Contributors, research establishments and resources
p. 261-269
Texte intégral
Part 1
1Serge Janicot, climatologist, UMR LOCEAN / AMMA programme.
2Chapter 1
3Françoise Vimeux, climatologist, UMR HSM / LEFE programme.
4Abdelfettah Sifeddine, geologist-paleoclimatologist, UMR LOCEAN / LMI Paleotraces.
5Chapter 2
6Jerome Aucan, oceanographer, physicist, UMR LEGOS.
7Christophe Menkes, oceanographer, UMR LOCEAN.
8Jean-Michel Martinez, hydrologist-remote sensing, UMR GET / SO HYBAM.
9Chapter 3
10Jean-Michel Martinez, hydrologist-remote sensing, UMR GET / SO HYBAM.
11Marielle Gosset, hydrometéorologist, UMR GET / Mégha-Tropiques programme and Rain Cell Africa.
12Frédéric Guérin, biogeochemist, UMR GET.
13Chapter 4
14François Colas, oceanographer, physicist, UMR LOCEAN / LMI DISCOH.
15Vincent Échevin, oceanographer, UMR LOCEAN.
16Christophe Peugeot, hydrologist, UMR HSM.
17UMR: joint research unit UMI: international joint research unit
18LMI: joint international research laboratory
19Pascal Terray, climatologist, UMR LOCEAN / LMI CEFIRSE.
20Benjamin Sultan, climatologist, UMR LOCEAN.
21Théo Vischel, hydroclimatologist, UMR LTHE.
22Chapter 5
23Myriam Khodri, climatologist, UMR LOCEAN.
24Chapter 6
25Matthieu Lengaigne, climatologist, UMR LOCEAN.
26Abdoulaye Deme, climatologist, Gaston Berger University.
27Juliette Mignot, climatologist, UMR LOCEAN.
28Chapter 7
29Martial Bernoux, agro-soil scientist, UMR Eco & Sol.
30Hubert Mazurek, geographer, UMR LPED.
Part 2
31Chapter 8
32Philippe Cury, marine ecologist, IRD representative for Europe at the CLORA.
33Arnaud Bertrand, marine ecologist, UMR MARBEC.
34Sophie Bertrand, marine ecologist, UMR MARBEC/ TOPINEME programme.
35Christophe Lett, ecology modelling scientist, UMI UMMISCO.
36Jean-Yves Weigel, economist, UMR PRODIG.
37Hicham Masski, oceanologist, biologist, INRH.
38Chapter 9
39Gilbert David, geographer, UMR Espace-DEV.
40Jérôme Aucan, ooceanographer, physicist, UMR LEGOS.
41Daniel Guiral, ecologist, UMR IMBE.
42Serge Andrefouët, biologist, UMR ENTROPIE.
43Marie-Christine Cormier-Salem, geographer, UMR Paloc / LMI PATEO.
44Chapter 10
45Benjamin Sultan, climatologist, UMR LOCEAN.
46Cécile Dardel, satellite remote sensing researcher UMR GET.
47Françoise Guichard, atmospheric physicist, UMR CNRM-Game.
48Laurent Kergoat, ecologist, GET.
49Thierry Lebel, hydrometeorologist, UMR LTHE.
50Christophe Peugeot, hydrologist, UMR HSM.
51Jean-Yves Weigel, economist, UMR PRODIG.
52Famory Sinaba, agro-economist, IER.
53Chapter 11
54Thomas Condom, hydrologist-glaciologist, UMR LTHE.
55Thierry Lebel, hydrometeorologist, UMR LTHE.
56Thierry Winkel, agro-ecologist, UMR CEFE.
57Olivier Dangles, ecologist, UMR EGCE.
58Paul-André Calatayud, entomologist, UMR EGCE, associate researcher at ICIPE.
59Bruno Le Ru, entomologist, UMR EGCE.
60Jean-François Sylvain, ecologist, UMR EGCE.
61Chapter 12
62Philippe Léna, geographer-sociologist, UMR PALOC.
63Pierre Couteron, ecologist, UMR AMAP.
64Jean-Loup Guyot, hydrologist, UMR GET.
65Frédérique Seyler, soil scientist-hydrologist, UMR Espace-DEV.
66Chapter 13
67Valérie Clerc, town planner-architect, UMR CESSMA.
68Sébastien Hardy, geographer, UMR PRODIG.
69Hubert Mazurek, geographer, UMR LPED.
70Catherine Paquette, researcher in development and town planning, UMR LPED.
Part 3
71Chapter 14
72Catherine Aubertin, economist, UMR PALOC.
73Philippe Méral, economist, UMR GRED.
74Marc Raffinot, economist, UMR DIAL/LEDA.
75Cécile Bidaud, sociologist, Bangor University.
76Chapter 15
77Jean-François Guégan, health ecologist, UMR MIVEGEC.
78Jean-Paul Moatti, economist, Chairman and Managing Director of IRD.
79Chapter 16
80Martial Bernoux, agro-soil scientist, UMR Eco & Sols.
81Yves Vigouroux, genetician, UMR DIADE.
82Robin Duponnois, microbial ecologist, UMR LSTM.
83Laure Emperaire, botanist-ethnobotanist, UMR PALOC / PPR AMAZ.
84Richard Lalou, demographer, UMR LPED.
85Geneviève Michon, ethnobotanist, UMR Gred / LMI MEDITER.
86Chapter 17
87Sophie Lewandowski, knowledge sociologist, UMR LPED.
88Valeria Hernandez, social anthropologist, UMR CESSMA.
89Alain Gioda, climatologist, UMR HSM.
90Marie-Christine Cormier-Salem, geographer, UMR PALOC / LMI PATEO.
91Edmond Dounias, ethnobiologist, UMR CEFE, associate researcher at CIFOR.
92Chapter 18
93Luc Cambrézy, geographer, UMR LPED.
94Jean-Luc Dubois, economist, UMI Résilience.
95Edmond Dounias, ethnobiologist, UMR CEFE, associate researcher at CIFOR.
Research units
Units and laboratories
96UMR AMAP (Botany and modelling of plant and vegetation architecture) Inra, CNRS, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier University
97UMR BOREA (Biology of aquatic organisms and ecosystems) MNHN, CNRS, UMPC, Caen Normandie University, IRD, Antilles and Guiana University
98UMR CEFE (Functional and evolutive ecology centre) CNRS, Montpellier University, Paul-Valéry Montpellier-III University, EHESS, Supagro, Inra, IRD
99LMI CEFIRSE (Franco-Indian water science research unit) IISc, NIO, IITM, IRD
100LMI Ceped (Population and development centre) Paris Descartes University, IRD
101UMR CEREGE (European centre for research and teaching in environmental geosciences) Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, IRD, Collège de France
102UMR CESSMA (Centre for studies in social sciences of the African, American and Asian worlds) Paris Diderot University, Inalco, IRD
103UMR DEVSOC (Development and societies) Paris-I Panthéon Sorbonne University, IRD
104UMR DIADE (Plant diversity, adaptation and development) IRD, Montpellier University, CIRAD, CNRS
105UMR DIAL/LEDa (Development, institutions and globalisation/Dauphine economics laboratory) IRD, Paris Dauphine University
106LMI Discoh (Dynamics of the Humboldt Current system) Imarpe, IRD, UPCH, UNMSM
107UMR Eco & Sols (Functional ecology and the biology of soils and agrosystems) Inra, Supagro, CIRAD, IRD
108UMR EGCE (Evolution, genomes, behaviour, ecology) Paris Sud University, CNRS, IRD
109UMR ENTROPIE (Tropical marine ecology the Pacific and Indian oceans) IRD, la Réunion University, CNRS
110UMR EPOC (Ocean and continental environments and paleo-environments) OASU, CNRS, Bordeaux-I University
111UMR ESPACE-DEV (Development) IRD, Montpellier University, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, la Réunion University
112UMR GÉOAZUR (Land, sea and space) CNRS, Insu, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University, IRD, UPMC, OCA
113UMR GET (Environmental geosciences, Toulouse) Toulouse-III Paul-Sabatier University, CNRS, Cnes, IRD
114LMI Great Ice (Glaciers and water resources in the tropical Andes: environment climate change indicators) IRD, CNRS, EPN, Inamhi
115UMR GRED (Governance, risk, environment, development) IRD, Paul-Valéry Montpellier-III University
116UMR HSM (Hydrosciences) CNRS, IRD, Montpellier University
117UMR IMBE (Mediterranean Institute of Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity) Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, IRD, Avignon and Vaucluse University
118UMR LEGOS (Spatial geophysics and oceanographic laboratory) Cnes, IRD, Toulouse-III Paul-Sabatier University, CNRS
119UMR LEMAR (Marine environmental sciences laboratory) IUEM, Bretagne occidentale University, IRD, CNRS, Ifremer
120UMR LOCEAN (Oceanography and climate laboratory: experimental and digital approaches) Ecce Terra, CNRS, IRD, MNHN, UPMC, Institut Pierre Simon-Laplace
121UMR LPED (Population, environment and development laboratory) Aix-Marseille University, IRD
122UMR LPO (Sea physics laboratory) CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, Bretagne occidentale University
123UMR LSTM (Tropical and Mediterranean symbiosis laboratory) IRD, CIRAD, Inra, Supagro, Montpellier University
124UMR LTHE (Laboratory for the study of transfers in hydrology and the environment) CNRS, G-INP, IRD, Joseph Fourier Grenoble University
125UMR Marbec (Marine biodiversity, exploitation and conservation) IRD, Ifremer, Montpellier University, CNRS
126LMI Mediter (Mediterranean terroirs: environment, heritage and development) IRD, Mohammed V Agdal University
127UMR Mivegec (Infectious diseases and vectors. Ecology, genetics, evolution and control) IRD, CNRS, Montpellier University
128LMI Paléotraces (Tropical paleoclimatology: tracers and variability) IRD, Fluminense Federal University, Antofagasta University
129UMR PALOC (Local heritages and governance) IRD, MNHN
130LMI PATEO (Water heritage and areas) IRD, Université Gaston-Berger
131UMR PRODIG (Research centre for the organisation and dissemination of geographic information) CNRS, Paris-I University, Paris Sorbonne University, Paris Diderot University, AgroParisTech, Ephe, IRD
132UMI Résiliences IRD, Cires
133UMI UMMISCo (Unit for the mathematical and computer modelling of complex systems IRD, UPMC
Monitoring facilities
134AMMA-CATCH (Multidisciplinary analysis of African monsoons/Connection with the tropical atmosphere)
135BVET (better understanding of the functioning of drainage basins)
136GLACIOCLIM (glaciers for climate observation)
137GOPS (large South Pacific monitoring service)
138HYBAM (hydrology and biochemistry of the Amazon)
139MSEC (conservation of water and soil resources in South-East Asia)
140OMERE (Mediterranean monitoring facility for the rural environment and water)
141PIRATA (monitoring the tropical Atlantic)
142Multidisciplinary monitoring of the urban environment in Marseille
143SSS (observation of surface water salinity in the sea)
Programmes, projects
144AMMA programme (Multidisciplinary analysis of African monsoons)
145AMAZ programme (Environmental dynamics, resources and societies in Amazonia)
146Biothaw project (Biodiversity and People Facing Climate Change in Tropical High Andean Wetlands)
147Carboocean programme (Carbon sources and ocean sinks)
148Citizen Science programme
149Equeco programme (Emergence of quinoa in world trade and consequences for social sustainability and farming stability in the Bolivian uplands)
150Escape programme (Past, present and future environmental and social changes in Africa)
151Euromarine project (Marbef, Marine Genomics and Eur-Oceans networks) Future Earth programme (Research for global sustainability)
152Great Green Wall project
153INTERFACE project
154INVALUABLE project
155LEFE programme (Fluid envelopes and the environment)
156Mégha-Tropiques programme (Water cycle in the tropical atmosphere in the context of climate change)
157Pacivur programme (Andean programme for training and research in vulnerability and risks in urban environments)
158Pacta project
159RainCell Africa project
160Rime-Pampa project
161Serena programme (Environmental services in rural areas)
162Sentimiel initiative (Bees and humans: local naturalist knowledge, honey collection and global change)
163Topineme programme (Top Predators as Indicators of Exploited Marine Ecosystem dynamics)
IRD resources used
Indigo photo library
164A unique collection of more than 58,000 photographs taken in countries in the South – Africa, Asia, Latin America, Oceania and French overseas regions and communities. The library conserves and distributes images taken and described in captions by IRD scientists. The field and laboratory images cover various disciplines: life and earth sciences, health, human and social sciences. The images are provided free of charge for educational and scientific use.
Scientific news-sheets
166Scientific news-sheets published two or three times a month report the latest research results at IRD. Carefully explained, reliable information enables better understanding of today’s major research issues for the development of countries in the South. The news-sheets are also published in English and Spanish.
The journal Sciences au Sud
168The various sections of the journal Sciences au Sud give a panoramic view of research work in all disciplines concerning developing countries, the ways in which research is organised, expertise and the transfer and use of research results and training and support for teams in the South. It is intended for a broad readership: IRD staff, scientific and institutional partners in France and abroad, journalists, students, teachers etc.
170IRD is present at major scientific events, those for meeting young people and, more broadly, for the general public. Exhibitions are set up by IRD or handled jointly with—among others— Universcience, scientific and technical centres, associations such as ASTS (Association science technologie société) and French institutes abroad. Production and distribution are supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.
Interactive web platform ‘Le climat sous surveillance’
172Within the framework of COP 21 (Paris, December 2015), this interactive web platform presents the scientific instruments used to study climate changes in various environments (seas, mountains, forests, rivers, arid zones, urban zones and island and coastal environments: humorous animated films, teaching resource file, explanatory videos, links to complementary documentary resources (exhibitions, films, books, etc.), personal pages and video interviews of scientists and a dialogue facility.
The website section ’Climat et changements climatiques au Sud’
174Climate changes form a major line of IRD’s research in the South. A section of the website describes the multidisciplinary research programmes conducted by the Institute and its partners in more than 25 countries. The work is closely associated with training operations in and through research in order to enhance expertise in countries in the South so that they can play an active, visible role in international scientific mobilisation on climate change.
Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence Licence OpenEdition Books. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.
Changement climatique
Quels défis pour le Sud ?
Serge Janicot, Catherine Aubertin, Martial Bernoux et al. (dir.)
Climate change
What challenges for the South?
Serge Janicot, Catherine Aubertin, Martial Bernoux et al. (dir.)
Hommes et natures. People and natures. Seres humanos y naturalezas
Elisabeth Motte-Florac, Yildiz Aumeeruddy-Thomas et Edmond Dounias
50 ans de recherche pour le développement en Polynésie
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