Table des matières
Valérie Verdier
PrefaceEstienne Rodary
Introduction- Preserving nature: the long game
- Biodiversity: from a sectoral approach to an integrated understanding
- Sustainable development: a holistic approach
- The objectives of sustainable development: bringing ethics back into the fold
- Sustainability, diversity and ethics at the heart of scientific preoccupations
New tools for studying biodiversity
Protecting biodiversity
Biodiversity and health
Biodiversity to feed the world
List of Scientific Contributors
- New tools for studying biodiversity
- Swimming in a stream of information
- Artificial intelligence to the rescue for biodiversity
- The Nagoya protocol, reconciling ambition with effective action
- Listening to the environment
- A botanist in my smartphone
- Using genetics to identify the adaptative capacities of coral
- Protecting biodiversity
- Converting waste water into fertiliser for leafier cities
- Of dams and fish
- Cataloguing the French Guiana forest
- Birds and tourists as research topics
- Making sure that regulation rhymes with appropriation
- The proportion of birds
- Biodiversity and health
- Nature’s abundance protects us against pandemics
- At the cutting edge of ethnopharmacology
- Tracking infectious diseases
- Controlling the inevitable
- Biodiversity to feed the world
- Trees, the backbone of agriculture
- Moving towards sustainable aquaculture
- Adaptive fishing in Peru
- Pastures and humans drip-fed by glaciers
- Custodians of agricultural diversity
- Rice as a common good
- The potential of the world beneath our feet
- Mangroves, a new Eldorado?
- Plant symbiosis
- The Hidden Agriculture of the Amazon Forest