Table des matières
Sophie Lanco Bertrand et Marie Bonnin
Introduction. Marine spatial planning in the tropical AtlanticFrom a Tower of Babel to collective intelligence
- From knowledge silos to collective intelligence
- Capitalising on knowledge silos
- Identifying barriers to a system view of the complex ocean
- Technical and informational challenges
- An anthropocentric view of human–nature relations
- The Red Queen’s race in a context of climate change
- Innovative approaches to breaking down silos
- Towards impact-based governance
- Developing new types of observations
- Building interdisciplinarity
- Reintegrating local communities into participatory governance
- The promise of artificial intelligence
- Bringing nature back into MSP
- Rephrasing the problem: what if we invited Bartleby to the negotiating table?
- Questioning certain “axioms” to imagine new solutions
- Towards less reductionist and more inclusive management methods
- Reference environments, shifting baselines and the non-regression principle
- Overcoming the nature–culture divide in marine ecosystems
Part I. Disciplinary perspectives on marine ecosystems in the tropics. A prerequisite for marine spatial planning
Arnaud Bertrand et Martin Zimmer
Chapter 1. Diversity and trends of marine ecosystems in the tropical AtlanticÉric Machu, Timothée Brochier, Xavier Capet et al.
Chapter 2. Pollution in a liquid worldSources and impacts of pollution in Senegal and the implications for marine spatial planning
- Introduction
- Sources of marine pollution
- When plastics become political
- Agricultural pollution
- Domestic pollution
- Industrial pollution
- Hann Bay
- Fishing and shipping
- Offshore oil and gas extraction
- Mineral extraction
- Major coastal development projects
- Desalination plant
- Industrial ports
- Ecosystem risks
- General principles
- Examples of disturbances and responses of organisms
- Biochemical disruption of cells: oysters and plastics
- Disturbance of organisms: marine birds, trace metals and oil
- Population disturbance: copepods, sardinella and warming
- Community disturbance: fish and algae
- The role of ocean dynamics in the trajectory of pollutants
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy
Chapter 3. How many fish in the sea and where?Active acoustics to assess marine organisms
Pericles Silva, Ivanice Monteiro, Vito Ramos et al.
Chapter 4. Local communities, global resourcesYellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in Cabo Verde
- Yellowfin tuna fishing in Cabo Verde
- Yellowfin tuna, an essential national resource
- Limited semi-industrial and industrial fishing
- Artisanal fishery
- Yellowfin tuna, a shared resource
- EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs)
- The current EU-Cabo Verde protocol
- The importance of yellowfin tuna for local communities: the case of São Pedro
- Conclusion
Philippe Soudant, Hilde Toonen, Patricia Mirella Da Silva et al.
Chapter 5. Cultivating the seaShellfish aquaculture issues in marine spatial planning
- Introduction
- Shellfish farming
- Biological and ecological characteristics of bivalves
- Ecosystem services: providers of environmental quality and habitats
- A source of food for humans
- Crafts, decoration and jewellery
- Problems associated with shellfish farming
- Toxic and harmful microalgae
- Human pathogens
- Shellfish diseases
- Chemical contaminants
- Shellfish farming in Brazil’s Nordeste region
- Shellfish cultivation and tonnage
- Insertion of activity in coastal areas
- Present and future problems associated with shellfish aquaculture
- Why integrate shellfish aquaculture in MSP?
- Conclusion
Yoann Thomas et Malick Diouf
Chapter 6. Artisanal fisheries, climate change and scientific challenges for marine spatial planningPart II. Marine spatial planning in the tropical Atlantic. Local, national and international issues
Katiuscia Da Silva Leite Noury et Florence Galletti
Chapter 7. Legal tools for coastal zone management in BrazilA basis for national marine spatial planning?
- Legal management of the coast: a focus on coastal land
- A series of coastal planning measures
- A complex planning exercise
- Management of coastal environments: lessons learned
- Fragmented management of coastal and marine environments
- The role of public institutions concerning beaches
- “Zoning within zoning”: development and conservation of coastal mangroves
- MSP in Brazil: some unresolved questions
- MSP inspired by scientific expertise
- Frameworks for MSP based on scientific expertise
- Planning in a context of uncertainty: the example of marine protected areas
- Coastal protected areas
- The case of the state of Pernambuco
- Towards MSP for the whole maritime area?
- The “lead” institution of an MSP
- The maritime territory for MSP
- MSP and the risk of legal inconsistency
- Conclusion
Ibrahima Ly, Odeline Billant, Fatou Ndiaye et al.
Chapter 8. Opportunities and challenges for marine spatial planning in Senegal- A legal framework favourable to implementing MSP
- The Abidjan Convention: a framework for MSP in West Africa
- Towards regional MSP: the AU’s goal
- A Combined Exclusive Maritime Zone for Africa
- CEMZA, a goal in line with MSP objectives?
- National challenges to implementing MSP
- Land-use planning, a reference for future MSP?
- A recent law on land-use planning and sustainable development
- The National Spatial Planning and Development Plan and the marine space
- An institutional framework between sectoralisation and cooperation
- The need to adapt institutions to implement MSP
- HASSMAR: an institution with general jurisdiction
- ANAM: an institution with specific jurisdiction
- Institutions with a variety of jurisdictions
- Better protection of the marine environment: the latest developments
- Conclusion: a priority on development?
José Guerreiro, Ana Carvalho et Daniela Casimiro
Chapter 9. Institutional, legal and governance frameworks for marine spatial planningCase studies in the tropical Atlantic
Brice Trouillet, Ndickou Gaye, Aïchetou Seck et al.
Chapter 10. The information challenges of marine spatial planningLessons learned from small-scale fisheries in Senegal
- Introduction
- Marine spatial planning and geographic information
- Changes in Senegal’s maritime and coastal space
- Geographic information: key to marine spatial planning
- The information issue in Senegal’s fisheries
- Overview of Senegal’s fisheries
- The Saint-Louis region: multiuse and multiscale
- Kayar MPA: mapping fishing grounds
- The Saloum delta: finding a balance between traditional and new activities
- Some lessons on information issues in these case studies
Juan Luis Suárez de Vivero, Etiene Villela Marroni, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Mateos et al.
Chapter 11. South “Atlanticism”Ocean governance in a community of interest
- Introduction
- The geopolitical seascape of the South Atlantic
- Relations in the South Atlantic
- Maritime space: jurisdictions
- The blue economy
- Maritime policy and planning: Brazil and West Africa
- Maritime development in Brazil
- Brazil’s maritime expansion: leadership in the tropical Atlantic
- Maritime planning in the Gulf of Guinea
- Conclusion
Part III. Tools for marine spatial planning. Moving towards interdisciplinarity and innovation
Adrien Brunel, Alessandre Giorgis, Noé Bente et al.
Chapter 12. Marine spatial planning in data-poor contextsTo get the facts, reach for the sky
- Introduction
- Materials and methods
- Tools
- Google Earth
- Method
- Discretisation grid
- Categorisation
- Enumeration of the features
- Indicators of anthropogenic pressures
- General calculation
- Fishing activity
- Tourism
- Results
- Counts
- Pressure index maps
- Discussion
- Limitations of the approach
- Points to keep in mind
- Recommendations for future use of the approach
Hilde Toonen, Pamela Bachmann-Vargas et Xander Keijser
Chapter 13. Participatory and deliberative governance tools for marine spatial planning in the tropical AtlanticMauricio Duarte dos Santos, Solange Teles da Silva et Carolina Dutra
Chapter 14. Marine spatial planning and recreational uses of the seaProtection of surfing sites
- Introduction
- The social pillar of MSP
- The socio-cultural dimension in MSP
- The natural, social and economic value of surfing sites
- Surfable waves: a rare phenomenon
- The multiple services of surf breaks
- Consideration of surf breaks in MSP
- MSP initiatives and surf site protection
- New Zealand
- Peru
- Chile
- Spain
- Australia
- Brazil
- Conclusion: recognition of the value of surf breaks in MSP
Adrien Brunel et Sophie Lanco Bertrand
Chapter 15. Strengths and weaknesses of decision support toolsA didactic example on the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha
- Introduction
- Materials and methods
- Tools for the systematic selection of conservation sites
- Optimisation for maths dummies
- Underlying mathematics
- Overview
- Application to conservation site selection
- Marxan/prioritizR
- Input data
- Output data
- Graphical representation of the analysis flow
- Data
- Acoustics
- Fishing
- Bathymetry
- Summary of scenarios
- Results
- Reserve compactness
- Influence of cost allocation
- Metaheuristic (Marxan) and exact (prioritzR) algorithms
- Target sensitivity analysis
- Influence of the resolution
- Irreplaceability
- Discussion
- Limitations of DST approaches
- Key points to keep in mind
Olivier Ragueneau
Chapter 16. Questions around interdisciplinarity- Introduction
- Interdisciplinarity: what are we talking about?
- Between pluri- and trans-
- Why interdisciplinarity?
- Between narrow and wide interdisciplinarity
- Between true and superficial interdisciplinarity
- Barriers and bridges to true interdisciplinarity
- Implications for education and training
- A look back at the importance of inter- and transdisciplinary research
- Why a glossary?
- Methodology
- Structure of the glossary
- Baseline
- Biodiversity
- Coastal zone
- Connectivity
- Continental shelf
- Ecosystem
- Ecosystem processes
- Exclusive economic zone
- Extension of the continental shelf
- Food web
- Habitat
- Integrated coastal zone management
- Management plan
- Marine governance
- Marine protected areas
- Marine spatial planning
- Ocean governance
- Oligotrophic
- Pelagic/demersal/benthic area
- Resilience
- Territorial sea
- Upwelling
- Zoning plan