of Captaincies and Coastguard (Peru)

DNA: National Directorate for the Environment (Cabo Verde)

DPM: Directorate of Marine Fisheries (Senegal)

DPSP: Directorate of Fisheries Protection and Surveillance (Senegal)

DSP: Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning

DST: Decision support tool

EC: European Commission

ECOWAS: Economic Community of West African States

ECS: Extended continental shelf

EDF: European Development Fund

EEZ: Exclusive economic zone

EFS: French Elements in Senegal

EIA: Environmental impact assessment

EMAR: Escola do Mar (Cabo Verde)

ENP: European Neighbourhood Policy

ENPI: European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument

ENSO: El Niño–Southern Oscillation

EU: European Union

FAO: UN Food and Agriculture Organization

FCWC: Fishery Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea

FPSO: Floating production storage and offloading (vessel for the offshore oil and gas industry)

GAA: Global Aquaculture Alliance (non-profit organisation)

GAIPES: Group of Shipowners and Fishing Industries in Senegal

GCG: Gulf of Guinea Commission

GCWSR: Gold Coast World Surfing Reserve (Australia)

GDP: Gross domestic product

GE: Google Earth

GEBCO: General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans

GI-Gerco: Integrated Coastal Management Group (Brazil)

GNP: Gross national product

GT: Gross tonnage

HAB: Harmful algal bloom

HASSMAR: High Authority for the Coordination of Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection (Senegal)

HSS: Humanities and social sciences

IBA: Important bird and biodiversity areas

IBAMA: Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources

ICCAT: International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

ICMBio: Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (Brazil)

ICSF: International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (NGO)

ICZM: Integrated coastal zone management

IGBP: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme

IHDP: International Human Dimensions Programme

ILP: Integer linear programming

IMAR: Instituto do Mar (Cabo Verde)

IMP: Maritime and Port Institute (Cabo Verde)

INDP: National Institute for Fisheries Development (Cabo Verde)

INE: National Institute of Statistics (Cabo Verde)

INGT: National Institute of Land Management (Cabo Verde)

IOC: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO)

IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

ISRA: Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research

ITCZ: Intertropical convergence zone

IUEM: European Institute for Marine Studies

IUU: Illegal, unreported, unregulated (fishing)

IWRM: Integrated water resources management

JAES: Joint Africa–EU Strategy

KAN: Knowledge–action networks

LOADT: Orientation law for the planning and sustainable development of territories (Senegal)

MMA: Ministry of the Environment (Brazil)

MPA: Marine protected area

MSP: Marine spatial planning

NAO: North Atlantic Oscillation

NASC: Nautical area scattering coefficient

NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

NE: Nordeste (Brazil)

NFZ: No-take fishing zone

NGO: Non-governmental organisation

NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (United States)

NS: Natural sciences

NSPSA: National Strategic Plan for the Development of Aquaculture (Europe)

NZCPS: New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement

OIE: World Organisation for Animal Health

ONAS: National Sanitation Agency of Senegal

ONT: National Observatory of Territories (Senegal)

OPEC: Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries

PA: Protected area

Paddle: Planning in a liquid world with tropical stakes project

PAF: Federal Action Plan (Brazil)

PAF-CZ: Federal Coastal Zone Action Plan (Brazil)

PAG: Development and Management Plan (Senegal)

PAH: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

PALOPs: Portuguese-speaking African countries

PCB: Polychlorinated biphenyl

PDO: Pacific Decadal Oscillation

PEGC: State Coastal Zone Management Plan (Brazil)

PMGC: Municipal Coastal Zone Management Plan (Brazil)

PNADT: National Territorial Land Use Development Plan (Senegal)

PNAT: National Land Use Plan (Senegal)

PNBA: Banc d’Arguin National Park (Mauritania)

PNCMar: National Policy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Brazilian Marine Biome

PNGC: National Coastal Management Plan (Brazil)

PNIEB: National Investment Plan for the Blue Economy (Cabo Verde)

PNIUM: National Marine Emergency Response Plan (Senegal)

PNMA: National Environmental Policy (Brazil)

PNRM: National Policy for Marine Resources (Brazil)

POOC: Coastal Strip Management Plan (Brazil)

POP: Persistent organic pollutant

PRCM: Regional Partnership for Coastal and Marine Conservation (West Africa)

PROMEB: Programme for the Promotion of the Blue Economy (Cabo Verde)

PSE: Plan for an Emerging Senegal

PSP: Paralytic shellfish poisoning

PSRM: Sectoral Plan for Maritime Resources

PU: Planning unit

QGIS: Quantum geographic information system

RBDS: Saloum Delta Biosphere Reserve (Senegal)

RENARO: National Surf Registry (Peru)

RISE: Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (EU)

RMA: Resource Management Act (New Zealand)

SAPEA: Science Advice for Policy by European Academies

SATO: South Atlantic Treaty Organisation

SDGs: Sustainable development goals

SEA: Strategic environmental assessment

SEAFO: South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation

SEMA: Special Secretariat for the Environment (Brazil)

SFPA: Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (EU)

SIGERCO: Coastal management information system

SISNAMA: National Environment System (Brazil)

SLOSS: Single large or several small (reserves)

SMA-ZC: Coastal Zone Environmental Monitoring System (Brazil)

SMHPM: Mauritanian Company of Hydrocarbons and Mining

SNUC: National System of Protected Areas (Conservation Units) (Brazil)

SPF: Small pelagic fish

SRFC: Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (West Africa)

SST: Sea surface temperature

STS: Science and technology studies

STW: Save the Waves (non-profit organisation)

TAGP: Beach Management Agreement (Brazil)

TME: Trace metal elements

TNC: The Nature Conservancy (non-profit organisation)

TNI: Transnational Institute (non-profit think tank)

UEMOA: West African Economic and Monetary Union

UNCLOS: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

UPAMES: Employers’ Union of Senegalese Fishmongers and Exporters

USAID: United States Agency for International Development

UTA: Atlantic Technical University (Cabo Verde)

VMS: Vessel monitoring system

WACA: West Africa Coastal Areas Management Programme

WASCAL: West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use

WFFP: World Forum of Fisher Peoples

WP: Work package

WSR: World Surfing Reserve

WWF: World Wildlife Fund (non-profit organisation)

ZAP: Priority Development Zone (Senegal)

ZEEC: Ecological Economic Zoning of Coastal Regions (Brazil)

ZEEMSV: Maritime Special Economic Zone in São Vicente (Cabo Verde)

ZOPACAS: South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone

ZUS: Sensitive Urban Zone (France)

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